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PPSh-41 Story Quotes

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,初次见面!欸?我的身体?不重啊,一点都不重呢! 初めまして、指揮官!私、全然重たくないですよ。Play 처음 뵙겠습니다, 지휘관. 저, 무겁다던가 전혀 그렇지 않으니까요...! Please to meet you, Commander! Y'know.. I'm not that heavy at all!
Introduction 为了应对作战需要,经过短期的试验,我,波波沙冲锋枪便匆匆地奔赴了战场。“将一件事情变得简单是非常困难的”,正是反复雕琢的精神,使得我能够胜任各种作战环境,这一切都是设计师和战士们的功劳。 작전의 요구에 대응하기 위해서 단기간 실험을 거치고 저, PPsh41 기관단총이 급히 전장에 발을 내딛었어요. "하나의 일을 간단하게 만드는 것은 매우 어렵다." 끊임없이 자신을 다듬는 이 정신은, 저를 어떠한 작전환경에서도 움직일 수 있게 했어요. 이 모든 것이 설계사와 전사들의 공로이죠. In order to meet combat needs, after a short experimental period, I, PPSh submachinegun rushed to the battlefield. "To simplify something often is a difficult task." My adaptability to every combat environment is all due to the unrelenting spirits of my designer and fellow soldiers.
Secretary 诶?啊……您吓到我了。 え?あ、はい!びっくりしました。Play 에? 아, 네...깜짝 놀랐어요... Eh? Ah.....you scared me.
唔……有什么事吗? あの…なんですか。Play 저기...무슨 일이시죠? Erm.....is something the matter?
我只要作为一个旁观者,就足够了…… 私は聞き役でいいんです。Play 저는 듣기만 해도 괜찮아요. Being a bystander is enough for me......
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관님, 지난번 제 공연 어떠셨나요? 원하신다면, 다음번엔 더 좋은 노래를 골라볼게요.
Commander how was my last performance? If you want, I will choose a more spectacular tune for you.
지휘관. 당신과 이 신성한 계약을 맺을 수 있다니, 저는 지금...인생에서 최고로 행복해요! 앞으로 더욱 더 많은 명예를 당신에게 바칠게요.
Commander, being able to sign this OATH with you is the most fulfilment I've ever felt in my life. From today on, please let me bring you all the glory and honour!
Greeting ああ、お帰りなさい。Play 아~ 다녀오셨어요~! Ah... Welcome back!
T-Doll Produced あの、ええと、製造が完了しました。Play 저기… 그… 제조가, 완료되었어요. Oh?... Umm... The production has just completed!
Joining an echelon 私なんかで良ければ......Play 저로도 괜찮다면.. If you don't mind someone like me...
Enhancement わざわざありがとうございます。Play 매번 감사드려요. You didn't have to... but thank you!
Dummy-linking たくさんの同志が加わるのね、ハラショー!Play 많은 동지가 추가되는거네요! Хорошо~ I have so many comrades joining in!.. Хорошо!
Logistics (start) 偉大な使命なんですね、このペーペーシャ41にお任せください!Play 위대한 사명이네요. 이 PPSh-41에게 맡겨주세요. This great mission? Please leave it to this PPSh-41!
Logistics (end) 重要な任務、完了しました!Play 중요한 임무, 완료했습니다! I'm back from completing an important mission!
Autobattle 信念を守る戦い、私にお任せください!Play 신념을 지키는 싸움, 저한테 맡겨주세요! A fight protecting our beliefs.. leave it to me please!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 怖くなんかない、怖くなんかない!Play 무섭지 않아, 무섭지 않아! I'm not scared, I'm not scared!
Starting a battle ヒィィィ!Play 히이이이이이이이이!!! Hiiii!
Skill activation ウ、ウラー!Play 우…Ура~!!! U-uraa!
私、この戦いで、光輝きます!Play 저, 이 싸움에서 빛나보이겠어요! I, in this battle, will show brilliance!
私も、このまま守りつつられることを願っています!Play 저도, 이대로 지켜낼걸 바라고 있어요!
Heavily damaged もう、戦えません……Play 더…싸울 수 없어요…! I can't fight anymore...
Retreat まっ、負けちゃいました......うぅぅ......Play 져…져버렸어요… 흐우우… I-I've lost...
MVP 良かった~Play 다행이야~ I'm glad~
Restoration うぅぅ、少し休憩してもいいですか?Play 으에… 조금 휴식해도 될까요… Uuh, can I get a little rest?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 已经万圣节了吗……指挥官,要多关心PPS-43哦。啊,总之先关心下自己比较好吧…… もうハロウインですか、指揮官、妹のPPS43には気をつけて下さいね?Play 벌써 핼러윈이네요. 지휘관, 동생인 PPS-43은 조심하세요. Already Halloween...? Commander you have to show more care to PPS-43, well maybe a bit more care to yourself first...
Christmas 指揮官、そろそろクリスマスですね。こんな季節は単土があった方がいいかもしれません。Play 지휘관… 슬슬, 크리스마스네요. 이런 계절엔 난로가 있는게 좋을거 같아요.
New Year's Day 一年過ぎるのは早いですね指揮官。今年は戦いもダイエットもがんばりますよ。


1년 지나가는게 빠른거 같아요 지휘관. 전 싸움도 다이어트도 힘낼꺼에요! One year quickly passes, commander. I'll working hard this year for battle and diet.
Valentine's day 指揮官、これ受け取ってください。深い意味はありません、本当ですよ。


지휘관... 이거...받아주세요! 특별한 의미는 없어요. 정말...이라구요? Shikikan, please take this. There's no hidden motive, really.
Tanabata お願い事はダイエットにするか妹の事にするか…悩みますね。うふふ、全部叶うといいな。


What should I wish for, diet or my little sister... this is troubling. Ufufu, would be nice if both come true.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,我们又见面了!全新的我,一定会为同志们带来全新的荣誉的! Play We meet again, Commander! I'll bring glory to my comrades as a brand new me!
Secretary 指挥官,有命令吗? Play What are your orders, Commander?
Всего хорошего! Play Всего хорошего!
别捏了指挥官,我哪里重啦!……诶?您在检查装备?真——的——? Play Quit pinching me, Commander, I'm not heavy! ...Hm? You were checking my gear? Oh—really—?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, how was my performance last time? If you like, I can dedicate a better song to you next time.
Commander, forging this oath with you is the happiest moment of my life. Let me bring you more glory from this day on!
Greeting Товарищи,здравствуйте.准备开始今天的工作吧! Play Товарищи, здравствуйте. Let's prepare for the day's work!
T-Doll Produced 新的同志加入了,欢迎! Play A new comrade has joined us! Welcome!
Joining an echelon 光荣的时刻,加入战斗! Play Glory is at hand, let's join the battle!
Enhancement Спасибо.我会珍惜的! Play Спасибо. i will cherish this!
Dummy-linking 哈拉休,更多的同志加入了。 Play Harasho, more comrades have joined us.
Logistics (start) 这伟大的使命就交给波波沙我吧。 Play Allow this Papasha to handle this grand directive.
Logistics (end) 重要的行动,波波沙已经完成了。 Play Papasha has completed this important mission.
Autobattle 守卫信念的作战,请交给我吧! Play Leave this battle to protect our convictions to me!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 收到命令,我会战斗到底的! Play Order received! I'll fight to the end!
Starting a battle За победа! Play За победу!
Skill activation Ypa——! Play Ypa—!
和我一起迎接伟大的胜利吧! Play Let us seize this great victory together!
这一次,我也一定会保卫大家! Play I'll protect everyone as well this time!
Heavily damaged 唔!别管我,各位,请继续战斗! Play Urgh! Never mind me, everyone, keep fighting!
Retreat 为了更重大的胜利,这次先撤退吧……为了之后考虑,这次先撤退吧…… Play Let's retreat now for the sake of the future...
MVP 感谢同志们的努力,光辉的胜利——万岁——! Play Thank you for your hard work, comrades! Our shining victory will last forever!
Restoration 呜……稍微休息一下可以吗? Play Ngh... Could I rest for a bit?
Attack Вперёд,товарищи! Play Вперёд, товарищи!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Осторожно! Play Осторожно!
Phrase 我才不重呢! Play I'm not heavy!
Tip 不过我能告诉您的东西就只有这么一点…… Play Still, I can only tell you so much...
Loading 可、可以请您稍等一下吗? Play Could, could you wait a little?