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PP-2000 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition PP-2000冲锋枪,今后请让我紧随您的脚步。 PP-2000です、ずっとあなたの傍にいますね、えへ。Play PP2000입니다. 계속 당신의 곁에 있을 수 있겠네요. 후훗. PP-2000 submachine gun. I will be staying by your side from now on, hehe~
Introduction PP2000同时兼具着冲锋手枪和个人防卫武器的特点,适合非军事人员使用,公开之初便被不少执法机构采购。记得在最初公开时,因为奇特的外形受到了很多关注,厂商还为此申请过专利。不过我的实力一点不弱哦……真的呀! PP2000 돌격권총과 개인방어무기의 특성을 동시에 겸비하고 있어요. 비 군사인원이 사용하기 적합하여, 처음 공개되었을 때 적지 않은 집행기관에 채용되었어요. 최초로 공개되었을 때를 더듬어보면, 기괴하고 특이한 외형 때문에 그다지 관심을 받지는 못했어요. 판매 책임자는 그런 까닭으로 특허권을 신청했어요. 하지만 제 실력은 하나도 약하지 않은걸요... 정말이에요! PP2000, having both assault pistol and PDW's traits. Due to the suitability for none-military type usage, after the design specs were released, many law enforcing organizations called for contracts, the manufacturer even requested for trademarks. But my performance are not weak at all... Really!
Secretary 有什么事吗? はい、どうかなさいましたか。Play 네! 무슨 일 있으신가요? What's the matter?
有什么问题吗? 何かお困りですか。Play 뭔가 곤란하신 일이라도 있으신가요? Is there a problem?
今天的天气不错呀。 いいお天気ですね。Play 좋은 날씨네요! Nice weather we have today.
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관, 오늘 제 움직임 안정적이었나요? 이렇게 계속 신뢰를 받으니, 저도 자신감이 생기네요.
Commander was my performance reliable today? After all you've trusted me all this time, I must be more confident with myself.
지휘관. 이런 곳으로 부르시다니, 제가 또 뭔가 저질렀나요? 앗...그런 일을... 괘, 괜찮으신 건가요? 이런 제가...지휘관에게 인정받게 되다니...
Commander, did anything go wrong? That's why you called me here right? Eh? Wha...? Can I really? I've... Finally being recognized by you Commander...
Greeting 恭候多时了。 お待ちしておりました。Play 기다렸습니다. I've been waiting for your return.
T-Doll Produced 建造顺利完成。 製造が完了致しました。Play 제조가 완료되었습니다. Construction finished successfully.
Joining an echelon 请放心交给我。 私にお任せください。Play 저에게 맡겨 주세요. Please count on me for this.
Enhancement 我会加倍努力的! 頑張ります!Play 노력하겠습니다! I will work even harder!
Dummy-linking 完成扩编!就这个编队,能不能得到更多的信任呢? 拡大完了!この編成で、もっと信じて貰えるようになるかしら?Play 편제확대 완료. 이대로라면, 조금 더 많은 신뢰를 얻을 수 있겠죠? Expansion complete! With this kind of expansion, will I earn more trust from everyone?
Logistics (start) PP-2000开始行动!检查下是否有遗漏物件。 PP-2000、行って参ります!忘れ物ない?Play PP2000, 다녀오겠습니다! 잊어버린 건 없나요? PP-2000, operation begin! Check if we've left anything behind.
Logistics (end) PP-2000平安返回!没拉下东西吧? PP-2000、戻りました!忘れ物はない?Play PP2000, 도착했습니다! 잊어버린 건 없겠죠? PP-2000, safely returned! Have we got everything?
Autobattle 各位,请对我真正的实力拭目以待! 皆、私の本当の力を見て!Play 모두들, 내 진정한 힘을 보라고! Everyone will witness my true strength!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出击! 参ります!Play 전진합니다! Move out!
Starting a battle 请注意掩护身后。 背後に気を付けて下さい。Play 뒤쪽을 잘 봐주세요. Watch your backs.
Skill activation 瞄准!攻击! 用意!攻撃!Play 준비! 공격! Aim! Attack!
这次必保万无一失! 今回はしくじったりしませんよ!Play 이번에는 실패하지 않을 겁니다! Won't be any problems!
差不多该明白了吧,我的破坏力可不是闹着玩的。 私のこの破壊力、おもちゃじゃないって分かたんでしょう?Play 저의 이 파괴력, 말로만 된 게 아니라는 걸 아시겠죠? My destructive powers are not just talks.
Heavily damaged 没问题,我还能继续战斗! まだ、戦えます!Play 으읏.. 아직 싸울 수 있어요...! No problems... I can continue!
Retreat 怎么会这样...... どうして......Play 어째서... How did this happen...
MVP 我们获胜了! 勝ちました!Play 이겼습니다! Victory is ours!
Restoration 唉......大家日后还会不会继续信任我呢? ええ......皆、まだ私のこと、信じてくれますか?Play 으윽... 모두들.. 아직 저를 믿어주겠죠...? Eee... Will people continue to rely on me from now?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今天的试胆大会,我的反应太有趣了……反而把扮妖怪的吓到了……这算是捣蛋成功了吗?诶嘿嘿…… 今日の肝試し、私のリアクションが面白すぎで、逆にお化けを嚇かしちゃった。Play 오늘의 담력시험...저의 리액션이 너무 재미있어서 역으로 도깨비를 놀래켜버렸어요... Today's courage test... My reactions were, too interesting... It scared those who played monsters... Does that count as some form of

success? Ehehe...

Christmas クリスマスですね。みんなを手伝っだいたいですが、そうだ、プレゼントをつと見ます。この熊ちゃんからを始めましょう。Play It's christmas. I want to help everyone. Ah, I can help by wrapping these presents. Let's start from this bear.
New Year's Day 指揮官、新年ですよ。今年はもっと頑張ります、私。


Commander, it's new year. I'll work hard again this year.
Valentine's day 私の手作りチョコは完成まであと一歩だとなのに、爆発ちゃった、残念です。


My handmade chocolate exploded, even though it's just one step away from completion. How unfortunate.
Tanabata せっかく七夕のお願い事書えたのに短冊を無くしちゃった…付いてないないな…


Although I've write my wish for tanabata, I lost my tanzaku. I can't hang it now...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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