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PM1910 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我就是PM1910!干架的事千万记得叫上我啊! PM1910だ!どんぱち始めるなら、このあたしを呼べ!Play PM1910이다, 쌈박질할 일이 있으면 바로 날 부르라고! I'm PM1910! Make sure you remember to call me out when it's time for a fight!
Secretary 有话就直说,别这么不干脆! 言いたいことがあんならはっきり言え、はっきり!Play 할 말 있으면 확실하게 말하라고, 확실하게. If you want to say something then say it, don't beat around the bush!
虽然经常说起过去的事,但这不代表我是个守旧的人形,懂了吗? たしかに昔の話はよくするけどよぉ、だからって新しい物が嫌いってわけじゃあないんだぜ?Play 내가 옛날이야기를 자주 하지만 말이야, 그렇다고 신문물이 싫다는 건 아니야. I talk about the past a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm stuck in my ways, got that?
真够无聊的,来点刺激的音乐吧! つまんねぇな、もっとパンチの効いた曲でもかけようぜ!Play 지루해 죽겠네, 좀 더 화끈한 음악을 틀자고! I'm so damn bored, put on some exciting music!
Secretary (post OATH)
야, 어서 타, 한 바퀴 돌고오자고! 뭘 우물쭈물 거리는 건데? 말했잖아, 뒷좌석은 네 거라고... 그냥 타라니까, 어디 가고 싶은 곳 없어?
Oi, get on, I'm taking you on a ride! Why so nervous? I told you right, the seat behind me is yours... Come on, come on, where do you want to go today?
我不久前做了个梦,梦见的是一片树林。 虽然不知道为什么做了这样的梦,但你居然也在那片树林下,知道什么意思吗? 敢在我的梦里出现,今后可有你好果子吃了!
こないだ、森の中にいる夢を見たんだ。 どうしてそんな夢を見たかは分からないが、そこにはあんたもいてよ。つまり何が言いたいか分かるか? 勝手にあたしの夢に出てくるなんて、良い度胸だなってことだ、覚悟しろよ!
최근에 꿈을 꿨는데, 내가 어떤 숲에 있었어. 왜 그런 꿈을 꿨는진 모르겠지만, 너도 그 숲에 있었어. 그게 무슨 뜻인지 알겠어? 함부로 내 꿈속에 나오고 말이야, 정말 간덩이가 부었구나, 앞으로 각오하라고!
Not long ago, I had a dream. In that dream, I saw a forest. While I don't know why I had a dream like that, I saw you in it too. Do you know what that means? It means I'm going to beat the crap out of you for daring to show up in my dream!
Greeting 喂,磨磨蹭蹭的,上哪儿去了! おい、遅いぞ!どこほっつき歩いてたんだ?Play 이봐, 늦었잖아. 어딜 어슬렁거리다 왔어? Oi, where the hell did you go? Dragging your feet and all that!
T-Doll Produced 我对新来的没什么兴趣,自己去看吧! 新入りに興味はねえんだ。あんた一人で見に行ってくれ!Play 신참한테 흥미는 없어, 너 혼자서 보고 와. I don't care about the newbie, go look yourself!
Joining an echelon 给我腾出最好的进攻位置来! 攻撃のベストポジションは空けといてくれ!Play 공격하기 제일 좋은 자리를 내주라고! Put me in the best attacking position!
Enhancement 这点好处完全不够意思嘛,再来啊! こんだけしかねぇのか?もっとくれよ!Play 이것밖에 없어? 좀 더 달라고. It's good, but I barely felt that! Give me another!
Dummy-linking 这就对了,战争可从来不为弱者放松。 そう来なくっちゃ。戦争に手加減なんてもんはねぇからよ。Play 그래야지, 전장에서 봐주는 사람은 없다고. That's right, war has never gone easy on the weak.
Logistics (start) 这种小事就不能找别人吗? こんなん、あたしじゃなくて他のやつに任せりゃあいいだろうが。Play 이딴 건 나 말고 딴 녀석을 찾아도 되잖아? Can't you find someone else to do this small potatoes stuff?
Logistics (end) 简直就像是散步,没有更刺激的行动吗!? まるでただのピクニックだったぜ……なあ、もっと刺激的な任務はねえのか!?Play 완전 소풍인 것 같았네, 좀 더 자극적인 일은 없어? That was like a walk in the park, isn't there a more exciting op I could be on!?
Autobattle 那接下来就大闹一场吧! 暴れてやるぜ〜!Play 날뛰어 볼까! Let's go make a mess of things!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 从格里芬到敌人的每片阵地,让他们为我的名字胆寒吧! グリフィンから敵陣に至るまで、あたしの名を轟かせてやるぜ!Play 그리폰에서 적진까지 내 이름을 떨쳐주겠어! Let them fear our names from Griffin to every single enemy camp!
Starting a battle 可别在我过瘾之前败掉啊! あたしが満足するまで、くたばんじゃねぇぞ!Play 내가 만족하기 전에 뒤지지 말라고! Don't you dare die before I've had my fun!
Skill activation 撕裂吧! 引き裂いてやるぜ!Play 찢어발겨주마! Rip and tear!
到垃圾场去后悔吧! ゴミ捨て場で後悔しな!Play 쓰레기장에서 후회하라고! Go regret your choices in the scrapyard!
力量与荣耀! 力と栄光を!Play 힘과 영광을! Strength and honor!
Heavily damaged 对面的混蛋有点东西,但接下来后悔也晚了! よくもやってくれたなあ?今更後悔しても、もう遅いぜ!Play 잘도 저질렀구나, 이제 후회해도 늦었어! Those bastards over there actually know a thing or two, but after this it'll be too late for them to regret it!
Retreat 别以为这样就算完了! これで終わりだと思うなよ……!Play 이걸로 끝날 줄 생각 말라고! Don't think it's over!
MVP 这点能耐还敢出来卖弄? その程度でよくもまぁ戦場にのこのこ出てきたもんだ。Play 겨우 그 정도로 전장에 나왔구나? You're actually proud of that little bit of endurance?
Restoration 跟以前比,这点伤根本不算什么。 この程度の怪我、昔のと比べりゃ屁でもねぇ。Play 이 정도 상처쯤, 예전에 비하면 별것도 아니야. This is nothing compared to what happened in the past.
Attack 时机正好,给我闪开! 今だっ!どけぇええ!Play 지금이다, 다 비켜! Just in time, now get out of my way!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 捣蛋?给糖?当我是三岁小屁孩吗!? トリックオア……トリート?ガ、ガキじゃねえんだからよ!Play 트릭 오어 트릿? 애새끼도 아니고 뭐야? Trick? Or treat? You think I'm three or something?
Christmas 以前还挺喜欢下雪的,不过现在都更在乎礼物了吧……所以呢,给我带什么来了? 昔は、雪が降ると喜んだりしたもんだが、今はプレゼントのことが気になってしょうがねえ……なあ、どんなプレゼントを用意してくれたんだ?Play 예전엔 눈 오는 게 좋았는데, 지금은 선물이 더 기대되거든... 그래서 어떤 걸 준비했어? In the past, I used to like the snow, but now I prefer presents... So, what did you get for me?
New Year's Day 新年好?净浪费时间说这种废话,过来把这杯喝干了! あけおめだぁ?んな無駄口叩いてねえで、こいつを飲み干せ!


새해 축하? 그딴 말할 시간에 한잔해! Happy New Year? It's a bloody waste of time, get over here and empty this glass!
Valentine's day 喂,拿着巧克力去哪儿啊这是……唔,味道还不错嘛,这些是我的了!还想送人?那你再去做嘛! おーい!チョコなんて持ってどこ行くんだ……?ん~、悪くねぇな。よし、こいつは今からあたしのもんだ!なに?ほかの人に渡す分もある?んなもん、作り直せば済むだろ!


야, 초콜릿 들고 어디 가냐? 으음~ 맛 괜찮은걸? 그럼 이건 이제 내 거다. 뭐? 딴 사람 줄 것도 있다고? 그건 다시 만들면 될 거 아니야. Oi, where the hell do you think you're going with that chocolate, oh wait, this is... Huh, it's pretty good. They're mine now! You want to give them to somebody else? Then make more!
Tanabata 七夕?没听说过。你要是觉得寂寞就来保养我的摩托车吧,最后把它洗干净点! たなばた?聞いた事もねぇな。そんなに寂しいんなら、あたしのバイクを洗ってくれねぇか?ちゃーんとキレイにしてくれよな!


칠석? 들어본 적도 없어, 심심하면 내 바이크 좀 정비해줄래? 깨끗하게 만들어달라고! Tanabata? Never heard of it. If you're feeling lonely, then you can go fix up my bike, and make sure you wash it clean after!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 我以前经历过的比现在要绝望,都给我顶住! もっと絶望的な状況にも耐えてきたんだ、まだいけるはずだ!Play 이것보다 절망적인 상황도 봤어, 아직 버틸만해! I've been through more hopeless things than this, so hang in there, all of you!
Phrase 啊? あ?Play 어? Hah?
Tip 听好了,照我说的做! いいか?あたしの言うとおりにやるんだ!Play 잘 들어, 내 말대로 해라. Listen up and do as I say!
Loading 别发呆,快点! ぼさっとすんな!早くいくぞ!Play 멍때리지 말고 빨리 가자고! Quit spacing out, hurry up!