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PM-06 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哇哦~这就是您的工作制服吗?这让人无法自拔的红色真是太棒了!看来我们会很合得来呢~ へえ、これがあなたの制服?赤い色が魅惑的ですごくいいと思う!なんだか私たち、とっても気がいいそうですね!Play Woah~ This is your uniform? Such an eye catching, magnificent shade of red! Looks like we'll get along nicely!
Introduction (同上) ditto
Secretary 要是宿舍里再多点红色的家具就好了……嘿嘿~指挥官,你有听见吧? 宿舎に赤い家具が増えたらいいのにな~。うふふ、指揮官…聞いてた?Play Our dorms would be better if we had more red furniture... Hehe~ Commander, did you hear what I said?
打那种不见血的敌人真没意思,感觉完全就是浪费子弹嘛。 血の通ってない敵を相手にしても詰まんないや。弾を無駄にしている気分だよ。Play Fighting enemies that don't bleed is so boring, feels like a total waste of bullets.
想散步吗?那你可得晚上约我喽,我可是不晒太阳的。 散歩に行きたい?なら夜に誘ってよ。私は太陽の光嫌いだから。Play Want to go for a walk? You'll have to meet me in the evening though, I don't like being exposed to the sun.
Secretary (post OATH)
Night missions really are the best after all! Hmm? You want to go for a walk with me instead?... You really know how to make things difficult, Commander...
Commander, whatever business you have with me can it wait 'til evening? Woah! Isn't this...! This kind of thing can't wait! Looks like we'll have more important things to do tonight, Hehe~
Greeting 今日の指揮官は調子いいみたいだね。Play You seem to be in good spirits today.
T-Doll Produced 赤紙の新人なら、私の招待に入れてよね。Play If you see any red paper rookies, please send them my personal invitation.
Joining an echelon 誰がリーダー?私がやってもいいよ~。Play Who's the leader? I can do it~.
Enhancement 部品まで余ってる?Play Any extra parts?
Dummy-linking ウオウ~!レッドバイサー!はい、ハッグして!Play Wow~! Red visor! C'mere and give me a hug!
Logistics (start) いい所をしてるよ。まだ何か残ってるかどうか確かめていくよ。Play Nice place I'm heading out to. I'll check to see if there's anything leftover.
Logistics (end) 大変だったかって?そんなことないよ。日の光を浴びてちょと期限悪いけど。Play Was there any trouble? No, not really. Though being exposed to that sunlight was a bit tough.
Autobattle なんか行ってもわくわくは止まらないよ!Play I won't stop even if we get there!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission うふふ、敵もそろそろレッドアラートならすことね!Play Ehehe, the enemy will be on red alert soon!
Starting a battle さあ来い!私の目が届く所で、致死武器あげな!Play Come! Let's raise these lethal weapons to our eyes!
Skill activation あんたたちの血は何色だ!Play Let's see what color your blood is!
ね、笑ってよ。楽にしなせてあげるからさ!Play Hey, start laughing. It'll be easier for you!
ここを狙いたいの?いいよいいよ。でも、当たるかな?Play Wanna aim here? Sure thing. But, are you sure about that?
Heavily damaged 随分と手洗い歓迎だね。同視お返し欲しいのかな?Play Feel free to wash your hands. Should I return this to you?
Retreat 残念…今回はここでさよならね。Play That's too bad...guess this is where we say goodbye.
MVP 指揮官、今夜は赤ワインもう一歩開けていい?うふふふ。Play Commander, mind if I open another bottle of red wine tonight? Ehehehe.
Restoration この服の優位の欠点は血が見え難いことだね。Play The only downside of this outfit is that it's hard to see blood on it.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween これは…赤ワイン?それとも…血?ふ、まあ何でもいいや!とりあえず乾杯!Play Is this... red wine? Or perhaps... blood? Well, whatever! Cheers!
Christmas サンタクロース?うふ、いやいやいや、人違いだよ。確かに、私も赤い服だけどさ。Play Santa Claus? Pfft, no no no, you got the wrong person. Well, that's true that we wear the same red clothes.
New Year's Day 東の人形たちの新年賑やかだね!あっちこっち赤く飾ってるし!私も増せて欲しいよ!


Those eastern dolls' new year is so lively! Everything is decorated in red! Let me participate!
Valentine's day チョコに少しだけ赤ワインを入れてみたんだ。酔っちゃだめだよ~。


I put a little red wine in here. Don't get drunk okay~.
Tanabata こんな賑やかな夜も珍しいね!昼よりも人が多いんじゃない?


What an unusual lively night! Aren't there more people here now than at noon?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play