Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 指挥官,我会为您消灭敌手,作为交换,请您和我保持距离。 | 指揮官、敵はちゃんと殲滅するから、近付かないでくれる? | Commander, I will eliminate your foes, in exchange please stay a reasonable distance away from me. | |
Introduction | 为了取代RPD等过时的同僚,战争之后,AK-47的设计者设计了PK系列通用机枪,并在冷战期间前往本国与盟国服役。与同期的M60和MG3等机枪算是宿敌呢,虽然没有太多交手。不过只有实力同样出众的武器,才能称之为对手呢。 | To replace outdated comrades such as RPD, designer of AK47 came up with PK franchise of General Purpose Machine Gun, served the home nations and allied nations alike during the Cold War era. Could be considered Nemesis with M60 and MG3 of that era despite with very few engagements. But only the worthy ones can be considered true enemies. | ||
Secretary | 怎么了? | 何か。 | What? | |
也没有无视你吧。 | 無視はしてないわ。 | I'm not ignoring you. | ||
请你,把手放开…… | 手を離して。 | Your hands, let go of me. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 上次一起品尝的餐馆,您没有透露出去吧?这可是孤独者之间的秘密,请保守到世界末日……
Did you tell anyone about that last restaurant we went to? That's our secret, between two solitary beings, please keep it secret until the world ends.
| ||
OATH | 哦?是吗?能获得您的认可,说明我真正的价值、终于被您看到了。请让我继续与您同在,一起扫清前方的道路。
Oh? Really? You must have recognised my true values to have done this. Please let me stay by your side, together we will sweep open the path forward.
| |
Greeting | 您上哪儿去了?怎么那么晚才来? | どこに行っていた?遅い! | Where did you go? You're late! | |
T-Doll Produced | 人形制造完成。 | 製造完了。 | Production complete. | |
Joining an echelon | 遵命。 | 了解。 | Understood. | |
Enhancement | 挺不错。 | 悪くない。 | Not bad. | |
Dummy-linking | 这就扩编完成了?没想到还挺顺利的。 | 拡大完了か?意外と順調だったな。 | Linking complete? Went easier than expected. | |
Logistics (start) | 收到任务,准备出发! | これより、行って参る! | Roger, moving out! | |
Logistics (end) | 我平安归来了。 | 無事、戻ってきた。 | Safely returned. | |
Autobattle | 若有弱者深陷水火,我必将伸出援手。 | 救いを求める雛だち、私が手を差し伸べてやろう。 | I will lend my aid to the weak. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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