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OTs-39 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 不是每个人都能成为耀眼之物,但大家都拥有自己的使命……指挥官,您会赋予我怎么样的使命呢? 人がみな輝けるとは限らないが、それぞれに使命がある…。指揮官は、どんな使命を私にくださるのか…。Play Not everybody can become an eye-catching one, but everyone still have their own duties... Commander, what kind of duty will you be giving me?
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 我不渴求与众不同,我只是希望自己不要成为弱者。 指揮官、人形たちの名前は全部覚えてるのか?もちろん誰だって忘れられたくないだろう…。だから、私たちのことを心に刻んでくれ。Play Do you still remember every T-doll's name Commander? No one wishes to be forgotten... So please, do well to remember us.
指挥官记得所有人形的名字吗?没有人希望被遗忘……所以,请铭记我们吧。 みんなと違うことは望まない。私はただ、弱者になりたくないだけだ。Play I'm not trying to be different, I just do not wish to become a weakling.
这么喜欢和我聊天吗?看来我和指挥官很合得来呢。 私と話すのが好き?指揮官とは気が合いそうだな。Play Do you enjoy chatting with me? Looks like we fit each other pretty well.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, it feels so natural being with you before long...I hope this moment could last forever.
Commander, thank you for always looking after me...I'm immature, and I can't get rid of all of the obstacles in your path. But, I will always be by your side, and I won't give that place to anyone.
Greeting 指揮官、ご命令を。Play Your orders, Commander.
T-Doll Produced 新入りさん、よろしくお願いね。Play Nice to meet you, newcomer.
Joining an echelon できる限り頑張ります。Play I'll do the best I possibly can.
Enhancement 私は好きだ、この成長する感じ。Play I like it, this growing feeling.
Dummy-linking 指揮官、認(みと)めてくれてありがとう。これからも頑張るよ。Play Commander, thank you for your approval. I will do my best from now on.
Logistics (start) 最高の物資(ぶっし)を持って帰るよ。Play I'll bring you the best supplies
Logistics (end) 指揮官、欲しいものが届いたよ。Play Commander, I got what I came for.
Autobattle 勝利を持って帰る!Play Well return home victorious!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 使命のために、戦う!Play Fight for the mission!
Starting a battle 覚悟ができた!Play Preparations are complete!
Skill activation 私が隙(す)きを作る!Play I'll make a gap!
みんなに光をもたらす!Play Bring light to everyone!
こら!こっちを見ろ!Play Hey! Come and get me!
Heavily damaged あっ…もっと慎重にしたほうが良いのに…Play Ah...I should be a little more careful...
Retreat このまま…何もせずに終わるなんて…Play To let it...end like this...
MVP 指揮官…勝利の瞬間を、一緒に楽しもう!Play Commander, let's enjoy this victorious moment together!
Restoration 済まない……こんな姿、指揮官もがっかりしただろう。Play My apologies...for something like this, surely the Commander would be disappointed.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お菓子が欲しいのに。44ちゃんからりんごをもらった。Play I wanted to eat something sweet. 44 ended up giving me an apple.
Christmas 指揮官メリークリスマス。パーティーの為にデザートが用意したから後で贈る。Play Commander, Merry Christmas. I've prepared some dessert for the party, I'll serve it up a little later.
New Year's Day 来年の今頃私はどように成長しているだろう。


I wonder how I'll grow next year?
Valentine's day 指揮官チョコをいっぱいもらったようだな。誰からもらったのか一つ一つ覚えてのか?


Looks like you ended up receiving a lot of chocolates, Commander. Do you remember who you received each one from?
Tanabata 神様もし私の声が聞こえるならみんながもっと幸せになれるようお願いします。


If you can hear me God, please allow everyone to become happier.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play