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Model L/Quotes

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Model L Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,您就是我的指挥官吧,介意跟我握个手吗?……谢谢配合。 初めまして、あなたが指揮官さまなのですね?よろしいければ握手してもらえませんか?ありがとうございます。Play Greetings, you must be my Commander, would you mind shaking hands? ...Thank you for your cooperation.
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 指挥官,能让我看一下您的作战计划吗?……原来如此,这就是我和您的差距吗…… 指揮官さま、良ければ作戦計画を見せていただけませんか?なるほど、これが今の私に足りないもの。Play Commander, can I have a look at your combat plans? ...I see, so this is the difference between us...
556她们好像在玩什么好玩的东西……不、不行!现在是工作时间,不能去在意别的事。 556たちがなんだか楽しそうな遊びをしてますね。あ、ダメダメ!い…今は仕事の時間よ!他の事気にしちゃダメ!Play 556 and her groupies appears to be playing around with something fun... No, not now! It's work hour, I mustn't pay attention to other things.
这个箱子正好可以挡住我整个人呢,除了作战中能做掩护,捉迷藏的时候也很好用。 この箱、私が「…」隠すピッタリなサイズですね。作戦中は遮蔽物として使ますし。鬼ごっこの時も役に立ちそうです。Play This box can cover my entire body it seems, it could be a good cover, not only for combat, but also pretty useful when playing hide and seek.
Secretary (post OATH)
Today is going to be super busy... Whatever, after we rest up Commander, you should relax and accompany me.
Commander, as a T-Doll, a lot of humans relied on me before... But only you, you are the only one I wish to rely on. Now, can you lend me your shoulder for a bit? ...Thank you for your cooperation.
Greeting 指揮官さま、何か良い知らせはありますか?Play Commander, is there any good news?
T-Doll Produced 指揮官さま、臨んだいた人形が出来ましたよ。Play Commander, the doll you want has been completed.
Joining an echelon 任務を遂行出来れば、誰とでも構いません。Play For this mission, I have no complaint from being paired with anyone.
Enhancement この力は全て、指揮官さまの為に。Play This power, everything is for you Commander.
Dummy-linking このマフラーで、みんなを巻き込んじゃいましょう!Play Let's envelope everyone with this muffler!
Logistics (start) では、いつも通り行ってきます!Play Then, let's do it as always!
Logistics (end) ただいま戻りました。少しくらい、遊びに行ってもいいですよね?Play I've returned. Just a little, can I play?
Autobattle 指揮官さまにお呼びませんが、この程度なら私にも出来ます。Play Even though you're not asking me, if it's just this, I too can do it.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 私の力がお呼ばない部分は、みなさんのご協力お願いします。Play
Starting a battle 敵です!軽劇用意!Play Enemy! Prepare counter attack!
Skill activation これで楽になりますよ!Play This will make it easier!
これでどうですか?!Play How about this one?!
さっきのは本能肩慣らしですよ!Play That's just a warming up!
Heavily damaged ふえ…!な…何かがやってきます?!Play Eh...! W-what did you do to me?!
Retreat 今の状況は私の力ではどうしようもありません。Play There's nothing I can do in this kind of situation.
MVP 全て指揮官さまの予想通りでしたね!本当に心強いです!Play Everything is according to your expectation, Commander. It's really reassuring!
Restoration 仕事も遊びも出来ないなんて…退屈ですね…Play I can't work nor play, how boring...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 人形にしろお化けにしろ。遊びたい気持ちは一緒なんでしょうね。Play
Christmas メリークリスマス、指揮官さま!まだまだ寒いですから、お身体には気を付けてくださいね。私のマフラー…良ければ貸しますよ。Play Merry Christmas, Commander! It's still cold outside, you better take care of your body. If you're fine with it... I could lend you my muffler.
New Year's Day 指揮官さま、新年の予定は決まってますか?例えば、どこかに遊びに言いたりとか。私を連れていてくれてもいいですよ。


Commander, do you have any plan for new year? Like going out somewhere. It's fine to take me somewhere.
Valentine's day 私、チョコよりもプリンを作る方は得意です。そっちの方が楽しいですから。


Rather than making chocolate, I could make pudding better. It's more exciting.
Tanabata うぐ…もやもやする。外は楽しいことで溢れているのに、仕事しなければならないなんて…!うぐ…。


Ugh... i feel gloomy. Even though the outside is brimming with excitement, I can't leave my work...! Ugh...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play