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MT-9 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 长官,我是MT-9,请指引我走向胜利吧! タウルスMT-9だぜ!勝利へ導いてくれよ、指揮官!Play I'm Taurus MT-9! Please guide me to victory, Commander!
Introduction (same as above)
Secretary 指揮官, 准备好出发了吗! 指揮官、出発準備OKか?Play Commander, are the sortie preparations OK?
上次的作战记录您过目了吗? 我的表现怎么样? この間の作戦ログ見たか?ウチは…どう?Play Have you seen the latest strategy log? How... was I?
喂, 指揮官! 把我叫到这里来, 原来不是为了特训吗! ちょっと、指揮官!ここに呼んだのは特訓のためじゃなかったのかよ?!Play Whoa there, Commander! So it wasn't special training that you called me here for?!
Secretary (post OATH)
People didn't dislike my food the other day, right? You've always been encouraging me, so I should start having a bit more confidence as well...
(JP) Commander, you've never even once given up on me [(CN) because of my origin]... even when I'm feeling down, you've always been at my side. Without your support, I'd have already lost faith in myself... And that's why I will not yield! I'll puff my chest with pride and carry on together with you!
Greeting 指揮官!元気出して、新しい一日の始まりだぜ!Play Commander! Cheer up, a new day has started!
T-Doll Produced 待ってたぜ!Play I was waiting for you!
Joining an echelon タウルスMT-9、ただいま入隊するぜ!Play Taurus MT-9, right now joining in!
Enhancement ありがとう!もっと頑張らなくちゃな!Play Thanks! I will strive more!
Dummy-linking 信頼してくれてありがとう!精一杯努力するぜ!Play Thanks for believing me! I'll give it my all!
Logistics (start) じゃ、行ってくるぜ!Play Then, I'm off!
Logistics (end) 指揮官!無事、任務完了!Play Commander! Without a hitch, mission complete!
Autobattle みんな!ウチの努力の成果、見てくれよ!Play Everyone! Just check out the results of my effort!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission チャンスだ!出発するぜ!Play A chance! I'm departing!
Starting a battle よーし、行くぜ!Play Alright, let's go!
Skill activation 負けない!Play I won't lose!
降参なら今の内だ!Play If you wanna surrender, now's the time!
絶対退かない!Play I will not retreat!
Heavily damaged ぐ…こんな所で、倒れるなんて…Play Guh... To be defeated, in a place like this...
Retreat すまない、指揮官…ウチの…力不足で…Play Sorry, Commander... Because of my... lack of strength...
MVP 勝った!よっしゃー!みんな、大声を出して存分に祝おうぜ!Play We won! YEEEAH! Everyone, let's shout our lungs out and celebrate all we can!
Restoration すまない…もっと頑張らなくちゃな…Play Sorry... I must do more...
Attack ウチの番だぜ!Play Now's my turn!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指揮官、楽しかったか?後で、ウチのダンスも期待してくれよな!Play Commander, was that fun? Just wait for my dance later on, too!
Christmas メリークリスマス、指揮官!まだ訓練があるから、先にプレゼントを受け取ってくれ!Play Merry Christmas, Commander! I still got training to do, so please have my present in advance!
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとう!今年も気抜かずに、頑張って訓練しようぜ!


Commander, Happy New Year! This year too I will do my best with training, without slacking off!
Valentine's day 指揮官、ウチのチョコを受け取ってくれ…頑張ってデコってみたけど、気に入ってくれると嬉しいな…


Commander, please have my chocolate... I tried my best to decorate it, so I'll be glad if you like it...
Tanabata 夜景はいいな…訓練終わったら、一緒に出かけようぜ!


Night looks so pretty... After I'm done with training, let's go out somewhere!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 気を付けろ!Play Watch out!
Phrase 頑張ろうぜ!Play I'll give it my best!
Tip 指揮官、聞いてくれよ!Play Commander, just hear this!
Loading 今、訓練中だから、少し待ってな!Play I'm training now, so just wait a bit!