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MSBS Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,MSBS前来报到!我是今天第一个入职的新人吗?是的吧? Play Commander, MSBS reporting! Am I the first newcomer today? Wait, really?
Secretary 您在找弹道测距仪?没看到这种东西呢,倒是有个望远镜一样的机器很有趣,我稍稍把玩了一下,嗯,就是您桌上那堆零件……毕、毕竟它就摆在那里,显然是在吸引我! Play Are you looking for a ballistic rangefinder? I haven't seen anything like that around. I did see an interesting telescope-like thing though, and I messed around with it a little. Yup, it's the one on your table... I mean, it was totally asking for it, lying out there in the open to tempt me and all!
刚才不小心把咖啡洒在了地上,正收拾的时候,清洁机器人居然跑来跟我较量!我当然不会输给它,所以抢先把整个房间都打扫干净了!您看,我收拾得还不错吧~! Play I accidentally spilled some coffee liqueur, but just as I was about to clean it up, the roomba appeared up and tried to throw down with me! I wasn't going to admit defeat just then, so I cleaned up the entire room before it could! Take a look. Not bad, huh?
担任副官是职责所在,但实力这种东西,稍有松懈就有可能被人追上来。所以,我想在指挥室里放一个射击靶,这样副官的工作和训练就都不耽误了! Play Being your adjutant is my duty, but anyone could catch up with me if I'm so relaxed. Therefore, I'd like to request that you install a firing range in your office! That way, I can train and serve as your adjutant!
Secretary (post OATH)
Today's breakfast tastes great! Where did you get it? What, you made it yourself?! Ugh... This is bad, I'll be the one to make breakfast next time, I'll make sure it tastes better than this!
Commander, this is... Oh, I know! It's the proof that you've acknowledged me, right? All my efforts to this day have been aimed at proving that I'm the best doll of them all. It's been like that in the past and it'll continue to be like that in the future! So please keep watching me as I surpass all my opponents and rush ahead of the pack!
Greeting 指挥官!今天也是我最早到岗,厉害吧? Play Commander, I'm the earliest today, right?
T-Doll Produced 指挥官,新人已经做好入职准备了! Play Commander, the newcomers are ready for onboarding!
Joining an echelon MSBS,现在起和大家并肩作战!你们的武器呢?干嘛都藏起来呀? Play MSBS reporting, ready to fight alongside everyone else! Where are your weapons? Why are you hiding them?
Enhancement 感觉强化幅度没有想象中那么明显呢……可以多来几次吗? Play I don't feel very enhanced... How about doing it a few more times?
Dummy-linking 前辈们说,平时用不到傀儡的时候会代我保管。真是的,我又不会对她们做什么…… Play My seniors said that they would take care of my dummies for me when I wasn't using them. Honestly, it's not like I'd do anything to them...
Logistics (start) 既然要仔细探索,我就不会像平常那样快去快回了……至于我带这么多包要干嘛——难得出去一趟,总要多装点东西回来吧! Play Since we need to carefully investigate this place, I won't be so hasty going there and back... As for why I'm carrying all these bags... Well, I don't get to go out often, so I Need to bring more stuff back!
Logistics (end) 我在外面发现了好多好玩的机械零件,都带回来了!您那是什么表情,这次真的是零件,我一个都没碰! Play I found lots of fun parts outside and I brought them all back! What's with that look on your face? They're really parts! I didn't touch a single one of them!
Autobattle 绝不辜负您的期望! Play I won't disappoint you!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我会拿下最棒的成绩回来的! Play I'll bring the best results back for you!
Starting a battle 一个都别想跑! Play None of you will escape!
Skill activation 下一个! Play Next!
别碍事! Play Out of my way!
成为我的战绩吧! Play You're a statistic!
Heavily damaged 不用管我,这点损伤还不要紧……什么?敌人占优势?扶我起来! Play Never mind me, my wounds aren't that bad... What? The enemy has the advantage? Help me up right now!
Retreat 前辈们,一定很难过吧…… Play My seniors must be really disappointed...
MVP 和前辈们相比,我还差得远呢~! Play I'm a long way off from my seniors~!
Restoration 好精密的机械构造,拆起来还蛮有难度……哎?这是用在我身上的修理配件!? Play What an intricate mechanical design, and taking it apart is pretty difficult too... Eh? It uses the repair parts from my body?!
Attack 弹药已经齐备,看我率先冲破敌人的阵线! Play Ammo locked and loaded. Watch me break through the enemy formation!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指挥官,我扮成鬼之后在前辈那里得到了好多的糖果!不过我一个人实在吃不下,还是帮我把它们分给附近的小朋友吧! Play Commander, I got lots of candy from my seniors after dressing up as a monster! I can't finish them all by myself though, so help me share them with the other kids!
Christmas 为了能容下更多圣诞礼物,圣诞树一定要足够大才行,请您稍等,我到基地外面去搞一棵回来,用不了太久的! Play You need a big enough tree to hold enough presents for everyone. Just give me a bit. I'll bring a big one back from outside the base!
New Year's Day 指挥官,新年快乐!过了午夜就是全新的一天,比起睡觉,不如来和我一起狂欢吧~!


Happy New Year, Commander! It'll be a brand new day after midnight tonight. Instead of sleeping, let's party, party, party~!
Valentine's day 为了能早点让您吃到我亲手制作的巧克力,我多加了点食品凝固剂进去,虽然不确定味道如何,但估计不会太差的,快尝尝吧!


I added some extra food glue to this batch so you could taste it sooner. Although I'm not sure how it tastes, I'm sure it won't be too bad. Try it!
Tanabata 今天可以许愿让自己变得心灵手巧?不知道能不能让我的零件组装能力得到提升……


So I can wish for dexterous hands today? I wonder if it'll upgrade my parts...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 不过是面对敌人的进攻罢了,让他们尽管来吧! Play Meh, it's only an enemy advance. Let them come!
Phrase 第一名! Play Number One!
Tip 每次去找前辈们玩,看她们的房间干净整洁,没有任何多余的东西,真叫人自愧不如!哎?您去的时候总是看到她们房间里堆满了东西?怎么会呢!哎? Play Every time I look my seniors up to have fun, I get so embarrassed when I see how neat and tidy their rooms are, without a single bit of extraneous junk in them! Huh? Did you just say their rooms were full of stuff when you went to look at them? Seriously?!
Loading 再这样等下去,时间就白白浪费掉了! Play If we keep waiting like this, we'll waste all our time!