Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 您就是指挥官吗?我是MG42的姐姐,MG34,今后请好好相处。 | あなたが指揮官ですね、MG42の姉、MG34です!以後、御見知りおきを… | So you're the Commander, huh? I'm MG42's older sister, MG34! Let's get to know each other! | |
Introduction | MG-34,作为世界上最早的通用机枪之一,由于条约限制而定位成轻重两用的武器,作为当时的制式机枪广泛使用。由于出产较早,有着结构复杂和过重等问题,但即使是改良版本的MG42也不能完全取代我。指挥官,我会证明给您看的。 | MG-34, as one of the first general purpose machinegun in the world. Due to the treaty's restrictions, I was classified as a weapon for both light and heavy firing, used widely as the standard issue machinegun at that time. But due to rushed productions, have the issues of complex interior and over weighting. The improved MG42 could not completely replace me though. Commander, I will prove it to you. | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,不要欺负人家。 | 指揮官、あんまりからかわないでください! | Commander, don't bully me. | |
妹妹好像出去玩了,稍微有点羡慕啊…… | 妹がまた遊びに行っちゃったみたい、ちょっと…羨ましいです。 | I think my little sister went out, I'm a little jealous... | ||
请不要吓人家啊!把枪随地乱放,会很危险的。 | 驚かさないでください!銃を離したら、危ないですよ。 | Please don't scare me like that! It's dangerous to leave guns lying around. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 看你今天这么辛苦,待会儿给你泡点茶吧……这是特别服务,不准跟42说哦。
You've been working hard today, I will make a cup of tea for you later... This is a special treatment, mention nothing of this to 42 ok.
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OATH | 既然您选中了我,就代表我选择的道路是正确的。我曾经有各种各样的担心,但是有您在身边,我不会再有任何迷茫了。感谢您,指挥官!
Since you have chosen me, that means my chosen path is a correct one. I had all kind of worries, but as long as you are with me, I will never lose my way again. Thank you Commander!
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Greeting | 指挥官,等您好久了。 | 指揮官、お待ちしてました。 | Been waiting for you Commander. | |
T-Doll Produced | 指挥官,新的枪娘来了哟。 | 指揮官、新しい子が来ました。 | Commander, a new girl is here! | |
Joining an echelon | 那,那个…不能和妹妹一起…出击吗? | あ、あの、妹と一緒じゃ…ダメですか? | Emm, can't I go together... With my sister? | |
Enhancement | 射击精度上升了。 | 射撃精度が上がりました。 | Firing accuracy improved! | |
Dummy-linking | 谢谢!希望还能有更多、更多的力量。 | ありがとう!もっと、もっと力がほしい! | Thank you! I wish to obtain more power. | |
Logistics (start) | 我出发了! MG42也在队里吗? | 行ってきます!エムジー四二も部隊にいますか? | I'm leaving now! MG42 are you in the squad too? | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,MG42,姐姐给你买了土产哟。 | ただいま、エムジー四二、お土産買ってきましたよ。 | I'm back, MG42, sister bought some local products for you. | |
Autobattle | MG42,这次就由我来保护你! | エムジー四二、今度は私があなたを守ってあげます! | MG42, let me protect you this time! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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