Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 我是M60,请您下达作战指示。 | M60だ、さあ…指示をくれ! | I'm M60, your orders please! | |
Introduction | 战争之后,通用机枪的技术获得了迅速发展,而我在那是便是其中的佼佼者。即使多年之后的战场上,我的表现也很活跃哦。嗯?电影?倒是也出场过,不过那样的使用者实在不多见啊…… | After the war, general purpose MG technology received rapid developments, and I am simply part of that. I'm still very active on the battlefield many years later, emm? Movies? Had the chance to appear in a couple of them, but we don't get that those kinds of user often. | ||
Secretary | 武器的强大不只在于性能,而是由它的使用者决定的。 | 武器の強さは性能ではなく、相手によって決まる。 | The power of a weapon lies not only in its performance, but also in the decisions of its user. | |
有什么事,请快点讲。 | 何か用があるなら、言ったらどうだ? | Are you having any problems? Please let me know. | ||
每天都坚持训练的话,我们就一定不会输的。 | 日々の訓練を怠らなければ、我々に負けはない! | As long as we train every day, we won't lose. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 不要松懈,别以为和我搞好关系就能偷懒了。而且刚才不是放松过了吗?别说您忘了哦。
Don't think that you can slack off just because you improved your relationships with me. You just had a break didn't you? Don't tell me you forgot already.
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OATH | 这个……是真的吗,指挥官?这种行动,没有针对地训练过也行吗?嗯……偶尔也希望不太在意效率,让时间慢一点呢。
This... For real? Commander? This kind of operation, can be done without any specialized training? Emmm... Every now and then I do hope that time passes slower, with less focus on the efficiency.
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Greeting | 快下达指示吧! | 早速指示をくれ 。 | Give the orders already! | |
T-Doll Produced | 新武器好像建造完成了。 | 新の武器の製造が完了したようだ。 | Think we got a new weapon finished construction. | |
Joining an echelon | 了解! | 了解! | Understood! | |
Enhancement | 哼~! | ふ〜ん! | Hmm~! | |
Dummy-linking | 扩编完成了——哎嘿,要做训练的准备了哦。 | 編成完了っと,えヘ,訓練の準備をするぞ〜。 | Expansion complete, now get ready for exercises~. | |
Logistics (start) | M60,出发啦。 | M60,行ってくる。 | M60, moving out. | |
Logistics (end) | 回来咯!这次任务的收获也非常丰富呢。 | 帰ったぞ!今回の任務も収穫は大きかったなあ。 | I'm back! Got a lot of reward for it this time as well. | |
Autobattle | 支援作战的话,我是不会输给任何人的! | 支援作戦なら誰にも負けない! | I won't lose to anyone in these support missions! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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