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M37 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 啊…我是伊萨卡,今天就要加入您了哦。指挥官,快点感到开心吧! わたしはイサカ、今日から入隊しました!指揮官も一緒に楽しみましょう!Play You can call me Ithaca, I'll be joining your ranks so let's all have a good time, Commander.
Introduction 伊萨卡37型散弹枪,投入市场之前,经历了不少波折呢,命名、专利之类的琐事…… Ithaca type 37 shotgun. underwent many troubles before entering the market, such as naming, copyrights etc...
Secretary 嗯嗯!就是这样,请好好欣赏我吧。 うふふっ!その通り、わたしに注目しなさい。Play Uh huh! Just like that. Please admire me to the fullest.
我的名字是伊萨卡,就算在梦里也不能记错哦。 わたしの名前はイサカ、夢の中でも間違ったりしないでね。Play My name is Ithaca, don't you dare get it wrong even in your dreams~
指挥官,您对我的心意我收下了,可如果耽误了工作,我也会挨骂的哦。 気持ちはありがたいけど、指揮官、仕事が遅れるとわたしまで叱られちゃうんだから。Play I appreciate your feelings for me, Commander, but if that gets in the way of work, I'll be scolded too.
Secretary (post OATH)
Shall we go have fun after work? Consider I stayed overtime with you for this long, maybe you should compensate me a little...?
原来…指挥官一直都很珍惜我,可直到这一刻我才发现呢。 总是关注着自己,没有察觉到你真实的心意,真的很抱歉。今后我会好好补偿您的,请期待吧!
So.... commander have been cherishing me for all this time, too bad I only found out at this moment. I'm always only paying attention to myself, I'm sorry for not noticing your true feelings. But I'll be sure to compensate for it from now on, please look forward to it !
Greeting 啊,指挥官,今天我来当您的秘书哦?那一定很期待吧? あら指揮官、今日はわたしが秘書だよ、期待してよね?Play Ahh Commander, I'm the secretary today, looking forward to it?
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴嘛?论美貌你是赢不了我的。 新しい仲間?でもわたしのように美しいのかしら?Play New companion? Do you think you can compete with my beauty?
Joining an echelon 好呀,就让我来表现一下吧。 思う存分遊びましょ。Play Alright, time for an extravaganza.
Enhancement 继续继续,让我再漂亮一点吧。 いいよ~もっとわたしをキレイにしてよね。Play Yes, carry on, make me even prettier.
Dummy-linking 不愧是我的分身啊,和我的魅力不相上下呢。 さすがわたしの分身、魅力的じゃない!Play Just as pretty as me, as expected of my dummy.
Logistics (start) 要离开您了哦,指挥官,请忍耐一下吧。 ちょっとだけの留守、我慢してね。Play Leaving you for now Commander, please endure it.
Logistics (end) 我回来啦,指挥官,等我很久了吧。 ただいま指揮官、待った?Play I'm back Commander, waited for long?
Autobattle 这一刻,不就是为了让我登场才准备的嘛? わたしはこのために居るのよ。Play Isn't this moment prepared for me splendid appearance?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 让我走在前面,然后一口气解决吧! わたしが先頭よ!一気に片付けましょうっ!Play Let me lead, then wipe them all in one go!
Starting a battle 哦哦!那就来吧! おおっ!かかって来なさい!Play Ohhh! Come on then!
Skill activation 砰——!……这一下怎么样? えぃっ!・・・・・これでどう?Play Bang! ...How was that?
别过来,丑陋的东西! 来ないで!気持ち悪い!Play Stay away... Ugly creatures!
就让我来帮你们跪下吧,恶心的家伙。 ひざまずきなさい。無能共め!Play Let me put you down, you disgusting being!
Heavily damaged 诶!居然都来针对我,真是太过分了! わたしだけ狙って、ずるーいっ!Play They are targeting me on purpose!
Retreat 是我……搞砸了吗?指挥官,是我不小心,请原谅我吧…… わたし…ふがいない…。指揮官…許して…。Play No, I messed up, Commander, please forgive me...
MVP 哦哦!原来如此,指挥官让我加入行动,就是为了欣赏这一刻的我吧? なるほどー。この勝利の姿が見たくてわたしを入隊させたわけね。Play Ohhh! The reason I'm here is because the Commander admire my victory, right?
Restoration 指挥官,您……看到了吗?我不是什么模仿品,绝对不是…… 指揮官、見てた!?わたしはパクりものなんかじゃないのよ、決して…。Play Commander, You saw it right? I'm not some cheap copy, definitely not...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指揮官は今晩何に変装するの?私は何を着をとも似合っちゃうかもね。Play What costume will you wear tonight? I'm sure any costume will looks good on me.
Christmas メリクリスマス指揮官、あの子達ったら朝からサンタサンタって、子供っぽいのからPlay Merry Christmas, commander. Those children kept yelling 'Santa, Santa' since morning, just like a children.
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとう指揮官。去年は何が印象残った?今年はもっと活躍するから安心してよね。


Happy New Year, commander. How was your impression of last year? I'll be more active this year, so rest assured
Valentine's day 指揮官が一番欲しいプレゼントは私のでしょう。私が何を持って来たか当ててよね、ボーナスがあるよ。


The gift you want the most is mine, right. Try guessing what I brought, there will be bonus.
Tanabata 生まれつき完璧な私にはこんな悲劇的お話絶えられないわ。指揮官は遠くに行かないでよね?


I was born perfect so I can't stand such a tragic story like this. Commander, you won't go anywhere right?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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