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M240L Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我便是游侠骑士M240L,您是这里的最高统帅吧?请允许我以骑士应有的礼节,尊称您为殿下! Play I am the knight errant M240L. Are you the supreme commander of this place? In accordance with knightly etiquette, please allow me to address you as my liege!
Secretary 殿下,我今天遭遇了一伙劫持货车的强盗,赌上骑士的名誉,我以最大火力击败了他们,保护了货车……啊,这个莫非是司机寄来的嘉奖状——呃,货运卡车损坏赔偿单? Play Your excellency, I encountered a band of brigands sacking a supply truck on my way today. By my honor as knight, I defeated them by force of arms and defended the truck... Ah, this could be a writ of commendation from the driver—Urgh, is that a list of damages sustained by the vehicle?
殿下,您正打算把办公用品装进箱子里?这种小事就情交给我吧!嘿呀——!咦?殿下,您有没有听到什么碎掉的声音?大概是错觉吧。 Play My liege, do you intend to relocate your office supplies into yon box? Allow me to take care of this trifling task on your behalf! Haiiiyahhh—! Hm? Did you hear a crunching noise just now, my liege? It must have been a figment of the imagination.
听说世上有位亦正亦邪的“混沌骑士”,她惩恶扬善,却又到处破坏,这样实在有损骑士名誉,有朝一日,我一定要用决斗的方式击败她,并让她改邪归正……您、您干嘛一直盯着我? Play They say that there is a "chaotic knight" in this world, who is by turns a champion of both good and evil. She claims to be an enemy of evil, yet she goes around wreaking devastation everywhere she goes; an act that damages the reputation of us knights. Someday, I must find and defeat her in a proper duel and return her to the path of righteousness... W-why are you staring at me?
Secretary (post OATH)
My dear liege, may long life be yours-In the lengthy days to come, all obstacles will be trampled underfoot so long as we go forward together!
Is this... a ring? I see, so it is a proof of glory that you are bestowing upon me, my liege! In that case, I swear a solemn oath upon this ring—I shall accompany you from this day forth to cut down all obstacles in your path, never to be parted from your side!
Greeting 殿下,恕我直言,即便为安全着想,您也应该待在这座城堡里,不能随便离开。 Play My liege, with all due respect, for the sake of your personal safety, you should stay within this fortress and not leave casually.
T-Doll Produced 不知道新兵里面有没有想寻找未来的好苗子,我愿意招募她成为我的扈从! Play I wonder if there are any good sprouts among these recruits. I would gladly take them on as my squires!
Joining an echelon 谨遵号令,殿下。 Play Order received, my liege.
Enhancement 感谢您的赐福,以我现在的武艺,就算挑战传说中的巨人也不在话下了! Play Thank you for your largesse. With my present skills, even challenging the legendary giants would be a simple task!
Dummy-linking 也许我可以组建一支骑士团,殿下,到时还请您赐予我新家族的纹章! Play Perhaps we could form an order of knights! My liege, when the time comes, I request that you grant us a coat of arms!
Logistics (start) M240L即将踏上征险之旅!请您放心,殿下,我会带着荣誉归来的! Play M240L shall now embark on an arduous crusade! Fear not, my liege, for I shall return covered in glory!
Logistics (end) 这次的旅途也充满了艰辛和奇遇,如果有时间,我可以慢慢说给您听! Play This journey was filled with hardship and wonder; if time permits, I would recount them all to you at length!
Autobattle 我已得到您的指示,并将承受这次考验,直到最后! Play I have received your directives and now embark upon this trial, until the very end!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 为了殿下,一往无前! Play Onward, for my liege!
Starting a battle 来一场公平公正的决斗吧! Play Let us do battle, fair and square!
Skill activation 看枪! Play Have at you!
进攻! Play Forward!
败于枪下吧! Play Perish beneath my bullets!
Heavily damaged 别以为我会畏惧这种创伤……! Play Do not think such wounds will stop me—!
Retreat 即便撤退,骑士也不会向敌人低下头颅! Play Even in retreat, a knight will never bow their head!
MVP 一切荣耀归于殿下——! Play All glory to my liege!
Restoration 如果有一滴就能治愈伤痛的圣水,我就不用在这里干等着了! Play If only there were some sacred elixir that could heal all wounds with but a drop, I would not be wasting my time waiting here!
Attack 赴汤蹈火! Play Through the fire and the flames!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 没想到有许多妖魔鬼怪逼近城堡!它们都说自己是人形,然而这点蛊惑人心的伎俩早已被我M240L一眼看穿,并全部击退!殿下,您可以高枕无忧了! Play To think so many devils and monsters have infested the castle! They claim to be our Dolls, but I—M240L—have seen through their petty deceptions and struck them all down! My liege, you may rest easy!
Christmas 殿下,您这一身红色哥布林的打扮是怎么回事?发放礼物?可您这幅样子绝对会吓到她们的……还是让我来帮忙吧,没有人会拒绝一位高尚的骑士从天而降的! Play My liege, why are you dressed in the guise of a red goblin? You're giving gifts? But you'll scare the others like this... Allow me to render assistance. Surely nobody will refuse a noble knight descending from the heavens!
New Year's Day 殿下,听说今夜会有恐怖的魔兽来袭?不用怕,赌上骑士的名誉,我M240L会将它斩于马下——为了殿下,一往无前!


My liege, is it true a terrifying beast will attack this night? Fear not, by my honor as a knight, I—M240L—shall slay this fiend low... Onward, for my liege!
Valentine's day 区区巧克力怎能表达真正的爱意!?殿下,与之相比,不如听我为您奏颂一曲最浪漫的诗歌!


How could mere chocolate express true love?! Rather, please allow me to serenade you with a romantic composition!
Tanabata 牛郎织女一年一聚,只因为他们的爱情不被允许?岂有此理!这种不公之事要是被我撞见,我一定会拔剑相助!不知道现在还有没有这样的苦命鸳鸯……出门找找看吧。


The Cowherd and the Weaver meet but once a year because theirs is a forbidden love? Utterly preposterous! Should I encounter such injustice, rest assured that I shall lend my blade to the cause of right! I wonder if there are any such star-crossed lovers at large right now... Perhaps I shall head outside and take a look.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 永不退缩! Play Not one step back!
Phrase 无愧于荣耀! Play For glory!
Tip “愿天主时时赐你幸福!我要是还能为你祷告什么,我绝不会有一点犹豫……”啊,殿下,我在学习诗歌,也许……也许将来可以用到。 Play "May God grant thee happiness! If I could pray for you to receive anything, I would not hesitate for..." Ah, my liege, I was learning the classics, because... because it might come in useful.
Loading 现在是修补盔甲的好时候。 Play Now is the time to tend to our arms.

Children's Day Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Secretary (post OATH)
T-Doll Produced
Joining an echelon
Logistics (start)
Logistics (end)
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission
Starting a battle
Skill activation
Heavily damaged

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English