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M1897 Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指揮官さん、僕はWinchester 1897、掃除も戦闘も頑張ります!Play Commander, I'm Winchester 1897. Whether it's cleaning or fighting, I'll do my best!
Secretary うぅ…今日、お姉さんは居ないですよね?……よかった~Play Uuh... today, onee-san is not here right? Safe~
作戦会議ですか?じゃ、まず会議室を掃除しないと。Play A strategy meeting? Then, I should clean the meeting room first.
うわ~!指揮官さん、驚かせないでください!Play Uwaa! Commander, please don't startle me!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, would you like to eat first? Or perhaps taking a bath? Ah, how about taking a break first? No, you should do maintenance first, or maybe training, or cleaning?
C-commander... what's the matter? Bringing me here out of the blue... uwaa! I-is this... for me? Do you really mean it? I-I'm really happy! I will never forget this day!
Greeting あ~もう来てくれたんですか、指揮官さん!Play Ah, you've come, commander!
T-Doll Produced 指揮官さん、新しい人形ができましたよ。Play Commander, the new doll production is complete.
Joining an echelon よーし、指揮官さんにがっかりさせないよう、頑張ります!Play In order to not disappointing you, I'll do my best!
Enhancement す、すごい…。Play A-amazing...
Dummy-linking うわ~!こ、これは…もうひとりの僕ですか…?Play Uwaa! T-this is... another one of me...?
Logistics (start) 今回のターゲットですか?それでは、行ってきます。Play Is it this time's target? Well then, I'll be going.
Logistics (end) 無事帰還しました、指揮官さん!Play I've returned safely, commander!
Autobattle みんな、大掃除しますよ!Play Everyone, let's do the major cleaning!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission みんな、武器を持って、出発しましょう。Play Everyone, arm yourselves, let's depart.
Starting a battle 清掃開始!Play Commencing cleaning!
Skill activation この先は、一歩も譲れません!Play From this point on, I won't let you pass even by one step!
これなら大丈夫です!Play It'll be fine!
任せてください!Play Leave it to me!
Heavily damaged うわ~!こっち、見ないで!Play Uwaa! Please don't look this way!
Retreat 指揮官さん、ごめんなさい、失望させちゃって。Play Commander, I'm sorry, for disappointing you.
MVP お掃除大成功!指揮官さん、これでいいですか?Play The cleaning was great success! Commander, is this enough?
Restoration うぅ、この姿、お姉さんに見られたら…Play Uuh, what if onee-san see my state right now...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween わぁぁぁ…こ…怖い!助けて指揮官さん!早く!わぁぁぁ!Play Uwaaa... I-I'm scared! Please help me, commander! Quickly! Uwaaa!
Christmas 七面鳥さん…必ず美味しい料理にしますから。それでは失礼します!Play Mr. Turkey... I promise you you'll turn into a delicious dish. Please excuse me!
New Year's Day 今日は渾身の清掃術をお見せしますよ指揮官さん。僕の新年だい作戦よく見ててくださいね。


Today I'll show you my ultimate cleaning technique. Please watch my new year great strategy.
Valentine's day し…指揮官さん、これ良かったら受け取ってくれますか?やった!嬉しいです!


C-commander, please take this. I did it! I'm so happy.
Tanabata 願い事。ど…どうしよ。いっぱいあるのにどれすればいいのかなぁ…


M-make a wish. What should I do. I have a lot of it, which one should I choose...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition M1897前来报道,指挥官,要注意时刻保持卫生干净哦! M1897、入隊します。指揮官さん、いつ何時も清潔でいることを心がけてくださいね!Play M1897이 신고드립니다, 지휘관님. 항상 위생 청결을 주의하세요! M1897 reporting, Commander. Make sure you're conscious of your hygiene and cleanliness at all times!
Secretary 我最近也开始单独参加社会服务了,当然,是有关治安方面的。 最近、一人でボランティア活動に参加しているんです。もちろん、治安関連のですが。Play 요즘은 혼자서 사회봉사활동에 참여하고 있어요, 물론 치안에 관한 일이에요. I've been providing social services on my own recently. Of course, it's all security work.
这、这种感觉……!果然有谁把糖果纸塞在地毯下面了吗!? こ、この感じ……!やっぱり誰かがカーペットの下にお菓子のゴミを?!Play 이, 이 느낌은...! 역시나, 누가 사탕종이를 양탄자 밑에 감춰둔 거죠!? This...this feeling...! Has someone's been stuffing candy wrappers under the carpet again?!
指挥官,干嘛摸我的脑袋……啊,我不累的,请放心! 指揮官さん、どうしてぼくの頭を撫でるんですか……?あ、疲れてなんかいませんので、ご安心を!Play 지휘관님, 왜 갑자기 제 머리를... 아, 걱정 마세요, 전 아직 힘들지 않아요! Commander, why are you patting my head... ah, I'm not tired, please don't worry!
Secretary (post OATH)
청소도구 세트...!? 이걸 주신다고요? 맡겨주세요, 이걸로 집 안을 깨끗하게 청소할게요!
Commander, as I thought. you actually... Wait, youyouyou, you're giving this to me?! It, it's too expensive! Ah, no, it really is a proof of our bond that belongs to the two of us. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it and keep it spotless!
指挥官大人,怎、怎么突然就把我带到这里…… 哇!这、这是给我的?真的吗?!我、我、我我我……! 呜……我真的太高兴了!这份喜悦,我会永远铭记在心的……♥
し、指揮官さん、どうしたんですか?急にこんなところまで連れてきちゃって…。 うわ!こ、これをぼくに?ホントですか?!ぼ、ぼく、ぼくは…! うぅ…本当にうれしいです!今日のこと…絶対忘れません…❤
지휘관님, 어, 어째서 갑자기 이런 곳에 데려와서... 아! 이, 이건 제게 주시는 건가요? 저, 정말요!? 저, 저, 저저저...!!! 우으...저, 정말 기뻐요! 이렇게 기쁜 날은 평생토록 잊지 못할 거예요......♥
Greeting 指挥官,我已经把作战室打扫干净了,今天也会是心情敞亮的一天的! 指揮官さん、作戦室の清掃が完了しました、これで今日も一日、気分良く過ごせますね!Play 지휘관님, 제가 지휘실을 깨끗이 청소해놨어요, 오늘도 기분이 개운할 거예요! Commander, I've already cleaned out the Ops Room. Today's sure to be another bright and happy day!
T-Doll Produced 新的人形要来了吗,那我去帮她整理宿舍了。 新しい人形が来たみたいです、彼女の宿舎を整理してきますね。Play 새 인형이 오는 건가요? 그럼 제가 숙소를 정리해줄게요. A new Doll has arrived, I guess I should help clean up her dorm room for her.
Joining an echelon 这次要好好准备才行。 今回はしっかりと準備しなくては。Play 이번엔 제대로 준비하겠어요. I need to properly prepare this time.
Enhancement 嗯,行动更加灵活了! よしっ、これでもっと軽快に動けます!Play 네, 움직임이 더 편해졌어요! Yup, my movements are lighter and smoother now!
Dummy-linking 唔啊!这、这是另一个我吗? うわぁ!こ、これは……もうひとりのぼくですか?Play 와아! 이, 이게 또 하나의 저인가요? Wow! Is, is this another me?
Logistics (start) 这就是这次的目标吗?那么出发吧! 今回のダーゲットですか?それでは行ってきます!Play 이게 이번 목표인가요? 그럼 다녀오겠습니다. Is this our objective? Then let's head out!
Logistics (end) 顺利归队了!指挥官大人。 無事帰還しました、指揮官さん!Play 무사 귀환했습니다, 지휘관님! Successfully returned to unit, Commander!
Autobattle 大家!一起来清扫行动吧! みんな、大掃除しますよ!Play 모두, 대청소를 시작해요! Everyone! Let's go on this cleanup operation together!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发,把所有脏污的东西全部打扫干净! 出発です!汚れたものを全部綺麗にしてやりましょう!Play 출발, 지저분한 걸 몽땅 쓸어버려요! Let's go, time to clean up all the dirty things in our way!
Starting a battle 强力清扫模式,启动! お掃除モード、全開!Play 강력 청소 모드, 가동! Power cleaning mode, activate!
Skill activation 就是现在! 今だ!Play 지금이다! Now!
休想逃走! 逃げられると思わないでください!Play 도망칠 생각 마! Don't think you can run!
还有脏东西存在啊? 他に汚れているものは?Play 아직도 더러운 게 남아있었어? Are there any more dirty things still around?
Heavily damaged 太、太脏了啊啊啊啊啊! よっ、汚れちゃったあああ!Play 너, 너무 더러워어어어! It's, it's so diiiirttyyyyyyy!
Retreat 还、还是准备充分之后再来吧…… じゅ、準備を整えてもう一度……Play 여, 역시 충분히 준비하고 와야겠어요... I, I guess I should go prepare more before coming back...
MVP 清扫成果还不错,哼哼! お掃除の成果、なかなかじゃありませんか?ふふっ。Play 썩 괜찮은 청소 결과군요, 후훗! That cleaning went well, hehe!
Restoration 呜……这个样子被姐姐看见的话…… うぅ……こんな姿、お姉さんに見られたら……Play 으으... 이 꼴을 언니에게 들켰다간... (Sob) If Big Sis saw me like this...
Attack 相当顽强啊,我们也不能输! なかなか粘りますね、ですが負けませんよ!Play 꽤 끈질기군요, 저희도 지진 않아요! You're pretty stubborn, but we won't lose!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 唔,一定要和脏东西保持距离! うっ、汚いものに近づきすぎないように!Play 으으, 오물과 거리를 유지하세요! Ugh, we need to keep our distance from dirty things!
Phrase 好、好的,我明白了! あっ、はい!わかりました!Play 앗, 네! 알겠습니다! A-Alright, I understand.
Tip 是……这里吗? ここ……ですか?Play 여기...인가요? Is...this the place?
Loading 姐姐也……来了吗? お姉さんも……来てくれましたか?Play 언니도 왔나요...? Is Big Sis...here too?