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L85A1 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 初次见面,我是L85A1,指挥官,要来一杯红茶吗? 初めまして。L85A1です。指揮官、お茶しませんか。Play Hello, I am L85A1. Care for a cup of tea, Commander?
Introduction L85A1这个名字是军方的称呼,我还有一个名字,SA80,代表着那个年代的轻武器,虽然企划其实能追溯到更久之前呢。轻便和精准可是我的自豪之处呢,不过由于结构精密,一旦疏于保养就会出故障……真是没法十全十美啊…… L85A1 is what the military calls me, I've got another name, SA80, means the light weapon of that era, even though my development project can be traced back to a long time ago. Light weight and precise are what I can be proud of, but the interior is so complex, it would requires regular maintenance, otherwise it will have risks of failures... Really can't be perfect can we...
Secretary 刚才,戴着眼镜去泡澡了呢…… メガネを掛けったまま、お風呂に入っちゃいました…Play Just went bathing with my glasses on...
开枪的时候,要先把保险打开呢。 武器を使う時は、安全操縦外さないと駄目ですよ。Play Switch the safety off before firing the weapon.
明天也是晴朗的天气,就太好啦。 明日も晴れるといいですね。Play Excellent, tomorrow is going to be clear skies and sunny day as well.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander I made some red tea, this was a special brew prepared just for you, hope you enjoy it.
Ehh? Commander this isn't a joke is it? Even though I'm still so far away from the target criteria, but you've chosen me already... How can I repay you for this... Emm, let us find the answer to that together then.
Greeting 早/中/晚上好啊~ おはこんばんちわ~Play Good Morningafternoonevening to you~
T-Doll Produced 完成了哟~! 完成しましたよ~!Play it's complete~!
Joining an echelon 到我出场了。 よーし、私の出番ですね。Play It's my turn now.
Enhancement 火力全开~~ パワー全開~~Play Full power~
Dummy-linking 编制扩大,我是第几个呢?! 編成拡大ですか、私は何番目?!Play Expansion complete, wait which one am I?!
Logistics (start) 出发了,大家都没问题吧。 行ってきます~ みんな大丈夫ですよね。Play We're going now, everyone is alright?
Logistics (end) 我回来了,大家都说什么呢。 ただいま~ みんなまた何を話しているんですか。Play I'm back, What is everyone gossiping about again?
Autobattle 那么,开始吧,我会做好模范的。 じゃあ、始めて、みんなの手本保になります。Play Then let's start, I shall set an example for everyone.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 冲啊~ えいえい、おう~Play Hooah~
Starting a battle 啊哇哇哇哇, 请不要吓我呀。 あわわわわ、びっくりさせないでください。Play Awawawawa, please don't scare me.
Skill activation 准备!哈! 用意!はいっ!Play Ready! Here!
会跟上你们的 ついていきますからね。Play I'll definitely keep up.
我的努力是为了大家! みんなのために頑張りました!Play I did my best for everyone!
Heavily damaged 啊啊啊啊啊,太粗暴可不好~ あぁぁあああ、乱暴はよくないですよ~Play Aaaaaahhh, violence is bad~
Retreat (´・ω・`) ショボーン…Play (´・ω・`)
MVP 活着就是为了这个瞬间啊~ この瞬間のために、生きてるんだわ~Play This moment is the reason for living~
Restoration 唉,我是不是让大家失望了?哎?没关系? あぁ…みんなをがっかりさせちゃいました?えっ?大丈夫?Play Ohh... Did I let everyone down? Eh? It's alright?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 孩子们在玩闹呢~真开心啊。 子供たちがはしゃいでます!楽しそうでいいですね!Play The children are playing! They're having so much fun~
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。雪降るといいですね。Play Merry Christmas, commander. I hope it'll snow.
New Year's Day 新年ですよ。今年もよろしくお願いしますね。


It's new year. Please take care of me again this year.
Valentine's day 指揮官日ごろのお礼です。不快意味はありませんよ。


It's a day to repay the commander. There is no unpleasant meaning
Tanabata 七夕のお飾りを作ってます。お祭り気分で楽しいですね。


I made tanabata decorations. The festival atmosphere is so much fun.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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