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Jericho Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您就是这里的领导吗?……完全看不出来呢,请拿出您该有的威严来,不要小瞧了指挥官的身份。 あなたがここの指揮官ですか?見た目は全然そういう感じがしないですね。もう少し威厳を見ててください。指揮官の肩書きを甘く見ないで。Play Are you the one leading this place? …You don’t look like it at all. Take out whatever majesty you have and display it. Do not undermine the identity of a Commander.
Secretary 抬头!挺胸!目视前方!不许笑!……很好指挥官,今天就一直保持这个气势吧,我很满意。 頭を上げろ!胸を腫れ!前を見ろ!笑うな!良く出来ました、指揮官。今日もその調子で一所懸命取り込んで下さい。Play Raise your head! Keep your chest up straight! Look straight ahead! Do not laugh! ...Very good, Commander. Let’s keep this up for the entirety of today. I’ll be very pleased.
我不严厉一点的话,光靠内格夫那样的疯丫头,会让人很不放心吧。 ネゲブみたいなじゃじゃ馬はだけだと、心もとないでしょ。私が厳しくしない。Play If I do not act stricter and rely solely on that crazy girl Negev, it’ll bring people unease.
指挥官还没闹够吗?实在是太幼稚了,我可不会奉陪到底啊。 いい加減にして下さい指揮官。いくら何でも「…」を過ぎます。子供遊び付き合いありませんよ。Play Has the Commander finished yapping? How childish, I won’t accompany just anyone.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, you’re not going to forget to help me to water the flowers today, right? …You’d better make me happy today, otherwise we won’t have another date.
Commander, us T-Dolls were given ‘masks’ to exist. The joys, sorrows and other emotions that we display to others are predetermined. However, you saw past a certain girl’s ‘mask’, seeing her true self… Commander, I’d like to listen to you talk about the story about how you saw past this girl’s ‘mask’.
Greeting 指揮官の活躍を楽しみにしています。Play I'm looking forward to your action, Commander.
T-Doll Produced 新人でも厳しくしつけ。Play Even if it's a new recruit, I'll train her strictly.
Joining an echelon 全員陣形通り、位置に付け!Play Everyone, get in position!
Enhancement 戦争に必要なのは強い兵士だけではない。Play Battlefield doesn't need just a strong soldier.
Dummy-linking 見分けられなくてもいい。私が本物であることを分かってくれれば、十分です。Play I don't need to be distinguished. As long as you acknowledge that I am real, then that is all I need.
Logistics (start) 私がいない間に気を抜いてはいけませんよ、指揮官。Play Don't lose focus when I'm not around, Commander.
Logistics (end) 私に肩を借そうとしてくれる方が言いました。嘗められたものですよ。Play I told them that offered to lend them their shoulder, they sure make light of me.
Autobattle 楽な任務などない。油断は禁物ですよ。Play This is not an easy mission. Negligence is forbidden.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 私たちの行動に失敗は許されない!Play Failure won't be forgiven!
Starting a battle あなたたちの仮面…放してあげましょう。Play Your mask... let's take it off.
Skill activation 私の言う通りに!Play Proceed as I say!
本当の実力を見せてあげましょ!Play I'll show you my real power!
心配無用です。私がいます。Play Worry not. Because I'm here.
Heavily damaged これがあなたたちの全力ですか。Play Is this your everything.
Retreat この借りはいつか必ず返す!Play Someday I will definitely return this debt!
MVP 勝った。勝ち続けて。私たちは予約未来にたどり着ける。Play We won. We will keep on winning. We will struggle on to the future.
Restoration ネゲブに内緒ですよ。あの子に知られたら、また心配されますから。Play Keep this a secret from Negev. If she finds out, she will be worried.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お菓子を出しなさい!さもないと、容赦はしません!いいえ、そんな言方ではなかったような…。Play Hand me the sweets! If you don't comply, there will be no mercy for you! No, that's not how I should ask...
Christmas 私までこんなに沢山プレゼントを貰えるとは…以外です。まさか、仕返しの悪戯じゃないですよね?!Play For me to receive such amount of gift...that's unexpected. Tell me that this is not a prank so I must do the same next time?!
New Year's Day 良いのですか?せっかくの正月の休みなのに、私に付き合ってもらって。私、あまり人リラックスをさせられるタイプではないですし。あら、私をリラックスさせに来たと?


Are you really fine with it? Even though you finally have a break, but you choose to spend it with me. I'm not the type that could relax. Oh dear, you do this to help me relax?
Valentine's day 以前、お好みのチョコを訪ねた時、なんでもいいと答えていたので。今さら口に会わないと言っても、許しませんよ!


Back then, you are fine with anything when I ask about your preference. But if you say that this one doesn't meet your taste, I won't forgive you.
Tanabata 指揮官、自分が幸せになるのと、他人を幸せにするの、どちらが素晴らしいことだと思いますか?


Commander, between self happiness or other's happiness, which one do you think is more wonderful?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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