Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 您就是这里的领导吗?……完全看不出来呢,请拿出您该有的威严来,不要小瞧了指挥官的身份。 | あなたがここの指揮官ですか?見た目は全然そういう感じがしないですね。もう少し威厳を見ててください。指揮官の肩書きを甘く見ないで。 | Are you the one leading this place? …You don’t look like it at all. Take out whatever majesty you have and display it. Do not undermine the identity of a Commander. | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 抬头!挺胸!目视前方!不许笑!……很好指挥官,今天就一直保持这个气势吧,我很满意。 | 頭を上げろ!胸を腫れ!前を見ろ!笑うな!良く出来ました、指揮官。今日もその調子で一所懸命取り込んで下さい。 | Raise your head! Keep your chest up straight! Look straight ahead! Do not laugh! ...Very good, Commander. Let’s keep this up for the entirety of today. I’ll be very pleased. | |
我不严厉一点的话,光靠内格夫那样的疯丫头,会让人很不放心吧。 | ネゲブみたいなじゃじゃ馬はだけだと、心もとないでしょ。私が厳しくしない。 | If I do not act stricter and rely solely on that crazy girl Negev, it’ll bring people unease. | ||
指挥官还没闹够吗?实在是太幼稚了,我可不会奉陪到底啊。 | いい加減にして下さい指揮官。いくら何でも「…」を過ぎます。子供遊び付き合いありませんよ。 | Has the Commander finished yapping? How childish, I won’t accompany just anyone. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,您今天该不会忘记帮我浇花了吧?……限您今天之内哄我开心,不然下次约会就没戏了。
Commander, you’re not going to forget to help me to water the flowers today, right? …You’d better make me happy today, otherwise we won’t have another date.
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OATH | 指挥官,我们人形都是被赋予“面具”之后存在的,我们对待他人的喜怒哀乐,都是设定好的。但是您能透过那个女孩的“面具”,看见她真正的样子……指挥官,我想听您说说,那个女孩“面具”之下真正的故事……
Commander, us T-Dolls were given ‘masks’ to exist. The joys, sorrows and other emotions that we display to others are predetermined. However, you saw past a certain girl’s ‘mask’, seeing her true self… Commander, I’d like to listen to you talk about the story about how you saw past this girl’s ‘mask’.
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Greeting | 指揮官の活躍を楽しみにしています。 | I'm looking forward to your action, Commander. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新人でも厳しくしつけ。 | Even if it's a new recruit, I'll train her strictly. | ||
Joining an echelon | 全員陣形通り、位置に付け! | Everyone, get in position! | ||
Enhancement | 戦争に必要なのは強い兵士だけではない。 | Battlefield doesn't need just a strong soldier. | ||
Dummy-linking | 見分けられなくてもいい。私が本物であることを分かってくれれば、十分です。 | I don't need to be distinguished. As long as you acknowledge that I am real, then that is all I need. | ||
Logistics (start) | 私がいない間に気を抜いてはいけませんよ、指揮官。 | Don't lose focus when I'm not around, Commander. | ||
Logistics (end) | 私に肩を借そうとしてくれる方が言いました。嘗められたものですよ。 | I told them that offered to lend them their shoulder, they sure make light of me. | ||
Autobattle | 楽な任務などない。油断は禁物ですよ。 | This is not an easy mission. Negligence is forbidden. | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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