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G28 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 狙击武器G-28!指挥官,不讨厌我的话,就快点带我回家吧! 狙撃武器G-28です!指揮官、嫌いじゃなかったら、私を持ち帰ってくださいね。Play Sniping weapon G-28! Commander hurry up and take me home, if you don't mind having me around!
Introduction (同上) ditto
Secretary 啊?您说什么?我没听见!……嘿嘿,当然是开玩笑啦。 え?なんか言った?聞こえなかったけどぉ?…えへっ、冗談だよ。Play Eh? What did you say? I didn't hear it! ...Hehe, I was kidding.
指挥官,有了我就足够了吧?……至少心情会不错吧? 指揮官、私がいれば十分でしょう?…うふっ、少なくとも気分がいいよね。Play Commander, I am all you need right...? Or at least you won't feel sad around me right?
嘿嘿,虽然被您看中我也很开心,不过被别人看到可就糟糕了哦。 えへへ、価値が認められるのは嬉しいけど、人に見られるのはちょっと恥ずかしいなぁ。Play Hehe, even though I am happy that you cherishes me like this, but we'll be in trouble if anyone sees this.
Secretary (post OATH)
You would like more of my cooking? Of course, I'll go cook more right away!
Commander... This... This is really for me? Haha, I won! I won this with my own ability this time! Come on Commander, let's shout louder! Let everyone hear how happy we are!
Greeting 指挥官,今天也请多指教。 指揮官、今日もよろしくね。Play I will be counting on you today too Commander.
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴呢。大家好好相处吧。 新しい仲間だね。仲良くしようね。Play We got a new friend. Let's all get along.
Joining an echelon 大伙请多指教,今天也麻烦大家照顾了。 皆さんこんにちは、今日からお世話になるね。Play Nice to meet you everyone, will be troubling you guys again today.
Enhancement 嘿嘿,真温柔呢.指挥官 えへへ、優しいね、指揮官。Play How gentle of you Commander, hehe.
Dummy-linking 阿~果然像人家一样可爱的好孩子,多多增加比较好呢。 まぁ〜やっぱり私みたいな可愛い子は、もっと増えたほうがいいよね。Play Aww~ They're so cute just like me, we need more of them.
Logistics (start) 指挥官,可别忘记人家喔。 指揮官、私を忘れないでね。Play Commander don't forget about me ok?
Logistics (end) 我回来了,等很久了吗? ただいま、待った?Play I'm baaaack~ Did you miss me?
Autobattle 给大伙留下好印象喔~ みんなにいい印象を残すよ〜Play Gotta leave a good impression on everyone~
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 大伙,准备好了吗? うふふ。みんな、準備はいい?Play Are we ready everyone?
Starting a battle 那么就开始吧! それじゃ、始めましょう!Play So then, let's start!
Skill activation 永别了! さようなら!Play Say good bye!
舍弃你的尊严吧! プライドを捨てなさい!Play Throw away your pride!
嘿嘿~这样的话怎么样呢? うふふ、これならどう?Play Hehe~ What will happen if I do THIS?
Heavily damaged 对不起,一不注意就变成这样了。嘿嘿~ ごめんなさい、ついこうなっちゃって…えへPlay Sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention. Heh~
Retreat 哎呀~指挥官,真是抱歉呢~嘿嘿 あちゃ…指揮官、悪かったわよ。えへ。Play Ouch~ Commander, really sorry about this~ heh...
MVP 哈哈~看到了吗416,我才是新世代的武器喔! あはははっ、見ましたか416?私こそが新生代の兵器よ!Play Haha~ Did you see that 416? Looks like I am the new generation's weapon of choice!
Restoration 嘿嘿嘿,真的是意外哦,不能全怪我吧? ははっ…本当に担いだよ。私のせいじゃないよ。Play Hehe... It was an accident ok? It's not my fault you know.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 魔女よりやっぱり魔法少女の方が私に似合うよね。ね、指揮官?Play As expected, magical girl suits me better than witch. Don't you think so, Commander?
Christmas ケーキ「…」。ああ…クリスマスっていいよね。もっと楽しみたいな。Play
New Year's Day よし!今年も頑張りましょうね!まずは「…」そう力なりましょう!


Valentine's day えへへ、このチョコ結構頑張ったよ。早くたべてみて。


Ehehe, I did my best for this chocolate. Eat it quickly.
Tanabata 願い事は指揮官が幸せになりますようにっと。うふふ、どう?早く吊るして。


I wish for Commander to be happy. Ufufu, how is it? Hang it quickly.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play