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Falcon Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition Ahoj!小羊羔……啊不,指挥官大人!请多指教,叫我隼就可以啦。 アホイ!こひつじちゃん……じゃなくて、指揮官さま!よろしく!ファルコンでいいよ。Play Ahoj! Little Lamb... ah, no, Commander! Please, just call me Falcon.
Introduction (Ditto)
Secretary 刚刚好像不小心又弄坏了什么……哎?小羊羔你说什么……缺乏天赋?哈哈,你在说谁呀,好笨哦。 また何かを壊しちゃったみたい……え?こひつじちゃん、なんて?……才能がない、って?はははっ、誰のことよ、バカなんだから~Play It seems that I broke something again...huh? What was that, Little Lamb? ...A complete lack of talent? Ahahaha, just who are you referring to? How stupid~
毕竟是家乡里很有名的乐器嘛,那种吉他我也会做,我可以免费教给你哦!……哼,小羊羔好懒,那就看着我做吧。 故郷では有名な楽器だから、ああいうギターは私でも作れるよ。タダで作り方を教えてあげる!……ふふん、こひつじちゃんって意外と不器用なんだね。じゃあ、私が作るのをよ~く見てて。Play It's a famous instrument from my hometown, so I know how to make that kind of guitar. I can show you how to make it for free! ...Ufufu, Little Lamb is surprisingly clumsy. Here, let me show you how it's done.
这里确实有很多同乡呢……不过我就算了,我还是喜欢一个人躺在草地上看天。不过如果是小羊羔的话,允许你躺在我旁边哦。 そういえば私と同じ出身の人が沢山いるよね…けど私は、ひとりで草原に寝転がって空を眺めてる方が好きだから。……あ、でもこひつじちゃんならそばにいてもいいよ。Play Now that you mention it, there are lot of people from the same country as me, though I prefer to lie in the meadows and gaze up at the sky alone... Ah, but if it's you Little Lamb, you're allowed to be next to me.
Secretary (post OATH)
Hey! You're forbidden from looking at the sheet music in that drawer! Those are love songs I wrote to play for our anniversary, and I'm not ready to show them to you right now!
Little lamb, is, is that ring in your hand really for me? Why do you always do these things that go beyond my instincts, so cunning... I love it! Little lamb, you're the best...
Greeting 来てくれたんだ、指揮官さま!今日も“こひつじちゃん”って呼んでいい?Play You've arrived, Commander! Mind if I call you "Little Lamb" today?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間だね、羊飼いに興味はあるのかな~Play A new friend has arrived. Are you interested in shepherds by any chance~?
Joining an echelon う~ん、いい感じのイントロだね。Play Hmm~ what a lovely intro that was~
Enhancement おお!これなら絶対いけるね!Play Ohhh! I could get used to this!
Dummy-linking アンサンブルができそうだね。Play An ensemble would seem likely.
Logistics (start) こひつじちゃんが欲しい物は、ファルコンが欲しい物。さあ、行ってくるね。Play Whatever Little Lamb wants, Falcon shall retrieve. Alright, I'm heading out now.
Logistics (end) ただいまー!こひつじちゃん、私の演奏を待ってた?Play I'm back! Little Lamb, were you waiting to hear my performance?
Autobattle 古い地図だね!よし、私に任せて!Play Now that's an old map...leave it to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission おいで、一緒に勝利の賛歌を奏でよう!Play Come on, let's play the song of victory together!
Starting a battle このファルコンの眼が敵を捕らえたよ!Play My falcon's eye has found the enemy.
Skill activation 私の眼からは逃れられないよ!Play You can't escape from my eyes.
私の勘を舐めないでね!Play Don't underestimate my intuition.
この程度の相手じゃ、本気になれないよ。Play With an opponent of this level, I don't think they worth taking seriously.
Heavily damaged うう……こひつじちゃん、なんでこんなに痛いの……Play Ahh...Little Lamb, why does it hurt so much...
Retreat うん、時には遠回りも必要だよ。Play Ugh...sometimes a detour is necessary.
MVP あはは!さすが私!のんびりしながらも、勝利を手に入れるなんてね~!Play Ahaha! Just as I expected~, you won't win by just sitting around~
Restoration うう……こういう時はひとりでゆっくりさせて……Play Ugh...in that case, let me slow down a little...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween あれ…?もしかしてやり過ぎたかな?でも今日ってハロウィンだよね?「マザー・グース」を歌いながら歩いただけなのに…なんでみんな叫びながら逃げて行くの?Play Oh...? Aren't they overreacting a little? It's Halloween, isn't it? I just felt like walking around singing about ghosts. Why is everyone running away screaming?
Christmas ほら見て!クリスマスツリーの下で見つけたの!「ジョー・パスのアナログレコード」だよ!こひつじちゃん…!私は本当に幸せだよ!美味しい物がいっぱいあって…ロウソクの火も暖かくて…そしてなにより…このプレゼント!はぁ…クリスマスって…やっぱりは一番幸せな日だね…!Play Hey, look! I found this under the Christmas tree! It's that super rare record that I was asking for! Little Lamb, I couldn't be any happier! There's so much delicious food...it's so nice and warm inside...and on top of that: THIS PRESENT! Ahhh...Christmas...really is the happiest day!
New Year's Day うぇっ…こひつじちゃん~!やっと見つけたよ…!あっちこっち人だらけでお祭り騒ぎだし…早くどこかに逃げこもうよ…!でないと…初詣に付き合わされちゃう…。


Uwaah...! Little Lamb...I've finally found you...! There's so many people here and there in this festive event...let' get out of here as soon as possible...otherwise, we'll get dragged into Hatsumōde.
Valentine's day えっ…こひつじちゃん…大丈夫?なんで私のチョコを食べてからずっと顔色が悪いの?料理の腕に自身があるのに…おかしいな…せっかくのバレンタインなのに…まさか病院で過ごさないといけないの?


Uwaah...! Little Lamb...are you okay? Why does your complexion look so bad after you ate my chocolate? Even though I have my own special techniques for cooking...how strange...that doesn't mean that you'll be spending the rest of Valentine's Day in the hospital...right?
Tanabata 願いは…とくにないかな。もし戦争が終わったら…って死亡フラグなんかじゃないから!もう怒るよ!?…未来の牧場の設計図から、こひつじちゃんの部屋を消しちゃうよ!


What do I...wish for? When the war ends...wait, that's not something that I should reveal to you! Now I'm mad! I'm going to erase the Little Lamb's room from my future ranch designs.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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