Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 您好,尊敬的老板,这是我的名片。或许您有兴趣成为未来商业帝国的合伙人吗? | Greetings, Honored Boss. Here's my business card. Perhaps you'd be interested in partnering up with a soon-to-be business empire? | ||
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 别紧张,这把斧子是专门用来对付基地里不讲商业信誉的家伙的……要是老板您也被Px4诈骗了,记得立刻通知我。 | Don't panic, this axe is specially for dealing with those in the base with questionable business reputations...if you've also got scammed by PX4, remember to notify me immediately, Boss. | ||
虽说挣钱是人生第一大事,但偶尔也要放松一下吧?就比如我,即便被格琳娜小姐、基地供应商和仓库管理员争相聘用,但我还是会抽出宝贵的时间,陪您聊聊天什么的…… | Even though making profit is the number one priority in life, you've got to take a break every once in a while, you know? Take me for example. The base supplier, the warehouse manager, and even Miss Kalina are all vying for my talent, yet I'm still taking precious time out of my day to be here, chatting with you... | |||
关于上次您让我处理过期弹药的事,我想了个新点子!只要在弹药上签上您的姓名,这些铁疙瘩就成了珍贵的收藏品,倒时候再公开拍卖——咦?您只是拜托我送到专门的工厂报废吗?哈哈,真是抱歉了。 | I've got a brilliant idea regarding the expired ammunition you asked me to dispose of last time! By signing your name on the bullets, we can effortlessly turn all this junk into invaluable collector's item [sic]. Then, you can simply auction them - huh? You were just asking me to drop them off at a specialized scrapyard? Haha, sorry~ | |||
Secretary (post OATH) | 一起聊天、散步、喝茶……这些也包含在永久商业伙伴的契约中吗?哈哈,您误会了,我并非提出反对,而是说,即便不用契约的名义,我也愿意陪在您身边。
Chatting, strolling, and drinking tea together...were these also part of our contract for a permanent business partnership? Haha, you've misunderstood. I'm not objecting to them, but rather that I am willing to be by your side, even without a contract's obligations.
| ||
OATH | 您应该明白,这份契约远不止是“永久商业伙伴”这么简单吧?说实话,自从破产以来,我已经很久没有信任过任何人类了——您是唯一的例外。希望您日后也永远不会辜负我的信任——记得,是“永远”。
You do realize that this contract means much more than a simple "permanent business partnership", right? Truth be told, I haven't trusted a human in a long time, not since I went bankrupt...you are the sole exception. I hope that you'll never betray my trust- remember, "never".
| ||
Greeting | 欢迎光临格里芬指挥室。 | Welcome to the Griffin command room. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新顾客大驾光临……不知她的消费水平如何呢? | |||
Joining an echelon | 尊贵的顾客们,请跟我来。 | Honored guests, please follow me. | ||
Enhancement | 居然这么快就意识到我非凡的价值了吗? | Didn't take long for you to notice my extraordinary value, huh? | ||
Dummy-linking | 呵,又来了一个“金牌销售”的竞争者。 | Heh, another contender for the title of "gold salesperson". | ||
Logistics (start) | 我会替您查探最新市场动向的。 | I'll monitor the latest market trends with you. | ||
Logistics (end) | 这次的样本很有意思,我稍后向您亲自汇报。 | These samples are fascinating. I'll report back to you personally later. | ||
Autobattle | 老样子续约?没问题,包在我身上。 | A contract renewal just like before? Gotcha, I'll take care of it. | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン! | 소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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