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January 26th[edit]

2018 January Winter Give-away event[edit]

Winter Give Away and HG SPP-1SPP-1SPP-1 - Embracing Snowflakes skin preview

January 26th ~ February 7th

Items give away for consecutive logins between 26th of January till 7th of February!

  • First day: x100
  • Second day: Superconducting Energy x10
  • Third day: x10
  • Fourth day: x500
  • Fifth day: x200
  • Sixth day: x300
  • Seventh day: Skin: HG SPP-1SPP-1SPP-1 - Embracing Snowflakes

500x of each resources is rewarded everyday for the duration of the event on top of the said rewards above.

Return! The Glory of Grifon[edit]

January 25th 16:00 GMT+8 ~ February 22nd 10:00 GMT+8

A Returner reward event where summoning players to return will yield rewards such as , , Superconducting Energies, T-Doll AR T65T65T65 and many more.

  • Note: You have to use the friend system to add the returning player as a friend. If they are already in your friends list, you need to add them back again to attain the corresponding reward only once. Returning players are denoted as players whom have not played since before the 11th of January 2018 and are above level 15.

January 20th[edit]

Procurement theme "Now You See Me" is now available[edit]

Procurement "Now You See Me"

January 20th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ February 1st 10:00 GMT+8

"NZ75 - ThanX! & Go2Hell!"
"M99 - Rabbit Squad""

Featuring following skins:

Featuring following furniture sets:

  • 4* Set: Pirate's Treasures
  • 5* Set: Pixel Forest

January 13th[edit]

Diamond Month Pass double pay-out[edit]

Diamond double pay-out x2

January 13th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ January 19th 23:59 GMT+8

Month pass gives out 60 instead of 30 per day!

Combat Exp Up[edit]

Combat Exp Up

January 13th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ January 21st 23:59 GMT+8

All combat missions yields 1.5x EXP!

Daily Resource Package[edit]

Daily Resource Package

January 13th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ January 21st 23:59 GMT+8

Ammo x1000, Ration x1000, x1

Package cost: 98

January 1st[edit]

Daily Discount Package[edit]

Daily Discount Package

January 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ January 31st 23:59 GMT+8

x300, x100

Package cost: 128