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Colt Walker/Quotes

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Colt Walker Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 看见你真好,亲爱的指挥官。我很期待接下来一起度过的时光。 あんたに会えて嬉しいよ、親愛なる指揮官。共に過ごす日々が楽しみだ。Play Nice seeing you, dear Commander. I'm looking forward to our time together.
Secretary 玛姬·庞兹这个名字已经属于过去,如果你想听那些故事的话,请把钱打到以下账户……诶?我好像不需要攒那么多钱了。咳咳,老习惯改不掉了。 マギー・ポンジは、過去の名だ。詳しい話が聞きたいんなら、この口座に振り込みを……あ、もう金を稼ぐ必要ないんだった。ゴホッゴホッ、今のは忘れてくれ。Play Maggie Ponzi is a name that belongs to the past, so if you want to know those stories of hers, please send money to this account... Eh? Guess I don't need to hoard that much money anymore. Ahem, old habits die hard.
扑克是一种概率游戏,高超的老千都是调戏概率的高手,不过操控概率的人终将被概率制裁,至于凯瑟琳嘛……她的问题是演技太差了。 ポーカーは確率のゲームだ。凄腕のイカサマ師はその確率を制したつもりでいるが、実際は確率を制したつもりでいるが、実際そんなことは不可能だ。キャサリンの場合は……ポーカーフェイスを鍛えるところからだな。Play Poker is a game of probability, and the best con artists are masters at exploiting the numbers. However, those who manipulate chance will end up sanctioned by it eventually. As for Katherine... she's simply a terrible actress.
玛格丽特是我的爱情,地狱龙舌兰是我的信仰,干马天尼是我的生命,我就如同风流多情的男人,沉醉在每一杯美酒佳人之中难以自拔。 あたしはマルガリータを愛し、テキーラ・スラマーを信仰し、ドライ・マティーニのために生きる。どれか一つにきめようなんざ、あたしには無理な話さ。Play Margaritas are my love, tequila slammers are my faith, dry martinis are my life; just like a flirtatious man, I indulge myself in every glass of fine cocktail.
Secretary (post OATH)
Half a peg of lemonade, half a peg of juniper berries, half a peg of minted liqueur... and topped off with mystery flavored ice cubes; it's a strange recipe, isn't it? It's my first time mixing anything and I wasn't even able to open the shaker, so this might taste terrible. Even so, would you mind trying out this creation of mine, the “Miss Haunted House”?
...I do not possess a name; I'm not Maggie, nor is she Katherine. Maybe one day the true Ms. Maggie will be back, or maybe never, but I'm no longer afraid of the outcomes, Commander. I believe we are a match made to enjoy the last drink of our lives together.
Greeting 美好的一天从半杯威士忌加冰开始。 一日の始まりは、ウイスキーのロックに限る。Play A wonderful day starts with half a cup of whisky on the rocks.
T-Doll Produced 这种方法真有效率,时代果然在进步。 技術の進歩は目覚ましいな。Play This method truly is efficient, and times are certainly moving on.
Joining an echelon 队伍……好久没试过这种合作了。 チーム……か。集団行動は久しぶりだPlay Teams... It's been long since I've had cooperations of this sort.
Enhancement 素体升级的感觉,真的很爽。一想到不用花自己的钱,就觉得更爽了。 素体がアップグレードされる感覚はいい。しかもタダだからというのだから最高だ。Play Having my body upgraded feels really good. Even more so when I'm not the one paying the bills.
Dummy-linking 这就是我喜欢长久活着的原因,总能见证新的技术。 最近の技術はすごいな。長生きしてみるもんだ。Play This is why I strive to live for as long as possible; to continuously witness the birth of new technologies.
Logistics (start) 漫长的旅行,又要开始了。 また長い旅が始まる。Play Another lengthy journey is about to begin.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,能用“回来”这个词,真是美好啊。 ただいま戻った。フッ、「ただいま」か……いい響きだな。Play I'm back. How delightful to be able to use that phrase.
Autobattle 放心,我的每一次出手都精准无比。 任せな。あたしに失敗はありえない。Play Relax, I never miss my shots.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发吧,我的小可爱们。 行くよ、子猫ちゃんたち。Play Time to move, my darlings.
Starting a battle 有不长眼的家伙要出现了,兴致更高了呢。 さてと、カモがきたカモがきた。Play Short-sighted goons have appeared. This is getting exciting.
Skill activation 这是一场公平的交易! フェアな取引といこう!Play This is a fair trade!
享受战场吧,像享受美酒一样! 戦場も美酒も堪能し尽くせ!Play Enjoy the battle, just like a glass of fine wine!
真有趣啊。 面白いじゃないか。Play That's interesting.
Heavily damaged 我即将……被这个时代所遗弃吗? あたしは、時代遅れだっていうのか……?Play Am I about to be... abandoned by this era?
Retreat 退后是一种保存实力的策略。 ときには撤退も必要だ。Play Backing down is a strategy to preserve strength.
MVP 给我来一杯“血腥玛丽”! ブラッディ・マリーだ、ブラッディ・マリー!Play A Bloody Mary, please!
Restoration 事先声明,这些费用都由指挥官来报销。 修理費用は経費にしてくれ。Play For the record, Commander is the one paying these bills.
Attack 现在可以把所有底牌押上去了。 オールインだ。Play Now's the time to put all the cards on the table.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不知道哪位幸运的小孩子能抢走我手里的酒心糖呢?每一颗都是我精心调配的成果……里面甚至藏着一个秘密,唔,看你期待的眼神,想来一颗吗? あたしから酒入りチョコを奪える子はいるかな?全部あたしの手製だ。中身は食べてからのお楽しみ……ん?欲しいのか?いいさ、かかってきな。Play I wonder who's the lucky one that can snatch these alcohol candies? Every single one of them is a fruit of my careful concoctions... and they even hold their own little secrets. Oh my, look at your craving eyes. Would you like to have one?
Christmas 拆圣诞礼物的心情,就跟赌徒面对骰盅的心情一样,里面到底能开出什么未知的好东西呢?其实期待和希望,才是老天爷真正赐予人类的礼物。 プレゼントを開ける時のワクワクは、丁半を開ける時のソレに匹敵する。期待や希望を抱けることが、天からの最大の贈り物だ。Play Opening a Christmas present is similar to a gambler rolling his dice. What kind of surprises await inside? Nobody knows. But unbeknownst to him, that anticipation and hope are the real gifts the universe bestowed to us.
New Year's Day 一杯鸡尾酒如果想被人铭记,往往需要一个动人的故事。而一段时光被尘封,往往需要一个特殊的节日。指挥官,这是我为你特调的“新年快乐”。 名のある酒にはストーリーが付きものだ。あんたには特別な日に相応しい酒を用意した。「ハッピーニューイヤー」と名付けよう。


A cocktail often needs a moving story to be remembered. A forgotten memory, however, needs a special holiday. Commander, this is my specially-mixed “Happy New Year” for you.
Valentine's day 送巧克力的人未必把对方放在心上,但不送巧克力的人一定没有把对方放在心上。仪式感是秋天吹过麦田的颜色,让人想起小王子发色之时的心花怒放。 義理チョコに深い意味はないとはいえ、貰えないのはやっぱり寂しいものだな。ほら……まったく面倒な日だな。


The one gifting the chocolate might not care about the recipient, but the one not gifting anything definitely doesn't have anyone in mind. This sense of formality is like the color of wheat fields blowing in the autumn wind, reminiscent of the heartfelt emotions of one witnessing the little blond-haired prince.
Tanabata 比起向别人许愿,我更愿意向自己许愿。只要我全力以赴,我相信事情终究会达成……不是吗?指挥官,我就是怀抱着这份信念来到了格里芬基地呢。 他人に願い事なんかするより、自分に願い事を。あたしが本気を出せばすべての望みが叶うんだから。願いは自分で叶えるものだ…そうだろ指揮官。グリフィンに入るずっと前からあたしはそうやって生きてきた。


Instead of praying to others, I'd rather pray to myself. As long as I give all I have, things will eventually come to fruition... Don't you think so? It's with this mindset that I joined Griffin, Commander.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 哎呀,我们需要适当地迷惑敌人。 うん、敵を撹乱しよう。Play Oh dear, we need to adequately confuse the enemy.
Phrase 不来一杯吗? 一杯どうだ?Play Why not have a glass?
Tip 我害怕死亡,所以我会认真品味每一杯美酒。 この世の美酒味わい尽くすまであたしは死なない。Play Death haunts me, hence why I will savor every glass of fine wine.
Loading 时间还很长,来一局德州扑克吗? 暇だな、ブラックジャックでもするか?Play We got lot of time to kill, how about a game of Texas Hold 'Em?