Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 看见你真好,亲爱的指挥官。我很期待接下来一起度过的时光。 | あんたに会えて嬉しいよ、親愛なる指揮官。共に過ごす日々が楽しみだ。 | Nice seeing you, dear Commander. I'm looking forward to our time together. | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 玛姬·庞兹这个名字已经属于过去,如果你想听那些故事的话,请把钱打到以下账户……诶?我好像不需要攒那么多钱了。咳咳,老习惯改不掉了。 | マギー・ポンジは、過去の名だ。詳しい話が聞きたいんなら、この口座に振り込みを……あ、もう金を稼ぐ必要ないんだった。ゴホッゴホッ、今のは忘れてくれ。 | Maggie Ponzi is a name that belongs to the past, so if you want to know those stories of hers, please send money to this account... Eh? Guess I don't need to hoard that much money anymore. Ahem, old habits die hard. | |
扑克是一种概率游戏,高超的老千都是调戏概率的高手,不过操控概率的人终将被概率制裁,至于凯瑟琳嘛……她的问题是演技太差了。 | ポーカーは確率のゲームだ。凄腕のイカサマ師はその確率を制したつもりでいるが、実際は確率を制したつもりでいるが、実際そんなことは不可能だ。キャサリンの場合は……ポーカーフェイスを鍛えるところからだな。 | Poker is a game of probability, and the best con artists are masters at exploiting the numbers. However, those who manipulate chance will end up sanctioned by it eventually. As for Katherine... she's simply a terrible actress. | ||
玛格丽特是我的爱情,地狱龙舌兰是我的信仰,干马天尼是我的生命,我就如同风流多情的男人,沉醉在每一杯美酒佳人之中难以自拔。 | あたしはマルガリータを愛し、テキーラ・スラマーを信仰し、ドライ・マティーニのために生きる。どれか一つにきめようなんざ、あたしには無理な話さ。 | Margaritas are my love, tequila slammers are my faith, dry martinis are my life; just like a flirtatious man, I indulge myself in every glass of fine cocktail. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 半份柠檬水,半份杜松子,半份薄荷香甜酒……再加满秘制调味冰块,这是个很奇怪的方子对吗?我第一次调酒,连雪克杯都拧不开,也许很难喝哦,你愿意尝试一下吗?名为“鬼屋小姐”的作品。
Half a peg of lemonade, half a peg of juniper berries, half a peg of minted liqueur... and topped off with mystery flavored ice cubes; it's a strange recipe, isn't it? It's my first time mixing anything and I wasn't even able to open the shaker, so this might taste terrible. Even so, would you mind trying out this creation of mine, the “Miss Haunted House”?
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OATH | ……我没有名字,玛姬不是我,凯瑟琳也不是她。<>也许有一天庞兹小姐会回来,也许永远不会回来。但我不再害怕了,指挥官。<>我想我们是可以共同品鉴生命最后一杯酒的人。
...I do not possess a name; I'm not Maggie, nor is she Katherine. Maybe one day the true Ms. Maggie will be back, or maybe never, but I'm no longer afraid of the outcomes, Commander. I believe we are a match made to enjoy the last drink of our lives together.
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Greeting | 美好的一天从半杯威士忌加冰开始。 | 一日の始まりは、ウイスキーのロックに限る。 | A wonderful day starts with half a cup of whisky on the rocks. | |
T-Doll Produced | 这种方法真有效率,时代果然在进步。 | 技術の進歩は目覚ましいな。 | This method truly is efficient, and times are certainly moving on. | |
Joining an echelon | 队伍……好久没试过这种合作了。 | チーム……か。集団行動は久しぶりだ | Teams... It's been long since I've had cooperations of this sort. | |
Enhancement | 素体升级的感觉,真的很爽。一想到不用花自己的钱,就觉得更爽了。 | 素体がアップグレードされる感覚はいい。しかもタダだからというのだから最高だ。 | Having my body upgraded feels really good. Even more so when I'm not the one paying the bills. | |
Dummy-linking | 这就是我喜欢长久活着的原因,总能见证新的技术。 | 最近の技術はすごいな。長生きしてみるもんだ。 | This is why I strive to live for as long as possible; to continuously witness the birth of new technologies. | |
Logistics (start) | 漫长的旅行,又要开始了。 | また長い旅が始まる。 | Another lengthy journey is about to begin. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,能用“回来”这个词,真是美好啊。 | ただいま戻った。フッ、「ただいま」か……いい響きだな。 | I'm back. How delightful to be able to use that phrase. | |
Autobattle | 放心,我的每一次出手都精准无比。 | 任せな。あたしに失敗はありえない。 | Relax, I never miss my shots. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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