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CZ2000 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition CZ2000报到!指挥官,今后就把同伴的背后交给我吧!……哼哼~这样的台词在就想说一次了! チェコ2000到着とうちゃくしました!指揮官しきかんさまとみなさんの背中せなかぼくまもる!…ふふふん~このセリフを一度いちどってみたかったんです!Play CZ2000 reporting in! Commander, you can rely on me to watch everyone's back! ...Huhu~ always wanted to say this line!
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 咕呃啊啊啊啊…………!臭蝎子!我的头发才不是螃蟹呢! うぇっ…うぅ…!スコ~ピオンめ!ぼくかみはカニなんかじゃないよ!Play GUAAAAAAA.....! Damn Skorpion! My hair isn't a crab!
"虾仔“是很可靠的哦,近身格斗可不会输给任何人形呢! エビはとてもたのもしいですよ。近接きんせつ戦闘せんとうならだれにもけませんよ!Play "Shrimpy" is real reliable alright, won't lose to any other Androids in close combat!
诶?作战意见?……虽、虽然我是有些想法啦,但是果然答案要自己寻找才有意义吧? え?作戦さくせん意見いけんですか?…ちょっ、ちょっとかんがえがあるけど、でもやっぱり、自分じぶんかんがえなきゃいけないですよ?Play Ehh? Combat advice? ...Well, I do have some but, the answer is more meaningful if you found out by yourself right?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander are you still busy? Take me and Shrimpy on a walk when you are free~
Eee? ...Commander, you finally made the decision? This... Of course I'm prepared for this kind of situation! Just a little bit unexpected... Now... I'm suppose to give you my hand right? Here... Here you are... Waaahhhhhh...❤
Greeting 今日きょうぼくと、一緒いっしょ仕事しごとしましょう!Play Today, let us work together!
T-Doll Produced 指揮官しきかんさま、新入しんいりはどんなかんじですか。Play Commander, how's the impression of the new recruit?
Joining an echelon うふん~やっぱりぼくちからかさないんでしょう?Play Heheh~ You know that my help is indispensable after all.
Enhancement まったく仕方しかたがないですね~。ぼくにあまりたよらないでよ~Play Geez, how hopeless. Don't be too reliant on me.
Dummy-linking カ…カニ一杯いっぱい…!…やぁ!カニなんかじゃないもん!Play T-there are so many crabs! Wha- They're not crabs!
Logistics (start) エビ、お散歩さんぽに行くよ~Play Shrimpy, let's go for a walk~
Logistics (end) 弾薬だんやく配給はいきゅうも、大事だいじですね。Play Ammunition and distribution are important.
Autobattle 今回こんかい任務にんむ、これだけ準備じゅんびがあれば十分じゅうぶんでしょう。Play For this time's mission, this amount of preparation should be enough.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission エビ、くよ!Play Shrimpy, let's go!
Starting a battle ふん、あんたがぼく相手あいてか。Play Hmph, you're my opponent huh.
Skill activation まだまだぼく本気ほんきじゃないよ!Play I haven't get serious!
ビビんないでよ!Play Don't get scared!
これはどうかな?!Play How about this?!
Heavily damaged おっ、いて!まだあきらめるんじゃない!Play C-calm down! I haven't giving up!
Retreat 指揮官しきかんさま、もうたないですよ!Play Commander, I can't hold it anymore!
MVP 予想よそうどおりだよ~楽勝らくしょう楽勝らくしょうPlay As expected~ Easy victory!
Restoration たいしたきずじゃないから、ぼくにとっては、いつものことだ…っうふ!Play This scratch isn't a big deal. This is common for m- ugh!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween そのはこさわるな!キャンディなんかはいってないから!Play Don't touch that box! It does not contain any candy!
Christmas 指揮官しきかんさまも手伝てつだうんですか?ツリーのかざぐらいぼく一人ひとりでも大丈夫だいじょうぶですよ。Play You too want to help, Commander? If it's just decorating the tree, I alone am enough.
New Year's Day 指揮官しきかんさま、お年玉としだまちょうだい!エビのぶんもおねがいしますよ!


Commander, where's my new year gift! Please don't forget about Shrimpy's part as well!
Valentine's day わっ…指揮官しきかんさま!奇遇きぐうですね。えっと…おいエビ…さっき準備じゅんびしたチョコは?え?!べたって?!


Wha... Commander, what a coincidence! Umm... Shrimpy, where's the chocolate that I've prepared earlier? What, you ate it?!
Tanabata そとほしきたい?指揮官しきかんさまってばまだまだ子供こどもですね。ちょっとってあげますよ。


You want to see the stars outside? You're still a kid aren't you, Commander. I'll accompany you for a bit then.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play