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Bren Ten/Quotes

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Bren Ten Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 拳銃界の希望の星——Bren Ten!ただいま参りました!指揮官、あたしの初陣を楽しみにしててくださいね!Play The Star of Hope of the handgun world, Bren Ten! Here I am! Commander, look forward to my first battle!
Introduction Bren Ten,那可是兼具左轮的火力和半自动的射速的最强武器哦。还配备了专门为我研发的10mm手枪弹呢。不过我的运气是不太好啦,接手的公司老是破产…… Bren Ten, the strongest weapon, with both revolver fire and semi-automatic fire! Also equipped with a 10mm pistol bomb specially developed for me! I'm just not very lucky though, every company that picks me up ends up bankrupt...
Secretary 指揮官、お呼びですか?ここですよ!Play Commander, did you call for me? I'm here!
あたしたちの資金、あとどれくらい持つでしょう?もっと調達しに行きましょうか?Play I wonder how much longer longer our funds will last... Should we go out to earn some more?
やめてください!違法行為ですよ!え?どの法律……?わ、分かりませんけど、でもきっとありますっ!Play Please stop that! That's against the law! Eh? "Which law"...? I-I don't know which law, but it totally exists!
Secretary (post OATH)
That's okay, Commander! No matter if we go bankrupt or not, I'm never leaving your side!
Commander, so you couldn't hide it any longer and you called me over to tell me the truth, to say that we're bankrupt... right? Eh? Eeeh?? Fo-For real?! Then, I... Aaah! Commander, you're too friggin' kind!
Greeting 指揮官、今日は忙しくなりますよ!Play Commander, today'll be another busy day!
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間が来ましたね、お会いできて嬉しいです!Play A new comrade has arrived, I'm really glad to meet them!
Joining an echelon ふふふふん!楽しみにしててくださいよ!Play Fufufufun! Just look forward to it!
Enhancement えへへ~!あたしの力に限界はありませんよ!Play Ehehe! There's no limit to my power!
Dummy-linking あははっ!やっぱりあたしは注目を集める希望の星ですよね!Play Ahaha! As expected from the talk of the town, the Star of Hope!
Logistics (start) 行ってきます!バイバイ!Play I'm off! Bye-bye!
Logistics (end) ただいまー!外は大変になってましたよ!Play I'm home! It got really awful out there!
Autobattle 状況を分析しました、負けるはずがありません!Play I've analysed the situation, there's no way we can lose!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission よし!行きますよ!Play Right! Here we go!
Starting a battle 奴らが来ました!戦闘開始!Play Dem goons have come! Battle start!
Skill activation 気を付けてくださいよ!Play Please watch out!
あたしは強いですよ!Play I'm strong!
ツイてないですね、あなたたち……Play You guys are just unlucky, aren't you...
Heavily damaged あああっ!どうしようどうしよう?!Play Aaah! What should I do, what should I do?!
Retreat うぅ……たまたまのミスですっ!本当ですよ!Play Uuh... That was just an accident! I'm serious!
MVP えっへへへ!これが希望の星の実力ですよ!あたし、嘘ついてないでしょう?Play Ehehehe! This is the true power of the Star of Hope! I'm not lying, y'know?
Restoration こめんなさい、また迷惑をかけちゃって……Play Sorry, I've been a nuisance again...
Attack よし!前進!Play Right! Moving forward!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ガオー!え?恐竜きょうりゅうじゃないです!ちゃんとててください!Play Grooowl! Eh? I'm not a dinosaur! Please get it right!
Christmas サンタさん?いるにまってるでしょ!今日きょうはいいにします!Play Mister Santa? Of course he exists! I'm behaving myself today!
New Year's Day 大掃除だいそうじですよ!みんな綺麗きれいにして、新年しんねんむかえましょう!


Big cleaning in progress! Let's enter the new year with everything tidy!
Valentine's day せいめてつくりましたよ!あじもきっと……あれ?し、指揮官しきかん大丈夫だいじょうぶですか?!


I made this to the best of my ability! Surely the taste is... Uh? C-Commander! Are you okay?!
Tanabata ワーオ!すごい花火はなびですね!宇宙人うちゅうじんにメッセージをおくっているのでしょうか……


Wow! Those fireworks are so cool! You think they're sending a message to aliens...?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense そのまま回帰!Play Don't stop, pull back!
Phrase 簡単、簡単!Play Easy, easy!
Tip 指揮官、あたしを見てくださいね!Play Commander, please watch me!
Loading え?まだ早いんじゃないですか?Play Eh? Isn't it too early for that?