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Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery/2092R

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2092R is the “classic” mode of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, reusing the levels from the original Codename: Bakery Girl.

2092R is a very different, much less polished experience, which works as a sort of nightmare difficulty. The notable differences with the Reverse Collapse gameplay are:

  • Only Mendo and Jefuty can be enhanced. They only have one skill (equivalent to their Ultimate Skill in Reverse Collapse) and skill points are instead used to boosts certain stats. HP and evasion upgrades grow non-linearly and should be prioritized. Team level caps at 30 but all stats can be maxed by level 24 (during NG+).
  • Other characters are playable in some levels, but they can't use items (except Lige)
  • You don't need a special healing item to revive a downed unit.
  • All items works differently. Equipment-type items are lost when destroyed, and sent to the items reserve when left on the field (crafting materials are found are not in limited quantity unlike Reverse Collapse). Flash Grenades and the UAV's skills are mandatory to get better chances to hit enemies.
  • Sandbags on the maps do not grant evasion bonus.

The first playthrough is designated 2092R-1, and the second, harder playthrough, is 2092R-2. Everything is carried between playthroughs, and collectibles are different between the playthroughs, which is why both R-1 and R-2 are available in replay mode after completing the last raid level.

Unlocking 2092R[edit]

After completing The Final Battle II in Chapter 4, hold the space bar on the main menu until a prompt appears, then enter the second-to last code (Q0Y6-H37X-575I-SVTM) written on the very first Collection item.

Chapter 1: Lost Memory - Prologue[edit]


The convoy of Squad Fox of the Antarctic Union's MID fall into an ambush of the URNC west of Jebel City, in Karachay Region. Fox-One's leader Carl and the new agent Mendo survive the inital attack, but when Carl finds that his radio is broken and he can't call Squad Razor for help, Mendo decides to return to the trucks to find another one and is knocked out by a rocket shot. When he comes to, he finds that a mysterious girl has tended to his wounds and they evacuate the area.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Special Forces (2092R-2)

A tutorial level. Just follow the instructions.


Chapter 1: Lost Memory[edit]


Jefuty guides Mendo down the mountain and out of the URNC's ambush. They sneak by enemy troops and gather resources in a village on the way.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Special Forces (2092R-2)

A tutorial level. Just follow the instructions, but don't loiter or the patrolling Scouts will find you.

In 2092R-2, there is a Special Forces unit in the top forest and a Scout waiting just before the objective.


Chapter 2: The First Battle[edit]


As Jefuty and Mendo take a rest from their escape, Mendo thanks Jefuty for saving him and asks for her name, but she ignores him as she hears the footsteps of approaching enemies. Mendo asks Jefuty to leave, believing the enemies are only after him, but Jefuty harshly talks him down and orders him to help her craft some traps and setup turrets. After the URNC forces are eliminated in the ambush, Jefuty admits that Mendo has some skills and reveals her name.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commando
    • Special Forces (2092R-2)
    • Snipers (2092R-2)
    • Officer (2092R-2)

A tutorial level. Just follow the instructions.


Chapter 3: Escape from Death[edit]


As they travel with a refugee convoy, Mendo reveals to Jefuty that he has lost all of his memories except for his name and the word “Bakery”. Their vehicle is stopped at a checkpoint north of Tyrnyauz, and when the soldiers try to take Jefuty, Mendo kills them. Jefuty wants to escape, but Mendo refuses to abandon the refugees to their fate, instead giving them weapons so they can take on the URNC reinforcements.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Civilians
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commando
    • Officer
    • Special Forces (2092R-2)
    • Tank (2092R-2)
    • AA03 (2092R-2)

Note that the civilian units cannot use items and will go down in one hit. The enemies will pour in from the top left on turn 2, and the next wave from the south after 4 turns of preparation, including an Elite Commando with a turret part.


Chapter 4: Hunter and Prey[edit]

Mendo obtains the Bison at the start of this level.


Mendo guides Jefuty to a rendezvous point in an abandoned city, where they meet Jevon and Atena. After Jefuty is introduced, Jevon helps Mendo remember his identity as a member of the Antarctic Military Internal Affairs Division. Jefuty warns that enemies are approaching, and the AU force splits up in two teams to fight. After they clear the enemies, Jefuty reveals to Mendo that she didn't find Squad Fox's convoy by chance, but escaped from a refugee convoy that was about to be massacred by URNC troops led by the "Major". Mendo makes the connection with the name of MID's informant, "Major Crane".

After they regroup with Jevon and Atena, Jevon reminds Mendo of their mission: they are currently in Ukraine as part of Operation Bakery, and Mendo is part of Squad Fox 2-1, led by Carl and expected to pick up a VIP whose identity is highly classified escorted by Fox 2-2 before evacuating with the help of the TASA forces. Since the ambush, the mysterious VIP has gone missing and bad weather makes it impossible to evacuate. Mendo asks about the Major, whom Jevon knows as Major Beria, a mole in the URNC's Inspecorate. All signs points to Berias as the person who organized the ambush, although he was not supposed to know about the position of Fox 2-2.

Later, Jefuty informs Mendo that she knows where the Major is, pretending she found a map of an Inspectorate base in the previous battle. Jefuty wants to avenge someone's death, and Mendo also wants to avenge his fallen comrades. They leave quietly since Jevon would not agree to this attack.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Jevon
    • Atena
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Snipers
    • Elite Sniper
    • Commandos
    • Officer
    • Special Forces (2092R-2)

You'll have a chance to produce basic resources after meeting Atena at the first objective. There will be two consecutive ambushes as your progress up the map, with enemies suddenly appearing.

During 2092R-2, Atena's shop will contain all endgame items including Cruise Missiles. Atena and Jevon will also be playable unlike in 2092R-1 (but only Jefuty and Mendo need to reach the objective).


Chapter 5: Hidden Secret[edit]


Jefuty and Mendo sneak to a cliff overlooking the Inspectorate's base. They see the Major talking with a mysterious girl Jefuty recognizes. The Major is talking about the deployment of troops to search for "her sister", and the girl dismisses the need for a search as she knows exactly where Jefuty is, before pointing to the cliff. Jefuty realizes the situation just as URNC troops arrive near their position with tanks, forcing them to jump down a cliff to run into the forest downhill.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Elite Scouts
    • Snipers
    • Elite Sniper
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commandos
    • Officers
    • Tanks
    • Special Forces (2092R-2)

Three phases: first a stealth phase (tip: all enemies in the base will disappear once one character has reached the objective area), then a 10-turns survival map (15 in 2092R-2), and a final run to the exit. Note that the tanks can only move on the road tiles. Make sure you collect the Monitoring Device crafting materials and preserve your detection equipment as you will need these for the next mission.


Chapter 6: ELID[edit]


Jefuty and Mendo run away in the nearby radiation zone, a heavi contamination zone due to the remnants of the Chernobyl incident and later Collapse fluid contamination due to the nearby ruins of the Koschei system of the old Soviet Union. The area is inhabited by Type-D infected "ELIDers", condemned to remain as walking corpses since the vaccine was lost in World War III and the Antarctic War. Jefuty's mind suddenly becomes filled with extra information when she hears Mendo's explanations: “the Relic disintegration that caused the wide-area dispersal, DNA-level mutations caused by the background radiaiton, unfinished applications of the Collapse Effect, research embryos, an excavation and an incomplete battery mechanism”. Only the Assault Artillery weapons developed by the former United Nations can face ELIDers, forcing Jefuty and Mendo to use stealth.

Their progress is impeded when one of the creatures blocks their only way forward, the mysterious girl appears. She easily kills the ELID and mocks her sister Jefuty for giving up so soon. She then informs them that Beria's units are currently occupied elsewhere and his base wide open to an attack before disappearing. Jefuty is in disbelief and refuses to answer Mendo's questions about the mysterious girl's identity.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • ELID

Essentially the original version of Chapter 3, Act 1. While your stated goal is to reach the bottom right of the map, you will need to first get to the bottom left, as the only walkable tiles to your objective are there. Both characters need to be close to the final ELID obstacle to trigger the end of the level.


Chapter 7: Suspicion[edit]

Mendo obtains the Viper and Suppressor accessory at the start of this level.


Jefuty and Mendo leave the radiaton zone and approach the base. They run into Carl, who actually survived the ambush and has been surveying the base to confront Beria. They enter the base and plant explosives to secure their escape before heading to Beria's command post, but find it empty. They have in fact been trapped by Beria, and are quickly encircled. The AU force has no choice but to surrender and hope that their escape plan works. Beria is pleased that his plan went beyond his expectations since his target, Jefuty, is now in his hands. Jefuty demands to know where Lige is, and Beria recounts the events of the ambush from his point of view.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Carl
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Snipers

A semi-stealth mission: the suppressor accessory will still cause enemies to be alerted and make Mendo exit stealth, but won't otherwise reveal your position and only make the enemies flock to the location of your target if you can kill it in one shot. Some enemies in this level have enhanced stats and are not meant to be fought. Carefully plan your itinerary by accounting for the many roadblocks that make navigating the base difficult. Once the bombs have been planted, all three units must reach the rightmost part of the map, where a lightweight engine used to craft a UAV Recon Drone will be found.

Like the civilians from level 2, Carl cannot use items but has the same passive trait as enemy Officers, boosting accuracy, evasion and attack of player units wihtin 3 tiles.


Chapter 8: Truth of Betrayal[edit]


A flashback to the moment of the ambush against the Fox squads. While Fox 2-1 was being attacks with rockets, the refugee convoy of Fox 2-2 was massacred by the URNC soldiers, leaving only Jefuty and her sister Lige alive. Against a never ending stream of enemies, Jefuty tells Lige to run, but she encounters a tank, which blows her up with missiles. Jefuty flies into a fit of rage and manages to destroy the tank with rocket launchers taken from the URNC troops. On the radio of a fallen enemy, she hears about the ambush against Fox 2-1 and goes down the mountain to check the situation, looping back to the first level of the game.

Beria transmits his soldiers' reports about the disappearance of their target to a mysterious man. The two of them then go on scene to investigate the remains of Lige, which soon start re-assembling themselves. Lige recognizes the man as her father, who praise her for completing her mission of serving as a beacon. The man reminds Lige of her true name, Noylu, "one of the potential keys to the new world", and orders Beria to prepare her to lead his Assault Artillery team to find Jefuty.

  • Playable
    • Jefuty
    • Lige
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Elite Scout
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commandos
    • Sniper
    • Officer
    • Special Forces
    • Tank

There will be three waves of enemies with no break to recover AP between them, and a final battle against the tank (takes two rocket launcher hits to destroy). EMP Grenades will be necessary to take on the Special Forces. Unlike other temporary player units, Lige can use items.


Chapter 9: Blood for Blood[edit]


Jefuty is in disbelief after hearing that Lige was responsible for the URNC finding her. Just as Beria is about to take Jefuty to the "Professor", Carl detonates the bombs and the AU forces eliminate their guards in the confusion. Beria escapes, and Carl, Mendo and Jefuty run through the base's air strip to steal a URNC truck and flee. They are faced with tanks en route, but the enemy armors are taken out by Jevon and Atena.

In front of their objective, they find the mysterious girl with a contingent of Assault Artillery mechs. Jefuty calls out to her as Lige, but she answers that she is now Noylu and must take her sister back to their father. Jefuty reminds her of their promise to find their mother, but Noylu accuses Jefuty of breaking her promise to escape with her. Jefuty also insists that they are normal humans, despite being obvious that Lige's survival is not possible in the human realm. After she's defeated, Noylu laments that Jefuty is the favorite of the two for their father, but Jefuty insists the Professor is not their father. Before leaving, Noylu warns that they are already surrounded by the URNC's regular army. The AU forces reach their LZ and must hold for 30 minutes before their transport can arrive.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Carl
    • Jevon
    • Atena
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Snipers
    • Elite Snipers
    • Commandos
    • Officer
    • Special Forces
    • Elite Special Forces
    • Tanks
    • AA03
    • Noylu

Atena will join partway, giving you access to the item production screen, with not only basic items but also rocket launchers and weapon accessories. The screen will be available a second time when the boss Noylu appears. Despite her range of 0, the boss still has an AoE attack that instantly kills player units, prioritizing clustered targets. The boss is also immune to flashbangs, but not to the UAV's evasion-weakening effect, which is mandatory to have a change to hurt her.


Chapter 10: Miraculous Survival[edit]


Using the belltower at the center of the abandoned town near the LZ to give Jefuty a sniping nest, the AU force prepares to be attacked from all sides. Mendo tries to cheer Jefuty up, and she asks if he finally realized her nature as the target of Operation Bakery after what Beria told them. Mendo replies that he would rather keep thinking about her as just a strange girl. Beria calls for their surrender with a megaphone, and Jefuty destroys it with a well-placed shot. After long, the "Trolley" Mustang 6 arrives in the area, enabling the defenders to rain cruise missiles on their enemies. Beria eventually shows up in person to lead a final assault.

If Beria is killed

With his last breath, Beria mocks Jefuty, saying she will never see Lige again. Jefuty departs immediately to find her sister and keep her promise to take her back to their Mother, but Mendo attempts to stop her in case Beria was luring her into a trap. Jefuty inflicts Mendo a crippling shot, saying that she can't let him see her smile yet.

If Beria survives

Without his troops, Beria flees and Jefuty and Mendo give chase.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Carl
    • Jevon
    • Atena
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Elite Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commandos
    • Snipers
    • Elite Snipers
    • Officers
    • Special Forces
    • Elite Special Forces
    • AA03
    • Beria

Powerful weapon attachments can be crafted during the preparation phase.

Make sure you have a few hours free for this one. There will be 10 waves of enemies, with 10 cruise missiles obtained on the fifth one, and snow reducing visibility starting with the sixth one and ending with the arrival of the ninth.

The tenth wave contains Beria, who can be captured if he is the only enemy unit left standing. Capturing him is necessary to get the good ending, but it is not necessary to make a save here if you want all the CGs, as you can still get the bad ending in the next level (the dialogues of the bad end are the same regardless of the level, but you can still make a save if you want to get all dialogues branches in the Battle Records).


Final Chapter: Separation[edit]


After Beria runs away, Jefuty and Mendo give chase and capture him. Mendo interrogates him about his reasons for targeting Jefuty, as he still thinks he is a normal girl. Beria is surprised that Mendo, Philip McCain's son, couldn't see her value, since Mendo's father was one of the persons sacrificed in the war that started to control Jefuty and her sisters, the three keys to Collapse technology. Beria surmises that Jefuty lured the Antarctic Union to Ukraine in order to cause a big battle and slip away in the chaos. Beria then commits suicide with his handgun.

Mendo finally asks Jefuty about her true nature. Jefuty explains that she was created in a lab and born with innate knowledge of ancient technologies that could change the world. She admits that her ability to "open the gates of the Collapse Relics" might have caused the Antarctic War, but her wish was to be an ordinary girl and not someone who causes death simply because she exists. She offers Mendo to kill her and end the war, but Mendo wishes to let her go so she can find her sister, thinking that they can find ways to use their powers to bring people joy. Jefuty asks Mendo to come with her, but he refuses so he can cover her retreat.

Say goodbye

Jefuty calls Mendo a weirdo one last time, and smiles for the first time since the beginning of Operation Bakery as she leaves. When Jevon arrives and enquires about Jefuty, Mendo answers that she was a Bakery Girl and returned to her bakery.

Make a deal

Jefuty admits to herself that she needs to be more honest and kisses Mendo. She promises that they will meet again before leaving.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • Beria

No combat on this map. You can still kill Beria by attacking him from a distance to get the bad ending. Unlike the original game, you don't need to get all ten Secret Documents to unlock the dialogue choice for the true ending.


Raid: Abandoned Town (2092R-2 only)[edit]


After Jefuty leaves, Mendo confronts the waves of URNC soldiers to buy time for her to escape. Just as he's reaching his limit, Jevon arrives with reinforcement, as well as Colonel Kämpfe. Kämpfe is glad Mendo survived, and swears to settle the score with William. Somewhere else, a badly injured Jefuty is revived and captured by William.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Elite Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commandos
    • Snipers
    • Elite Snipers
    • Officers
    • Special Forces
    • Elite Special Forces
    • Tanks
    • AA03s

Same map as Chapter 10, but in infinite mode. Accessed if you hit the bad end in Chapter 10, or any ending in the Final Chapter, in the second playthrough only.

This is the one level that was not in the original game. You will face an infinite amount of waves of enemies of increasing difficulty. Waves are repeating in groups of 10, with the only difference between, for example, wave 11, 21 and 31, being the stats scaling of the enemies. A new preparation phase is available at the start of every fifth wave, and fog switching on and off every five waves.

The story of the level ends when you meet the fail condition and the time and wave reached will be recorded.