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Howa Type 89/Quotes

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Howa Type 89 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 锵锵!89式自动步枪前来报道!啊呀,指挥官,64式自也在您这里吗? じゃじゃーん!89式小銃が着任しました!あれ…指揮官さま、64式辞もここにいるんですか?Play Tadaaah! Type 89 assault rifle has arrived! Um, Commander, is Type 64 around by any chance?
Secretary 啊呀?这个游乐园里,不走VIP通道的话就要排一个钟头的队吗?好吧,指挥官,您的证件号码发我一下吧,我觉得我们还是购买VIP券比较好。 あれ…?この遊園地のアトラクションって、VIPチケットがないと、一時間も並ぶことになるんですか?しょうがない… 指揮官さま、IDを教えてください。やっぱりVIPチケット買った方が良さそうです。Play Oh? The wait for these amusement park rides are an hour outside of the VIP queue? Can't be helped I guess.....Commander, please tell me your ID. Getting a VIP pass was a good idea after all.
啊呀,您在看哪里呢?抬头、抬头看啦!嘻嘻,果然还是双马尾最棒了,对吧! あれ、どこ見てるんですか?目線あげてくださいってば!うふ、やっぱり、ツインテールが一番、ですよね?Play Um, what were you looking at? Please raise your eyes! Fufu, just as I thought, twin tails really are the best!
嘻嘻,我的新发明怎么样?是可以一边洗衣服一边煮粥的扫地机器人哦!啊呀,先放在您这里好了,千万不能让64式自看到,不然她又要吓得昏过去了。 ふふん、私の新しい発明品はいかがです?洗濯しながらお粥を作れる、自動掃除ロボットなんですよ。とりあえず、指揮官の所においておきましょう?でも、64式辞には絶対見せないでくださいね?見たらきっとびっくりして、気を失っちゃうで。Play Heheh, how do you like my new invention? It's an automatic cleaning robot that can boil rice while doing laundry! Ah, well, please take it with you for now, Commander. But remember, absolutely don't let Type 64 see it, okay? Because she'll have a stroke at the first glance at it.
Secretary (post OATH)
I-It's a bowl of white rice! Geez, it's not like today is that special a day, but why such a precious thing… we'll have to make it an offering! Eh? My tears have nothing to do with me eating this rice! If I can eat it with you together, Commander, I'll be forever happy…
Commander, please look! My new… Ehh!! Now that you gave me this, don't think that you won over me, okay! I— If it's me, then there's a never seen before ring I've been making… I mean, what I want to say is… Commander, please put that ring of yours on my finger. You won't see me answering you with anything other than "Yes"…
Greeting おはようございます、指揮官さま!早く始めましょう!Play Good morning, Commander! Let's start right away!
T-Doll Produced やっぱり快速製造契約を使った方がいいでしょう?ね、新人さん?Play We should've used the quick manufacturing contract. Right, newcomer?
Joining an echelon みなさんよろしくお願いします!今日のお昼は、私の奢りますね!Play Everyone, nice to meet you! Today's lunch will be on me!
Enhancement あれ?なんだかもう一杯ご飯食べられるかも。Play Huh? Perhaps I can eat one more bowl of rice.
Dummy-linking おお!数は力ですよね!新しい友達が増えたみたいで嬉しいです!Play Ooh! Number is a strength too! I'm glad I got one more new friend!
Logistics (start) 安心してください指揮官さま。私がいれば大丈夫ですから!じゃあ行ってきます!Play Please don't worry, Commander. It'll be alright since I'm here! Then, off I go!
Logistics (end) ただいま!可愛い石を拾いました!私と一緒に荒いに行きましょう、指揮官さま!Play I'm home! I picked up a cute stone! Let's clean it together, Commander!
Autobattle すぐに終わりますから。帰ったら一緒に、お弁当食べましょうね、指揮官さま!Play This will be done quick. When I return, let's eat the lunchbox together, Commander!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 私達の実力、見せてあげます!Play I'll show you our true strength!
Starting a battle どれどれ?私達の邪魔をしている悪い子はどの子のかな?Play Which is it? The bad kid who's bothering us?
Skill activation 女の子を怒らせて、ただで帰れると思わないでください!Play Don't think you can just come home unscathed after you make a girl angry!
お米の神様の罰が当たりますよ!Play Take the punishment from the God of Rice!
次はいい人に生まれ変わってくださいね。Play Please be a good person in your next life.
Heavily damaged うぐう…女の子にこんなことするなんてひどいでうしょ。Play Ugh... how cruel of you doing this to a girl.
Retreat 覚えてなさい!平成ガールは簡単には負けを認めないんですから!Play Don't you forget! Heisei girl won't just admit her defeat easily!
MVP ふう、任務完了。今日もお米の神様に、ちゃんとお祈りしないといけませんね!Play Phew, mission accomplished. I'll pray to the God of Rice again today!
Restoration 制服って、一回で直せます?何度もここに来たくないでうす。Play My uniform, can you fix it at once? I don't want to come back here later.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween うふふ、テレビから出てくるのって疲れないんですか?ちょっと、そうやって階段を下りたら怪我しちゃうますよ!本当、みんな可愛いですね。普段とどこかで違う「」けど…Play
Christmas あれ?指揮官さまもやっと分かってくれたんですか?自分で作ったりぐらいなら、出来合いクリスマスディナーを買った方がいいですよね?そうやって節約した時間で…私からのプレゼントはどれなのか、開けてください!Play Huh? You just realized it, Commander? Instead of cooking it ourselves, it's better to order foods you know? With the saved time... which one is the present from me, try opening it!
New Year's Day 指揮官さま、明けましておめでとうございます!ね、一緒にご飯食べませんか?私にとって新年で一番大事なことは、なんと言っても、指揮官さまと本物の白いご飯を食べることですから!


Commander, Happy New Year! Hey, would you like to eat rice together? For me, the most precious thing during new year is eating the real white rice with you, Commander!
Valentine's day 指揮官さま、ハッピーバレンタインデイ!今日の学校…じゃなくて、任務が終わった後のデートの約束、忘れないでくださいね?ふえ?!ロッカーに入れておいたチョコと手紙に…気付いてなかなかったんですか…?


Commander, Happy Valentine Day! Today after sch- I mean after mission, please don't forget about our promised date. Eeh?! You didn't realize the chocolate and letter that I left in your locker...?
Tanabata あれ?今日は子供が楽しむ日ですよ?私を連れて仲間に要れてもらうつもりですか?それはいいんですけど、こういう時は、そこら辺でただでもらった短冊なんて使っちゃだめですよ?緊迫が散りばめてある、可愛いの買いましょう!だって、叶えたい大切な願いを書くんですから。


Huh? Today is a day meant for children to enjoy you know? Did you plan to bring me along? That's fine by me, but we can't use that tanzaku. Let's buy the cute, star-studded one. I mean, we'll going to use it to write a precious wish that we want to be granted.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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