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QBU-88 Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官你好,QBU-88式狙击步枪前来报道!……这里怎么看起来乱糟糟的?别担心,我这就帮你收拾好。 始めまして!今日着任した、88スナイパーライフルだ。ここはなんか散らかってるね。でも心配無用!今すぐ片付けてあげる!Play Hello, Commander! QBU-88 sniper rifle reporting for duty! ...Why is it such a mess around here? Don't worry though, I'll help you clean it all up.
Secretary 啊,你说那个新的座椅套?那是我自己绣的,很漂亮吧?指挥官你还需要别的什么的话,我也能帮你做哦! は?そこの「」?うん!私の手作り!可愛いでしょう?他に欲しいものがあったら、作ってあげるよ!Play Ah, the new seat cover? I embroidered it myself, do you like it? If you need anything else made just let me know, Commander!
看着那些办事毛毛糙糙的人形真让人着急啊……还不如我自己去做呢! 仕事がいい加減な人形お見かけるとイラっとする。まだ自分がやって方が増し!Play Seeing dolls that are sloppy at their jobs really makes me anxious... Might as well do them myself!
谁把作战报告书落在训练场了?……没人认领的话,就是算是我的了哦。 作戦報告者を訓練場忘れたやつは誰?誰もいないなら、私もらっちゃうよ。Play Did anyone lose these combat reports on the training field? ...If no one claims them, then they're mine!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander. Commander? Don't fall asleep at your desk, you'll catch a cold! Ah... the table is a mess. Hurry and get to bed, I'll clean up here for you.
Have you really decided on me, Commander? You're not taking advantage of me, are you? ...I mean, I can take good care of you... No, I'm not being boastful. I've earned your attention after all, Commander. Okay, from this day forth, I will follow you forever. Don't regret it!
Greeting おはよう!指揮官のオフィスなら、もう片付けが終わってるよ!Play Good morning! Cleanup of the Commander's office is complete!
T-Doll Produced おお?新人が入ってきた。てきぱきと仕事が出来るタイプかな?Play Oh? A newbie has arrived. Is she the type that can work quickly?
Joining an echelon この小隊に童子な怖いないよね?Play Is this platoon scared of a little girl?
Enhancement 力が漲ってくる!まだバーゲンセールをやってるショッピングモールはどこ?まだまだ戦えるよ!Play My power levels are rising! Where are the shopping malls still having sales? I can keep going!
Dummy-linking こうすれば、もっと効率アップ出来る!Play With this, I can up my efficiency!
Logistics (start) 早く行こう?じゃないと今日のタイムセール間に合わなくなっちゃう!Play Can we leave now? Otherwise we won't be able to meet today's time sale!
Logistics (end) 戦利品はここにおいておくね。この後は用事があるから、お先に!Play Here's the loot. I've got errands to run right after this, so I'll be heading out first!
Autobattle この私が今回の招待長なんだから。心配する必要ないって!Play There's a reason that I was made the squad leader! Have no fear!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 指揮官、行ってくるね!他のやつのことも任せて!ちゃんと面倒を見るから!Play Commander, let's move out! Leave it to the other guys! I got this!
Starting a battle 早く早く!フォメーション整いて!もたもたしない!Play Hurry, hurry! Get into formation! Don't dally!
Skill activation リラックスして、もうすぐ終わりよ!Play Relax, it's almost over!
捕まえた!Play I've. Got. You!
私に会えたことに感謝しろ!楽にしてあげる!Play You should be glad that you got to meet me! I'll take it easy on you!
Heavily damaged ぐ!油断した!Play Guh! I got careless!
Retreat くっそ!負けちゃったのか?持ってる物資は全部持って帰るんだ。他人取られるのはごめんだからね!Play Dammit! Did you lose? Bring whatever supplies you have home. I need to apologize for mine getting stolen!
MVP 予想通りの結果だね。そうだ、戦利品を持って帰るの、忘れないでね!Play As was expected. That's right, don't forget to bring the loot back home!
Restoration みんなの気を引き湿るためじゃなかったら、こんな怪我なんてしないよ!Play If it's not to keep everyone's morale high, I wouldn't get this injury!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 何がイベントよ?セールもやらないくせに!あ、ただで飴とお菓子をもらえる?ああ、あたしも「」!Play What kind of event is this? There isn't even a sale! Huh? I can get candy and sweets for free? I-I want in on this too!
Christmas ここのショッピングモールはクリスマス「」になると、いつもバーガインセール快晴するだって。今日こそ勇気もらって…あ、なに?昨日は最終日だっただと?!Play This shopping mall here is the best when it comes to Christmas bargain sales. I'm feeling extra brave today...huh, what's that? Yesterday was the last day?!
New Year's Day 新年会の準備ができたの昨日の夜。全くもう!あんなにぐずぐずするんだったら、あたしがやった方がよかったね!


Preparations for the new year party were made last night. Good grief! If it was going to take that long, then I could've made them myself!
Valentine's day 買い物する時はいつもコスパだったけど。今日くらいはちょっと奮発しないと。指揮官もそう思うよね?


Whenever I go shopping, I always put emphasis on cost-saving aspect. I don't mind splurging extra just for today though. Don't you think so too, Commander?
Tanabata 今日ほ記念して。スカーフにカササギの刺繍をいれるのはどう?


To commemorate today, how about putting a magpie embroidery onto a scarf?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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