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Revision as of 04:38, 16 May 2020 by HellScythe42 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Artist |name = RIRE |aliases = RIRE, _RIRE_, smile_(mm-l) |links = *[https://twitter.com/6I0qhr347iPspan Twitter] *[https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/6258966 Pixiv] *[https://w...")
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General info[edit]

Also known as: RIRE, _RIRE_ and smile_(mm-l)

"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

This article is a stub. You can help us by expanding it (check our quick editing guide and how to guides).

Where to find[edit]

RIRE worked on the following assets[edit]

The artist may only be responsible for some of the illustrations. Please see the linked page for details.


AUGAUG73AUG ParaAUG Para315Agent VectorAgent Vector1028ClaesClaes1026Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkV96Kar98kKar98k46MedusaMedusa1032Mk.18Mk.18404PPKPPK10SCRSCR365VectorVector20


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Assimilated Units[edit]

HOC Units[edit]

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Neural Cloud characters[edit]

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Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium T-Dolls[edit]

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