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ACR Story Quotes


Character setting for ACR states that she is a calm and level headed T-Doll at all times, she will always look at problems from other people's perspective and she believes anger is a sign of incompetence. Quite a few different companies handled her development and she was passed around a lot, which unfortunately resulted in her basic programming being unnecessarily convoluted and messy. A lot of non-mission related datalogs are often deleted automatically, so she may appear to be 'amnesic'.

Story Involvement

She made her first appearance in Shattered Connexion event Chapter 2 as one of Griffin Recon Group A member, along with HG Desert EagleDesert EagleDesert Eagle, and RF SSG 3000SSG 3000SSG 3000. She was first mentioned by Desert Eagle, and later showed up in person. They took cover in a building until they found something eerie inside it. The building was used to contain refugees from outside of Tallinn until they died from collapsogen fluid exposure and revived as ELID zombies. The team fought them but got overran and pinned down, forced them to escape. Luckily they found a mark left by AR Team. Desert Eagle shot her gun to tell AR Team about their position, which later came into their rescue.