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Desert Eagle/Quotes

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Desert Eagle Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 制片人……不对,应该称您为“指挥官”吧?您好,沙漠之鹰今天正式加入您的剧组,今后请您多加指教。 プロデューサー…いいえ、「指揮官」でしたわね?始めまして、デサートイーグル、本日より製作チームに入ります。以後お見知り置きを。Play Producer!... No, I should call you "Commander," right? Hello, Desert Eagle is joining your performance team, I'll be in your care from now on.
Secretary 舞台对我来说已经是过去式了。如果能有机会回归的话……算了,还是不要考虑这些。现在的我,唯一的目标就是成为优秀的战术人形。 私にとって舞台はもう過去の話。もし復帰出来るチャンスがあれば…いいえ、考えるのは止めましょう。いまの私の優秀の目標は戦術人形になることですわ。Play To me, performing on stage is already in the past. If I have a chance at a comeback, then... Forget it, I shouldn't consider things like that. For now, my only goal is to become a great Tactical doll.
想看我的演出?现在我不就正在扮演您的副官。什么,这样还不够吗?嗯,那么就表演一下动作片的经典桥段——如何快速摧毁一个房间吧。噗……您的表情真有趣,可惜我是开玩笑的。 私の演技が見たい?まさに今、貴方の副官を演じているではありませんの?んん、それではアクションシーンの定番、速やかに部屋を破壊することを演じます。うふふ、面白いお顔。ただの冗談ですわよ。Play You want to see me perform? Aren't I already playing the part of your adjutant? What, this isn't enough? Then how about I perform a classic scene from that one action movie.. Wanna see how fast a room can get destroyed? Pfft.. Your expression is very interesting, too bad I was only joking.
您看起来很无聊的样子,要和我打个赌吗?如果我能将您和椅子一起举起来,就输给我一次和您一起看电影的机会,您愿意吗? 退屈そうにしてますわね。私と賭けをしませんか?もし私が貴方を逸す事持ちあげることできたのなら、私と一緒に映画を見に行ってください。いかがですか?Play You look pretty bored, wanna make a bet with me? If I can pick up this chair with you sitting on it, then you owe me a date to the movies, how's that sound?
Secretary (post OATH)
My schedule for today?... The only thing I've planned for is our vacation. As for when that is, I've already done the preparations. Let's enjoy this wonderful day together, Commander.
You've decided to give this to me? ...Thank you very much, Commander. I always thought that I'm destined to be on the stage, but now... I've gained another place to belong to. The one correct decision I've made was to come to this place... From now on, please let me offer you my true self.
Greeting 指揮官、今日の撮影スケジュールを整理したわ。合格に用お願いします。Play Commander, I've arranged my shooting schedule for today. Please approve it.
T-Doll Produced 新人ですか?良いパートナー出会って欲しいですわ。Play A newbie? I want you to meet a good partner.
Joining an echelon 私の出番ですわね。Play It's my turn.
Enhancement 訓練完了。また演技力上がりましたわ。Play Training complete. My acting skills have improved as well.
Dummy-linking 人手が増えましたわね。今後は舞台の効率が、さらによくなります。Play There are more people now. In the future, our efficiency on stage will increase as well.
Logistics (start) 今回の任務は大量の物資を持って帰ること。全力を尽くすしますわ。Play Our mission this time is to bring home a lot of supplies. We'll do our best.
Logistics (end) 指揮官、ただいま戻りました。今回の成果はいかが?Play Commander, we have returned. How was our achievement?
Autobattle 今回のショーは、私一人で撮影を行うですか?問題ありませんわ。Play Am I shooting alone for this show? Not a problem.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 撮影開始ですわ。みんな頑張ってちょうだい。Play It's time to start shooting. Let's do our best.
Starting a battle この銃には、本物の弾丸が入ってますわ。ちゃんとその体で味わうことね。Play This gun contains real bullets. You'll get to taste them with your body.
Skill activation 近くで私の演技を見られるチャンスですわよ。見逃さないことね。Play This is a chance for you to see my performance up close. Don't miss it.
残念ですわね、あなたに私の舞台を鑑賞する時間は残されていません。Play Too bad, there's no time left for you to watch my stage.
これは決定的な一撃ですわ!Play Here's the decisive blow!
Heavily damaged NGですわね、申し訳ございません。Play This one's NG, my deepest apologies.
Retreat 今度出撃する時は、もっと慎重に作戦を考える冪でずわ。Play Next time I sortie, I need to think my strategy a bit more carefully.
MVP あなたの為に、完璧な舞台を。Play A perfect stage, for you.
Restoration 申し訳ございませんでした。今後はフィルムを無駄にしません。Play
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 皆が仮装して縁起を始める時、普通の姿であってこそ、より目立ちますわ。指揮官はどう思います?Play When everyone starts masquerading, a normal appearance becomes even more noticeable. What do you think, Commander?
Christmas サンタさんを演じる??簡単すぎますわね。私にとって、上船の勝ちするありません。それよりも、私あなたと一緒に、静かなイブを過ごしたいわ。Play Will you be playing as Santa? That's too easy. For me, there's no winning on this ship. Rather, I would like to spend a quiet Eve with you.
New Year's Day 新しい一年はあなたに新鮮な時間をもたらしたいと思いますわ。今年は私にどのようなキャラをお望みですか?言ってくだされば、ご希望の演技で一年間せして差し上げます


I want to bring you a fresh time in the new year. What character do you want from me this year? If you tell me, I will give you one year with the acting you want.
Valentine's day 今回のプレゼントは、きっと最高ですわ。何故…ですって?だってこれは3日掛けて6実検以上の店を回り、やっと見つけたしなものですもの。


This present will surely be the best. Why is that...you ask? Because it me took three days to inspect the stores six or more times before I could finally get it.
Tanabata 今日はあなたの恋人や後衛演じる以外、相応しい設定はありませんわ。


Today there's no better setting to play as your lover and rear guard.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
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