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Desert Eagle/Story

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Desert Eagle Story Quotes

Story Involvement[edit]

Shattered Connexion[edit]

Desert Eagle made her first appearance in Shattered Connexion event Chapter 2 as the leader of Griffin Recon Group A. RF SSG 3000SSG 3000SSG 3000 and AR ACRACRACR are also part of this team.

Desert Eagle asks her teammate about their current situation. The team is attempting to find and secure the exclusion wall control center, however they had run into difficulties with communications. SSG 3000 explains that she was receiving a transmission request from MG KordKordKord, but was unable to hear anything. Desert Eagle comments about the weather being off, and that she keeps hearing strange voices. SSG 3000 jokingly says that the voice probably came from weird creatures, and ponders whether or not they should eliminate them should they appear. Suddenly, the city's automated defensive mechanism opens fire upon them while hundreds of weird creatures simultaneously charge the team. The group pulls back, taking cover in a train station before linking up with ACR.

Griffin Memories - Becoming a Star[edit]