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Saiga-12 Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition イズマッシュ・サイガ12です。進路上のゴミは、私が掃除させてもらいます。Play I am Izhmash Saiga-12. Allow me to clean up any trash we come across on our path.
Secretary 指揮官、この前貸した写真集、そろそろ返してもらえませんか?Play Commander, do you think you could give back that photo book I lent you a while back?
47先輩が飲みすぎないようにちゃんと見張っててくださいね?Play Keep an eye on 47 to make sure she doesn't drink too much, okay?
何してるんですか?えっ?体に汚れが?ど、どこ?Play What are you doing? ...Huh? There's dirt on my body? W-Where?
Secretary (post OATH)
あっ 指揮官!訓練は終わったんですか?お疲れさまでした!お風呂はもう沸かしてありますよ!
Oh, Commander! Are you through with your training? Good work! I already have a hot bath ready and waiting for you!
Um, Commander... is it really alright for me to have this kind of pristine joy for myself? ...Oh, good! I'm glad I was able to get my feelings through to you. Let's work together to make sure our happiness stays pure!
Greeting お帰りなさい、指揮官。作戦の前に、先にお風呂でもどうですか?Play Welcome back, Commander. Before jumping right into strategizing, how about a nice bath first?
T-Doll Produced 新入りの子か。ちょっと身体検査をさせて?Play New girl, huh? Let me examine their body real quick!
Joining an echelon もっともっと、美少女と一緒にさせて!Play Keep grouping me up with lots of cute girls!
Enhancement これでゴミ掃除がもっと楽になるわ!Play Now I'll be able to clean more easily!
Dummy-linking う~ん……これでお風呂の時間がさらに減ってしまいそうね……Play Ugh... now I'm going to have even less time to myself in the bath...
Logistics (start) 行ってきます。着替えの服、用意しててくださいね。Play I'm leaving now. Have a fresh set of clothes ready for me, okay?
Logistics (end) ただいま!まずはお風呂に入ろう。Play I'm back! Better get in the bath first.
Autobattle 任せて!絶対綺麗にするから!Play Leave it to me! I'll definitely clean everything up!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission さあ、ゴミ掃除に行くわよ!Play Alright, time to take out the trash!
Starting a battle 汚い奴ら!Play Such filth!
Skill activation 目障りだわ!Play You're an eyesore!
服、汚さないでね!Play Don't get my clothes dirty!
消えなさい!Play Go away!
Heavily damaged 私をここまで追い込むなんて……許せないわ。Play I can't believe you've driven me this far back... I won't forgive you!
Retreat もう……着替えたらもう一度やり直しよ……Play Urgh... I'll retry this after a change of clothes...
MVP うん、これでスッキリしたわ!見事な勝利ね!Play That was refreshing! What a splendid victory!
Restoration きっちり洗濯しないといけないわね……Play I need to stay on top of the laundry...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween おお~!あの魔女ちゃんの露出度!あそこに白ストッキングが加われば、私のストライクゾーンに直撃です!Play Ooh, look at that little witch in her skimpy outfit! If only she had some white stockings... she'd be right up my alley!
Christmas メリークリスマス、指揮官!パーティーの後片付けは私に任せて、今日はゆっくり楽しんでください!Play Merry Christmas, Commander! I'll handle the cleanup after the party's over. You just enjoy yourself today!
New Year's Day 新年はやっぱり大掃除をしないとね!まずは47先輩の部屋から片付けましょう!


A new year means it's time for a big cleanup! I'll start with 47's room!
Valentine's day 指揮官、バレンタインのチョコです。食べる前には、必ず手を洗ってくださいね!


Here, Commander. These are my Valentine's chocolates. Don't forget to wash your hands before eating them!
Tanabata 花火は綺麗ですけど、その煙が大気を汚染してしまうみたいで、気になります……


The fireworks are pretty, but it seems like all that smoke is going to pollute the air... it has me worried...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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