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Type 56-1/Quotes

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Type 56-1 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 56-1式冲锋枪前来报道!我会坚决消灭每一个敌人! ニーハウオ指揮官、五十六式自動歩槍(ほそう)一型だよ、全ての敵を殲滅してあげるね。Play Ni hao Commander, I;m the Type 56-1 assault rifle. I will annihilate all the enemies in your way!
Introduction 56-1式冲锋枪师从自AK-47,在仿制时加入了可折叠枪托,最终改进成现在的样子。生产初期,大家习惯将我这样的全自动武器全都叫成“冲锋枪”,不过现在也用“突击步枪”称呼我了,老观念要改一改了嘛,哈哈。
Secretary 携带军粮就给我肉粽子吧,就算是冷的也很棒呢! 携帯食は、二口巻でお願いね、冷めても美味しいから。Play Just give me some rice dumplings for my field rations, they taste great even when cold!
把糖果给FNC,她就会贴上来呢,真是个好孩子哦。最近一直和她一起吃零食呢。 エフエヌシーちゃんは、お菓子をあげると懐いて来る、いい子だなあ。Play If you give some candy to FNC she becomes all clingy to you, what a nice girl. I have been eating snacks together with her lately.
我可不是一直在吃东西,训练也有在认真做呢。而且训练后的零食才更美味啊,嘿嘿。 食べてばかりじゃないよ、訓練もちゃんとしてるから、訓練後のおやつタイムが楽しみなんだよね、えへへ。Play I'm not only eating all the time, but I also take my training seriously. Besides, food taste better after training, hehe.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, is there any order? Eh, you're kidding right? Do you aim for my cooking skills? Or perhaps... Anyway, I don't care if you'll regret it later. I won't ever let you go!
Greeting ご飯まだなの?一日七食だよ!Play
T-Doll Produced 新しい子が来たよ。Play New girl is coming
Joining an echelon 任務ですね、頑張ります!Play Mission isn't it. I'll work hard!
Enhancement Xie Xie!訓練をもっと頑張るね!Play Xie xie! I'll work harder during training!
Dummy-linking 人が増えれば、もっといっぱい食べ物が要るよ。指揮官、しっかり頼むね。Play The more people you have, the more food you'll need. Commander, I'll leave it to you.
Logistics (start) 出発!必ず任務を遂行して見せます!Play Departing! I'll definitely carry out this mission!
Logistics (end) ただいま、任務完了!Play I'm back, misison complete!
Autobattle 戦闘の渦に、巻き込まれてしまえ!Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 指揮官!必ず勝利をお届けするね!Play Commander, I'll definitely bring back victory!
Starting a battle 敵だよ、やっちゃえ!Play It's the enemy, go get them!
Skill activation 撃って!Play Fire!
AK-47とはレベルが違うのだよ!Play I'm on different level than AK-47!
武器がなくだって、一歩も引かないからね!Play Even without weapon, I won't take any step back!
Heavily damaged パ、パンツの紐が…許さないよ!Play M-my pants string... I won't forgive you!
Retreat お腹空いた…もう力出ないよ…Play I'm hungry... I can't muster any strength...
MVP 当り前よ!私、強いからね!Play It's a given! Because, I'm strong!
Restoration 了解!ところで指揮官、食堂でご飯貰ってきてくれる?Play Roger! By the way Commander, can you get me the rice from mess hall?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节是纪念什么的节日呢?不是很懂啊。 ハロウィンは何をする記念日なの?よくわかんないなーPlay What is Halloween celebrating for ? I don't quite understand.
Christmas クリスマスのチキンとただのチキンの違えは分かんないんだけど…お代わり!Play I don't know what's so different about christmas chicken and the normal one but... I want seconds!
New Year's Day えへ…!新年だよ指揮官!(she's drunk)


Hic...! It's new year Commander!
Valentine's day 中国では私がチョコをもらう方だよ。ちょうだい!


In China, I'm the one who receive the chocolate. Give me some!
Tanabata 指揮官、お祭り行こう!食べ物は待ってくれないの!


Commander, let's go to festival! The foods can't wait!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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