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Z-62 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是星Z-62,指挥官,很荣幸获得您的收留,我会好好表现。 スターZ-62(ぜっとろくに)、指揮官、引き取ってくれてありがとうございます。Play I'm Star Z-62, Commander thank you for having me here, I will do my best.
Introduction 星式Z-62冲锋枪,是基于MP40研制的Z-45冲锋枪的改进版。吸取了那个时代各类冲锋枪的特点,我对此深感荣幸。而且,虽然是比较陈旧的武器,却被大家信赖了数十年之久,也是值得自豪的地方 Star model Z-62 SMG, an enhanced model of Z-45 which was also developed based on MP40. Summarizing all the features of submachineguns of that era, which is something I'm honoured of. Even though being an older model weapon, but was still used by everybody for over decades, something else to be proud of about.
Secretary 嗯,我在这里,请下达指示。 ここにいます。指示してください。Play Yes, I'm here, please give me your instructions.
指挥官,这一页的理论,您能指点我一下吗? 指揮官、これ、教えてくれますか?Play Commander, about the theory form this paper, can you give me some pointers?
指挥官,您是没事可做了吗?有这个时间,不如多看几本书呢。 そんな時間があったらもっと勉強してください。Play Commander, do you really have nothing to do? It's better if you use this time to study.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander the books you recommended lately are more and more stylish. We're getting more compatible, be counting on you from now on.
Commander, thank you for choosing me, I'm just unsure whether I can live up to your trust. But If that is what you wish, I will work towards that direction, please watch me!
Greeting 指挥官,今天由我负责您的安全,敬请放心。 あたしが指揮官の安全を守ります。Play Commander I will be in charge of your safety today, don't worry.
T-Doll Produced 新人就位,可以加入了。 製造完了(せいぞうかんりょう)、入隊よろしく。Play New recruit available for formations.
Joining an echelon 感谢您的信任,我会努力。 努力します。Play Will do my best.
Enhancement 感谢您,吸取和改进,就是我的一切。 もっと勉強させてください!Play Thank you, observe and improvise, what I am good at.
Dummy-linking 太好了,感觉……更有安全感了…… 安心しました。Play Yes, feels more... Secure...
Logistics (start) 明白了,马上行动。 了解しました!Play Roger, we're leaving now.
Logistics (end) 顺利归队,巡逻结束。 ただいま!Play Squadron returned, task complete.
Autobattle 收到,安全维护任务,立刻执行! 特別行動を開始します!Play CH: Roger, secure and escort mission, start!

JP: Special operation begin!

Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 实践学习的机会,终于来了! 実戦の時が来ました!Play Time for some practical work!
Starting a battle 警告无效,准备射击! 敵発見!Play Warnings ignored, prepare to fire!
Skill activation 这个距离,刚刚好! この距離、完璧!Play Perfect distance!
不要松懈,继续进攻! 油断しないで!Play Keep alert, keep attacking!
制造混乱的,请适可而止! いい加減にしてください!Play You've caused enough chaos!
Heavily damaged 这样下去……我就坚持不到最后了! このままじゃ…もたない!Play If this continues... Then I won't last till the end.
Retreat 抱歉,指挥官,没能完成您的任务,我……真的很抱歉…… すみません指揮官、任務失敗です。ホントに…すみません…。Play Sorry Commander, I couldn't complete the task, I'm really... Really sorry...
MVP 成功了!这么看来,我还没有完全过时呢…… やった!どうやらあたしはまだ時代遅れじゃないよね。Play Yes! Looks like I'm not outdated just yet...
Restoration 感谢您的照料,指挥官,我感觉……好多了…… お世話になりました、指揮官。もう…大丈夫です…。Play Thank you for your care Commander, I feel a lot better already...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今天的夜晚……一定很吵吧,我还是在屋里看书好了。 Play Tonight... Must be a loud night, I'll stay in and read books.
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play