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Serdyukov Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 你好,我是谢尔久科夫SPS,感谢您的信任,今后请让我来负责您的安全吧。 こんにちは、セルジュコフSPSです。今日から護衛を担当します、よろしくお願いします。Play Good afternoon, I'm Serdyukov SPS. Starting today I'll be in charge for escort duty. Please lok forward to it.
Introduction 我原本来自一个名为“乌鸦”的手枪研发项目,不过随着项目延期,我反而被率先完成,并以设计师的名字被命名。作为特种战斗手枪,我的使命主要是保护国家政要。虽然世上没有完美的武器,但我的服务会令您满意的。 I originally came from a pistol development project called "The Raven", but as the project was postponed, I was first completed and named after the designer's name. As a special combat pistol, my mission is mainly to protect national politicians. Although there are no perfect weapons in the world, my service will satisfy you.
Secretary 请放心工作吧,这里的安全就交给我好了。 指揮官さんは安心して仕事をしてください。ここの安全は私が守ります。Play Commander should work safely. I'll guard the security here.
乌鸦?那是以前的代号,我有很多称呼呢,你喜欢叫哪个? 鴉?それは昔のコードネームです。他にもたくさんありますが、指揮官さんはどれが好きですか?Play Raven? That's my old codename. I have other names as well, which one do you like commander?
诶?保护条款里这种事是不允许的吧,要做的话请重新签合同哦。 え?そんなこと、契約違反ですよ!やるんだったら、契約し直してからにしてください!Play Eh? That's contract violation! If you want to do it, renew your contract first!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, how about today's service? If you want something, don't hesitate to ask me~
Oh my, would you like a long-term contract?
Greeting こんにちは、指揮官さん。お仕事の説明ですか?こちらへどうぞ。Play Hello, commander's. Is it a job description? This way, please.
T-Doll Produced 新しい社員が入ってきました。何か手伝いましょうか?Play A new employee came in. Can I help you?
Joining an echelon 任務了解、いつでも待機します。Play Ok,I'll wait for the mission.
Enhancement 私に?ありがとうございます。Play To me? Thank you very much.
Dummy-linking 感謝します。日用品の補充も忘れないでくださいね。Play Thank you Don't forget to replenish your daily necessities.
Logistics (start) よし、行きましょう!Play Ok, let's go!
Logistics (end) ただいま帰りました、結果をチェックしてください。Play I just returned, please check the results.
Autobattle 皆さん、諦めないで、もう少し頑張りましょう!Play Everyone, don't give up, let's do our best a little more!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 敵に襲われました。迎撃準備を!Play Attacked by the enemy. Prepare to intercept!
Starting a battle 出撃しましょう。私が皆さんの面倒を見ます。Play Let's sortie. I'll take care of you.
Skill activation そうはさせません!Play I won't let you do that!
退いてください!Play Please retreat!
チャンスを与えないで、そのまま攻撃して!Play Don't give a chance, just attack!
Heavily damaged あっ!ええと、どうしましょう?Play Ah! Um, what should I do?
Retreat 皆さん、これは戦術的な撤退だけです、慌てなくても......え?待ってくださいよ!Play Everyone, this is just a tactical withdrawal, no need to panic ... Please wait!
MVP 素晴らしい連携プレイでした、指揮官さん。ボーナスを忘れないでくださいね。Play Commander,that was a great collaboration. Please don't forget the bonus.
Restoration すみません、メンテの費用は私に回してください。Play Please excuse me for the maintenance costs.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今夜のパーティの準備は順調です。でも、指揮官さんお菓子の無済文は自分で払ってくださいね。Play The preparation for tonight's party is going well. However, please pay the vacant sentence of the commander's candy yourself.
Christmas 指揮官さん、今日はゆっくりクリスマスお楽しみましょう。もちろん仕事はきちんと終わりましたよ。Play Commander, let's enjoy Christmas slowly today. Of course the work was finished properly.
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとえございます、指揮官さん。今年の業績もきっと去年よりも伸びる信じています。


Happy New Year, commander. I believe that this year's productivity will grow more than last year.
Valentine's day 訓練終わりましたか?それでわ、はい、私の手作りチョコです。どうぞ受け取ってください。


Have you finished training? So, yes, my handmade chocolate. Please receive it.
Tanabata 指揮官さんのお望みは受けたまいりました。早速計画を立てます。期待してください。


The commander's wish has been received. Make a plan immediately. You can count on me.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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