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Carcano M91∕38/Quotes

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Carcano M91∕38 Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,您好,如您所见,我是一位开朗活泼的人形,所以请让我们友好相处。 初めまして、指揮官。見ての通り、私は明るい人形です。仲良くやりましょうね。Play Hello, Commander. As you can plainly see, I am a bright, cheerful doll. I hope we can get along well.
Introduction 卡尔卡诺M91/38,作为姐姐M1891的改进型,也算见证了不少人类的历史……本应只是“见证”而已,但我却把一颗子弹的痕迹留在了上面……那应该是我对这个世界,撒过的最大的谎言了吧。 Carcano M91/38. I am my sister's successor, and I've witnessed many events in human history... I've remained only as an observer until I let that bullet rewrite history... That has to be the biggest lie I've told to this world.
Secretary 姐姐真是轻轻松松就能被他人信任呢,不过我可一点都不羡慕…… お姉さんは、人から信頼されてますね。全然羨ましくないですけど。Play My sister sure is trusted by a lot of people... not that I'm jealous in the slightest.
我是短发哦,指挥官会喜欢这种类型吗? 私の髪型がタイプですか、指揮官?Play Do you have a thing for my kind of hairstyle, Commander?
指挥官,随便乱碰的话会爆炸的。 指揮官、勝手に触ると爆発しちゃいますよ!Play Commander, if you just randomly touch me I'll blow up!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I love you. That's a lie, there's no way that's true. Eh, you believed me? Really?
Commander, do you really want me to swear an oath riddled with lies? ...Oh? So you're going to believe in me even if I'm lying. ...Alright. I don't care about lies or truth anymore. From now on, all of my being belongs to you.
Greeting 指揮官、今頃ですか?仕事はとっくに終わりましたよ。Play Commander, you're just now coming in? All of the work has already been completed.
T-Doll Produced 指揮官、今回もまたIDWなんですね。Play Commander, looks like it's IDW again.
Joining an echelon 指揮官、あなたもチームに加わりたいですか?Play Commander, would you like to join the team as well?
Enhancement 特に何も感じないですね。もう一度やってみてはどうでしょう?Play Hmm... I don't really feel any different. How about doing it again?
Dummy-linking 偽物の言葉と偽物の人形って、実にお似合いです。Play False words and a false doll... a truly fitting combination.
Logistics (start) かしこまりました。物資を全部破壊する任務ですね?Play Understood. The mission is to destroy resources, right?
Logistics (end) 物資はすべて破壊されました。Play All of the resources have been destroyed!
Autobattle 正直、あまり勝算はありませんから、期待しない方がいいですよ。Play Honestly, we don't really have much of a chance of winning. You probably shouldn't get your hopes up.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 作戦計画?聞いたことありませんが……まっ、とりあえず行きましょ?Play Operation plan? Never heard of it. Anyway, let's go!
Starting a battle 初めまして。私はもうグリフィンにはうんざりなんです。あなた達に加わってもいいですか?Play Hello, I'm actually quite fed up with Griffin. Mind if I join you guys?
Skill activation いいですよ、あなたを見逃してあげますよ。Play Sure, I'll let you escape alive.
光栄に思います。Play It's an honor.
お墓を作ってあげますよ。礼には及びません。Play I'll make a grave for you. No need to thank me.
Heavily damaged くっ……このままでは、全部バレてしまうじゃないですか!Play Urgh... everyone's going to find out if this keeps up...!
Retreat 私、忘れ物をしてしまったんですが、見逃してくれませんか?Play I, um, forgot to bring something. Could you let me go get it?
MVP 敗北からの巻き返し。さすが指揮官です。Play A stunning reversal in the face of certain defeat. Only you could pull that off, Commander.
Restoration お姉さん、もういいですよ。全然痛くなっ……いッたたたた……Play Sis, you can stop now. It doesn't hur--OWWW...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween この格好……うさんくさいです!私の嘘よりも怪しいですね。Play This outfit... is very shady! It's even more suspicious than my lies!
Christmas たまに嘘は付きますが、悪い子ではないですよね?サンタさんに嫌われてないといいんですけど……Play I might tell a lie every now and then, but I'm not a bad girl... right? I just hope Santa doesn't hate me...
New Year's Day 指揮官、違いますよ?新年まであと1週間です。


You're wrong, Commander. New Year's is a week from now.
Valentine's day 指揮官、今回のチョコはうまく出来ました。早く食べてください。……あれ?なんか怪しんでますか?


Commander, my chocolates came out really great this year! Hurry up and try them! ...Hmm? Are you wary of them?
Tanabata 願いはこれにしましょう。指揮官?!見ちゃいましたか?!お姉さんに内相してくださいね!


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,您好,如您所见,我是一位开朗活泼的人形,所以请让我们友好相处。 初めまして、指揮官。見ての通り、私は明るい人形です。仲良くやりましょうね。Play Hello, Commander. As you can plainly see, I am a bright, cheerful doll. I hope we can get along well.
Introduction 卡尔卡诺M91/38,作为姐姐M1891的改进型,也算见证了不少人类的历史……本应只是“见证”而已,但我却把一颗子弹的痕迹留在了上面……那应该是我对这个世界,撒过的最大的谎言了吧。 Carcano M91/38. I am my sister's successor, and I've witnessed many events in human history... I've remained only as an observer until I let that bullet rewrite history... That has to be the biggest lie I've told to this world.
Secretary 等……等一下啊姐姐!你走那么慢,我都快追不上了! ちょっと…お姉ちゃん!そんなに遅いと、追いつけないよ!Play W...Wait for me, onee-chan! I can't catch up if you walk too slow!
说谎的孩子鼻子是会变长的,我的不会,所以没有说谎。 嘘をついたら鼻の下が伸びる。ワタシは伸びてないでしょう?だから嘘は付いてないPlay If children tell lies, their nose will grow. Not mine, so that means I'm not lying.
反正是姐姐做的衣服,随便碰吧,我一点都不在乎…… どうせお姉ちゃんが作った服だから、勝手に触っていいよ。全然気にしないけど…Play Since onee-chan made these clothes, you can touch all you want. I don't care.
Secretary (post OATH)
The person I hate the most except for onee-chan is you, Commander... Especially the face you're making now when you know I'm lying.
Commander, do you really want me to swear an oath riddled with lies? ...Oh? So you're going to believe in me even if I'm lying. ...Alright. I don't care about lies or truth anymore. From now on, all of my being belongs to you.
Greeting 指揮官、今頃ですか?仕事はとっくに終わりましたよ。Play Commander, you're just now coming in? All of the work has already been completed.
T-Doll Produced 指揮官、今回もまたIDWなんですね。Play Commander, looks like it's IDW again.
Joining an echelon 指揮官、あなたもチームに加わりたいですか?Play Commander, would you like to join the team as well?
Enhancement 特に何も感じないですね。もう一度やってみてはどうでしょう?Play Hmm... I don't really feel any different. How about doing it again?
Dummy-linking 偽物の言葉と偽物の人形って、実にお似合いです。Play False words and a false doll... a truly fitting combination.
Logistics (start) かしこまりました。物資を全部破壊する任務ですね?Play Understood. The mission is to destroy resources, right?
Logistics (end) 物資はすべて破壊されました。Play All of the resources have been destroyed!
Autobattle 正直、あまり勝算はありませんから、期待しない方がいいですよ。Play Honestly, we don't really have much of a chance of winning. You probably shouldn't get your hopes up.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 作戦計画?聞いたことありませんが……まっ、とりあえず行きましょ?Play Operation plan? Never heard of it. Anyway, let's go!
Starting a battle 初めまして。私はもうグリフィンにはうんざりなんです。あなた達に加わってもいいですか?Play Hello, I'm actually quite fed up with Griffin. Mind if I join you guys?
Skill activation ここは安全ですよ。配役来てください。Play It's safe over here. Please come here quickly.
光栄に思います。Play It's an honor.
もう大人ですから、怖くないですから!Play I'm already an adult, that's why I'm not afraid!
Heavily damaged お、お姉ちゃん、どうしおう!?Play B-Big sis, what do I do!?
Retreat 私、忘れ物をしてしまったんですが、見逃してくれませんか?Play I, um, forgot to bring something. Could you let me go get it?
MVP 敗北からの巻き返し。さすが指揮官です。Play A stunning reversal in the face of certain defeat. Only you could pull that off, Commander.
Restoration お姉さん、もういいですよ。全然痛くなっ……いッたたたた……Play Sis, you can stop now. It doesn't hur--OWWW...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play