Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 准备迎接以一敌十的我,指挥官,您做好准备了吗? | 指揮官殿、わたくしが貴軍に加勢すれば、百人力です。 | I'm prepared to fight enemies ten times my number. Are you ready, Commander? | |
Introduction | FAMAS的名字来自于对武器和产地的缩写,研发的初衷是取代本国部分冲锋枪和轻机枪,经过多年的修改后最终装备于军方,并出口到多个国家。射速和命中上,我都有着出众的表现,请在适合的舞台上让我一展身手吧。 | The name FAMAS is an abbreviation for my role and origin. Designed to replace my country's sub-machine guns and light machine guns, I underwent several years of changes in the military, before being exported to foreign markets. Speed and accuracy are my specialties, so please allow me to perform in a suitable stage. | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,有什么吩咐吗? | 指揮官、なんのご用ですか。 | Commander, your orders? | |
指挥官,别这样。现在还在工作呢。 | 指揮官、迷惑です、今はお仕事で忙しいんですから。 | Commander, don't be like this. I'm working right now. | ||
指挥官,别碰奇怪的地方啊…… | 指揮官、変なところを触るのは、止めてください… | Commander!? Please stop touching me in strange places... | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 您的桌子又乱了,明明说了那么多次……算啦,无论多少次,我都会为您打理好的。
You desk is messy again, no matter how many times I tell you...Come on then, I'll take care of you like always.
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OATH | 这件完成了,那件也完成了,接下来是——诶?!……突然拿出这个,是给我的吗,指挥官?这件工作,我要用一生来打理,真的可以吗?
This part has been finished, that part has been done, and now this... Eh?! ...What is this all of a sudden, is this for me Commander? It will probably take me a life time to handle this task, is that ok?
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Greeting | 欢迎回来,我的指挥官。 | お帰りなさいませ、指揮官。 | Welcome back, my Commander. | |
T-Doll Produced | 指挥官,来了个新人,去碰碰面吧。 | 指揮官、新入りが到着しました。顔を見に行きましょう。 | Commander there is a new recruit, go meet her. | |
Joining an echelon | 多谢厚爱,我必尽犬马之劳。 | 私で良ければ、全力を尽くします。 | Thank you for your trust, I give it my all. | |
Enhancement | 要是我一开始就有这样的力量,祖国也不至于...... | 始めからそんな力があれば、祖国は... | If I had this kind of power to begin with, my country wouldn't have... | |
Dummy-linking | 编队扩大?多谢照顾,指挥官。 | 編成拡大?はっ、ありがとうございます、指揮官。 | Formation expanded? Thank you Commander. | |
Logistics (start) | 收到,开始歼灭任务。 | 了解、掃討任務開始! | Roger, begin operation. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,任务顺利完成。 | 戻りました、任務完了。 | I returned, mission complete. | |
Autobattle | 各位,由我来担任支援,别总待在这儿休息。 | 皆さん、支援なら私に任せてください。ここで休んではダメですよ。 | Everybody, I'll do the support role, don't just stay here and rest. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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