The FN FNC (French: Fabrique Nationale Carabine) assault rifle/Carbine developed by FN Herstal between 1975–1977. Design of the FNC originated from the FN CAL rifle, a conventional layout 5.56 calibre service rifle by design. Having the original prototype being rush produced, the FNC suffered from many mechanical failures, it was withdrawn from the NATO standardization trial at an early stage. An updated prototype was developed during 1981–1982 and took part in a trial hosted by the Swedish Military, which achieved satisfactory feed backs from the both the Swedes and Belgian Army.
FNC operates on a gas-operated, rotating bolt mechanism with a long stroke gas piston. Designed to feed from 30-round STANAG magazines, the FNC fires at a rate of 700 rounds per minute, able to reach an effective firing range of up to 400 metres. FNC's fire selector can switch the rifle into semi-automatic, 3-round burst and fully automatic mode of fire. Optical scopes can be mounted on the FNC's receiver mount adapters, FNC's muzzle features a flash suppressor that can mount 22mm rifle grenades and able to fix bayonet, the barrel can also fit a bipod for mounted firing of the weapon. Stock of the FNC can also be folded to the right side.
In 1989 the FNC is finally accepted into service of Belgium Army as a standard service rifle, FNC features a shorter barrel carbine variant and a semi-automatic only law enforcement variant. A modified version of the FNC named Ak5 was developed after the trial by the Swedish arms company Bofors Ordnance, which entered service with the Swedish Army. 10,000 units of FNC was also sold to Indonesia where PT Pindad refurbished the FNC for tropical combats, designated as Pindad SS1 and Pindad SS2.[1].
Character Info
A short AR T-doll around 130-140cm of body height.
FNC was renamed twice in EN server. She was originally called FFC and as of June 26th, 2018 she is now called FF FNC.
Glutton, and has a sweet tooth. Much of FNC's quotation suggests she is constantly munching on snacks, primarily sweets and chocolates. She was mentioned on AR Type 56-1Type 56-1Type 56-1's quotation, which suggests that the two are friends who shares a common hobby, eating.
FNC have a firepower focus ability, when the skill is active her DPS increases significantly, due to the skill multiplier and her decent innate stats for a 3*, FNC outperforms all the other 3* AR units and is even able to defeat some 5* AR units in short duration battles. The only downside is the short duration and the long reactivation timer.
FNC provides accuracy and evasion on her tile buff to SMGs
Story Involvement
FNC made a few minor appearance in with the main and side story lines.
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Digi-mind Upgrade Story: FN-49
FNC made an appearance in RF FN-49FN-49FN-49's Digi-mind upgrade back story.
Arriving at her new dorm, FN-49 wonders what her new squad members are like, she noticed FNC sitting on the sofa, wishing to leave a good first impression, she approached to greet FNC. "Waaah!! I didn't steal those candies!", 49's approach frightened FNC, "Oh, it wasn't 57... You scared me there, but who are you though, never seen you before.". 49 said that the Commander arranged her to report here, FNC realised that this is their new squad member they are expecting, the two formally greets each other, FNC treated her to some sweets right away.
FNC even gifted a hair comb to 49 as a symbol of friendship, because she have beautiful hair. When 49 first arrived at the base, she found herself unable to approach most other T-dolls with her shy and timid personality, she was glad she found FNC as a friend. Later that day FNC showed 49 her way around the base, they visited the HQ, the shooting range and the vehicle depot. Eventually they arrived at the storage warehouse for supplies, "Look over there, chocolates, wanna have some?" FNC asks, even though her instincts told her she probably shouldn't take things from the supply warehouse, but under all the encouragements from FNC, she stole them.
While the two sat down and enjoyed the chocolates, they were spotted by the Commander, "You two, what are you doing here!", "Where did you get the chocolates from?". While 49 was stuttering, FNC said: "49 gave me these chocolates!", while the Commander turned his/her wrath at 49 for taking supplies from the warehouse, FNC legged it.
"Maintenance is still ongoing."
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FNC's initial designs focused on operating and performance, but still lost many contests due to various gun failures. After being modified many times, I finally entered production, replaced FAL and sent for export to many other countries. Looks like victory belongs to those who endures.
Treating me to another meal? Well I guess I can't refuse that! Hmm? What did you say before that? ...What!?! How can you talk about this kind of things on the dinning table, what a sly move, how can I refuse that right now!