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This is a transcript of event nodes in combat stages of the Crisis Rescue event in Project Neural Cloud.
Stage 1[edit]
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Have you heard? The other team has a special rescue Doll. "A special rescue Doll? You mean Cascadia, who can do the work of five professionals?" "Yeah, since we've got her, we should be able to save more people, right?" You overhear the other teams talking about you.
Option: I should work twice as hard.
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The road to the rescue site is blocked by debris. This road was once the main road leading to the old city area. If you can clear the rubble, you might be able to make things easier for future rescue work.
Option 1: This rescue is time-sensitive; let's just climb over it.
Option 2: At the very least, we should clear a path for others to cross.
Option 3: Detour around it.
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The rescue basecamp has prepared food for the rescue team members. A kindly old grandma serves Cascadia a big helping of cornflakes in a cartoon character print bowl. "Eat up, little girl. Don't be scared; the aftershocks will pass soon."
Option 1: Sorry, but I'm not a kid.
Option 2: Ehhh... She means well, let's go with that.
Stage 2[edit]
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You're on a rescue mission with Chelsea. Chelsea is sharing her experiences as a senior rescuer. "During a rescue operation, you need to keep an eye on your own status at all times and restore your stamina when appropriate... For instance, by using this energy drink. Relax, this one doesn't taste weird!" Chelsea hands you a can of Energia. The label says it is blueberry-orange-flavored.
Option 1: I'll just get my own...
Option 2: Hey, this is actually pretty good!
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During a rescue operation, you need to be constantly aware of the state of your equipment. You need to check that all your modules and gear are functioning properly every so often. For instance, your communicator, your headlamp, your IR imager, your batteries, and so on. If these pieces of equipment fail at a critical moment, it might cause unthinkable damage. "Need my help, Cascadia?" Chelsea, who's also checking her gear, looks expectantly at you.
Option 1: You and Chelsea check each other's gear.
Option 2: Decline Chelsea's offer.
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The rescue team has been issued new rescue supplies and equipment. While both of them will be useful, excessive weight will impede mobility, so it's probably best just to take one.
Option 1: The rescue gear.
Option 2: The rescue supplies.
Stage 3[edit]
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[System Alert] Power-assist system overloaded. Continued operation might affect neural cloud stability. Please address." Sustained operations have placed a great strain on you. Will you continue?
Option 1: Have a can of Energia energy drink.
Option 2: Take a break.
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The radar detects a special signal under the rubble. Further examination reveals that there is a damaged supply crate buried under the debris, and some of its contents have already spilled out.
Option 1: Dig it up for more rescue supplies.
Option 2: Only take what spilled out.
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A pile of blazing rubble blocks your path. Clearing it by force will put a lot of strain on you, but it'll save a lot of time. However, it might be wiser to keep in good shape considering the length of the operation.
Option 1: Clear it by force.
Option 2: Find a way around.
Stage 4[edit]
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Ever since Dollmaking technology became commonplace, Svarog Heavy Industries has dedicated its efforts to applying said technology to disaster relief efforts. Dolls are stronger, far more resilient and reliable than human rescuers; naturally, the most important fact is that Dolls can face perilous situations in place of human beings. The SRT-8 is a broadly-capable emergency rescue Doll; they are the technological fusion of Dolls from various fields such as the CRAR, the FF-Alpha, the SI-DT, and the DMLT, as well as the SRT series of multilegged rescue robots.
The SRT-8 will rewrite the history of disaster rescue.
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As an emergency rescue Doll, two principles were infused into the design of the SRT-8: high performance and broad applicability. While these requirements might have seemed contradictory, they were actually essential for a search-and-rescue Doll. Specifically, such a Doll would require high-spec rescue abilities as well as a high degree of part interchangeability and expandability to allow it to use standard parts for maintenance and repairs under any circumstances. As a result, 80% of the SRT-80's structural components came from the most commonly available generic parts on the market. According to the conclusions of the Svarog Heavy Industries design team, even after sustaining moderate to severe levels of damage, the SRT-8 would be able to return to service after a quick parts swap in the field.
Making a rescue Doll too complex would be putting the cart before the horse.
After finalizing the basic structure, the researchers began officially prototyping the SRT-8's body. In response to feedback gained from the FF-Alpha line, they opted to go with a miniaturized frame, which would be more maneuverable and effective at conducting rescue missions in confined areas. After taking into consideration that many rescue missions would take place in such environments, the design team decided to miniaturize the SRT-8 as much as possible without compromising its power output.
Won't people mistake it for a kid?
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The core technology of the SRT-8 was the search and rescue modules, which were specially designed for it. Said modules contained multiple vital sign-detecting devices and disaster forecasting equipment, such as seismic tremor sensors, radar, and sonar sensors. However, when faced with disaster, what people needed most was not a tool but a way to deal with the rapidly shifting circumstances at the scene. As such, the Svarog technical team tried to reuse the SRT series' data to develop a disaster prediction system, which would in turn improve the SRT-8's ability to respond to emergency situations. Unfortunately, the SRT's data alone was not enough to support the development of the SRT-8's disaster prediction system.
They needed more empirical data.
Just as the technical personnel were at their wits' end, Svarog HI received an unexpected gift. Specifically, it was a joint package from disaster memorial museums around the world, comprised of data discs containing massive amounts of disaster records and data. These discs were enough to complete the development of the basic disaster prediction system. However, the surprise did not end there. Over the course of the following year, Svarog HI also received a steady stream of operational logs from both civilian and government-affiliated rescue teams.
Thank you, everyone.
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In addition to a genericized framework and its rescue modules, another challenge in the SRT-8's developmental phase was designing a neural cloud that was suited to search and rescue duties. Rescue operations not only required calm, precise judgment, bold decisiveness, and the ability to take action in a serious and reliable manner, but also sufficient sensitivity to soothe the human psyche during dire circumstances. "If we make it too cool and serious, it'll come off as inhumane. Isn't there a reference we can use?" "Why not consult the FF-Alpha?"
Isn't she a little TOO lively?
After much effort on the part of the research team, they finally managed to strike a balance for the SRT-8's neural cloud design. However, the SRT-8 did not turn out quite like everyone expected after she was awakened. Indeed, the SRT-8's personality met all the requirements expected of it, but she was so serious and stubborn about training that she even butted heads with the researchers several times. There were several incidents where the SRT-8, in its capacity as a testee, was haranguing and ordering the research staff around as it completed its performance trials.
It wasn't quite what they expected, but it turned out quite well.
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In order to obtain field data, Svarog HI decided to work with the Federal Disaster Rescue Team. After internal trials were concluded, the SRT-8 joined the FDRT and took part in rescue operations in various locales. The SRT-8 was both nervous and excited about whether she would be accepted by her team. "Since she's going to be a member of a team, don't you think addressing her by her serial number isn't quite appropriate?" "It feels like we need to give her a meaningful name..." The surprising thing was that the first reply from the FDRT was to consider the SRT-8's name.
Why not name her after the Cascadia subduction zone?
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After Cascadia's initial trials were completed, she was sent to the Federal Disaster Rescue Team and completed many rescue operations. After that, she was seconded to the Baltimore Disaster Management Team for training, and both groups had a very high opinion of Cascadia. However, voices of dissent emerged, as they always did. An urban legend called "Rescue Dolls Aren't Practical" began spreading on the internet, which was highly critical of Cascadia's abilities, citing things like how the only things that rescue Dolls could bring back were corpses, why people were still dying when there were rescue Dolls, and so on.
In other words, selectively-excerpted garbage.
Despite these complaints, Cascadia continued performing her testing duties flawlessly. The data obtained from her trial deployment would be used in the production of future SRT-8s, and the engineering mecha-hound called "Slo-Mo" that she acquired by chance would go on to become standard issue for future SRT-8s.
That way, they can save more people.
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After the end of Cascadia's trial period, Svarog HI sent her to various countries and regions for practical deployment. As a result, Cascadia joined many government and civilian rescue teams. She took part in at least 4 major rescue operations, 24 intermediate deployments, and countless small-scale rescue missions. Whether it was at an earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, typhoon, or even a battlefield, the reporters always saw Cascadia working tirelessly on the frontlines.
It looks like the development of a rescue Doll was successful.
However, the shocking thing was the feedback that some rescue teams gave about her, saying that she often disobeyed orders and headed out on her own. She even gained the nickname "Lone Wolf Cascadia". However, many other teams had glowing opinions about her. Svarog HI had no choice but to investigate this highly polarized feedback.
Did something go wrong somewhere?
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The polarized feedback about Cascadia drew Svarog HI's attention, as well as that of the media. An investigation by the latter finally revealed the truth. Certain civilian SAR teams were unwilling to take the risk of performing rescue operations and chose to work in a conservative fashion. Cascadia's violation of orders was entirely for the sake of saving more lives. Once that fact came to light, Cascadia's popularity skyrocketed, and some people even started calling her a heroine. Just as everyone thought this petite powerhouse would continue shining in the rescue industry, word spread that Cascadia would soon be retiring.
Where's she going?
"Product Code: SRT-8" "Body Code: MSPD-SR-000" "Product Serial Number: SHISRT8000" "Product Activation Date: January 26th, 2057." "Product Name: Cascadia." "Neural Activation Percent: ??% (Neural cloud has been encrypted, and examination is not supported.)"
"SRT-8, CALL NAME: Cascadia... Verification complete."
Entered Project Neural Cloud.
"Welcome to the Oasis, Cascadia. Thank you for everything you've done for the Oasis in its time of need."