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6P62 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 初次见面,6P62向您致敬。啊……不认识我也没关系,我的实力,您很快就会见识到了! Play 敬礼、初めまして、6P62機関銃よ。今は分からないかも知れないけと、あたしの実力すぐにても見せて上げる。Play Greetings, I'am 6P62. It's fine if you don't recogize me now, as you'll recognize my strengths soon enough!
Introduction (同上) ditto
Secretary 要出发了吗,指挥官?我已经等很久了。 Play 出撃するの、指揮官、あたしはいつてもOKよ。Play Are you sortieing, Commander? I'm always ready to go.
出击前请计算好费用哦,争取一次搞定目标。 Play 出撃する前に、費用はちゃんと計算して、一回で目標達成するわよ。Play Before deploying, please make sure to correctly calculate the resources that we need so we can complete our objectives in one go.
指挥官,别乱碰后面的平衡器,我会摔倒的!……前、前面也不行! Play 指揮官、後ろのバランサーをいじんないて転ぶから、ま…前のもダメ。Play Commander, please refrain from touching the balancer on my back. I'll fall over! ... N-not the front either!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, you've finished your「…」for today. Why don't you spread your wings a little. Rest is also important... I've keep telling you this for a long time.
Eh, is this for me, Commander? Is this my reward for saving up supplies? Ufufu, I'm just joking.Thank you, Commander. Thanks for you, I can go this far. From now on, I'll do my best to meet your expectation.
Greeting 指挥官,今天也为了胜利而努力吧! Play 指揮官、今日も勝利のために頑張りましょう!Play Commander, let's work harder today for victory!
T-Doll Produced Play 新し戦友ね、歓迎するわよ。Play New sister inarms, let's welcome her.
Joining an echelon Play 6P62機関銃、チームに加えるわよ、よろしくね。Play Machine gun 6P62, joining the team. Let's work together.
Enhancement 好厉害的力量呢,谢谢啦 Play 凄まじいちからたわ、ありがとうね。Play What an amazing power, thank you.
Dummy-linking Play 気付かってくれてありがとうね。結構な出費でしょ。Play Thanks for noticing. That was a lot of expenses.
Logistics (start) 是重要的任务呢,交给我吧 Play 大事な任務ね、任せて。Play This is an important mission alright, leave it to me.
Logistics (end) 任务完成归来 Play 任務完了、上出来だね。Play Mission complete, good work.
Autobattle Play あたしが援護する、全力て敵を潰しよ。Play I will provide cover. Crush the enemy with all your might.
Title 少女前线! Play ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 战场就在前方,全员出击! Play 戦場はすぐそこよ、全員出撃!Play Battlefield is just around the corner. Everyone, let's go!
Starting a battle 战斗开始 Play 戦闘開始!Play Commencing battle!
Skill activation 接受现实吧! Play 現実を見なさい。Play Look at the reality!
绝不手下留情 Play 手加減なし。Play I won't go easy on you.
可怜的家伙 Play 可哀そうな奴ね。Play .What a poor soul.
Heavily damaged 喂,损伤太大了吧 Play ちょっと、損傷か大きすぎるわ。Play Hold on, my injury is too serious.
Retreat 撤退,是因为事先的准备不足吗? Play 撤退、事前準備の不足かしら。Play Withdraw! Did we lack advanced preparation.
MVP 怎么样,胜利的滋味不错吧! Play どう、勝利の味は悪くないでしょ。Play How is it. The taste of victory isn't that bad right.
Restoration 那么,不客气的进来放松吧 Play さあ、遠慮せつくつろぐ入れて。Play Now, come here and relax.
Attack Play Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play イタズラはほどほどにね。あと予算の「…」超えないように。Play Please keep the pranks moderate. And don't surpass the 「…」budget.
Christmas Play メリークリスマス指揮官!クリスマスプレゼントの準備出来た?Play Merry Christmas, Commander! Have you prepared the christmas present?
New Year's Day Play 明けましたおめでとう!今日は思いっきり祝おうね!


Happy New Year! Let's celebrate today with all our heart!
Valentine's day Play あたしの気持ちはこのチョコに込めてある。受け取って指揮官!


I put my feelings into this chocolate. Commander, please take this!
Tanabata Play 願いか…そうね、あの限定グッズさえ買えれば…し…指揮官!見ちゃだめ!


My wish huh... That's right, if I can get my hand on that limited edition item... C-commander! Don't look!