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"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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An example of an automaton: Cyclops.

An automaton[1] or a droid[2] is an AI-piloted humanoid robot originally designed to serve as an easily replaceable fire platform for military operations. In modern parlance, they are distinct from Dolls, which is a term reserved for androids outfitted with a Neural Cloud granting them human-like behaviors.[3] By opposition, Automatons' AIs are unable of complex communication and only receive commands from their commanders.

Development and history


Technical design


Appearance and behaviour


Known models


  1. Girls' Frontline, Isomer, Beyond the Border II, also Polarized Light Reflector I and Polishing, RF SV-98SV-98SV-98 Neural Upgrade story 3, SG M1897M1897M1897 Neural Upgrade story and HG MakarovMakarovMakarov's A Certain Unscientific Sunflower costume story. Chapter 4-1N presents an early outlier in the nomenclature.
  2. Project Neural Cloud, Worldview - Svarog heavy Industries
  3. Project Neural Cloud, Uranus' profile