Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 我便是奇迹之子斯特林,这是我的助手玛蒂尔达卿!希望我们的冒险充满乐趣——毕竟太平淡的话,玛蒂尔达卿可是会啄烂你的键盘的。 | I am Sterling, the child of miracles, and this here is my assistent, Sir Matilda! I Hope our adventures are fun-- anything too bland and Matilda will peck you. | ||
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 今天也只有处理文案的工作吗?什么时候才能派我前往战区的最前线……对斯特林来说,那里才是天堂一般的工作场所! | Do you only have deskwork to do today? When will I be sent to the battlefront...? For me, it is a heavenly workspace! | ||
今早找不到我?因为我到黑暗军团的老巢侦查去了。担心我被抓?哼,如果敌人有那本事,我倒是要替他们高兴一回。 | Couldn't find me this morning? That's because I was out investigating the lair of the Dark Legion. Worried that I'd get caught? If the enemy even has that ability, you can color me impressed. | |||
原来那个家伙也在啊……既然这样,就更不能闲着了!给我安排任务吧!现在!立刻!马上!这是我和司登之间的较量…… | So that girl is also here... In that case, assign me a task! Now! Quickly! Immediately! This is a contest between me and Sten... | |||
Secretary (post OATH) | 你好像见过黑暗军团的真实面貌?没有发生战斗吗?!他们对指挥官这样的人类来说太危险了……看见我和玛蒂尔达卿跟野猫群打架?原来你已经知道了……
You've seen the true face of the Dark Legion? Did no combat take place?! They're too dangerous for a human like the Commander... You saw Sir Matilda and I fighting a group of feral cats? So you already found out...
| ||
OATH | 玛蒂尔达卿叼来的是——指挥官的信物?原来你很享受跟我一起冒险?明明一开始,指挥官还大呼小叫的……现在你终于明白了吧!和我在一起,未来有无限的可能!
Greeting | 嘘——觊觎奇迹的黑暗军团已经在等我们了。 | |||
T-Doll Produced | 玛蒂尔达卿,去侦查下是个什么样的家伙。 | |||
Joining an echelon | 放心吧,斯特林会带领你们缔造传奇的! | |||
Enhancement | 为了抵抗邪恶的黑暗军团,请给我直接加上百分之三百的战力吧! | |||
Dummy-linking | 哼,奇迹之子的力量壮大了,黑暗军团给我等着吧…… | |||
Logistics (start) | 斯特林最喜欢的节目开始了! | |||
Logistics (end) | 这一次我成功深入敌后,捞到了很多补给品,而且还毫发无损!咦,好像少了几个队友…… | |||
Autobattle | 睁大眼睛看着斯特林的闪耀时刻吧! | |||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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