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FNC Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 初次见面,指挥官大人,我这里有巧克力,要吃吗? 初めまして、指揮官様。チョコ食べます?Play 처음 뵙겠습니다, 지휘관님. 초코 드실래요? Pleased to meet you, Commander. Want some chocolate?
Introduction FNC在初期设计时兼顾了操作和性能,但还是因为各种故障在竞争中遭遇了失败。经过多次试验改进后,我才正式被投产,最终取代了FAL小姐,并出口到了多个国家。不坚持到最后一刻,有时很难看出胜负来啊。 FNC의 초기설계 시, 조작과 성능 두 가지를 동시에 잡으려고 했지만, 각종 고장으로 인해 경쟁에서 떨어졌어요. 여러 번의 실험과 개량을 거친 후, 그제야 전 정식으로 생산에 들어가서, 최종적으로 FAL씨를 대체할 수 있음과 동시에 수많은 다른 국가에 수출될 수 있었어요. 어떨 때는 마지막 순간까지 버티지 않으면, 승부를 내기 힘들 때도 있어요. FNC's initial designs focused on operating and performance, but still lost many contests due to various gun failures. After being modified many times, I finally entered production, replaced FAL and sent for export to many other countries. Looks like victory belongs to those who endures.
Secretary 指挥官,快给我点心啊,给我嘛给我嘛给我嘛~ 指揮官様、お菓子頂戴~?お菓子頂戴~、お菓子頂戴~!Play 지휘관님, 과자 주세요? 과자 주세요~ 과~자~! Commander,hurry up and give me some dessert, gimme gimme gimmme~!
和式点心听说很美味呢,大福和生八桥什么的……好想吃啊! 日本の和菓子が美味しいってよく聞きます。大福とか、生八橋とか、食べてみたい!Play 일본의 전통 과자가 맛있다고 자주 들었어요. 찰떡이나. 생야츠하시라던가~ 먹어보고 싶어요! I've heard that Japanese sweets are delicious. Things like daifuku and raw yatsuhashi..... I wanna try them !
一直吃下去会发胖吗?……没事的,吃饭乃是我的本性啦! ずっと食べてると太るって?平気~平気~、食事が私のアイデンティティですから。Play 계속 먹기만 하면 살찐다구요? 괜찮아요, 괜찮아~ 먹는 게 제 정체성이니까요. I'll get fat if I eat all the time ?..... Relax, eating is a part of my identity after all !
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관님, 도우러왔어요! 얼른 일 끝내고 같이 앉아서 케이크 먹어요! 물론, 이번엔 딸기는 내거라구요!
Commander let me help out! The earlier you finish work the earlier we can eat cakes together! Remember, let me have the strawberry this time.
又要请我吃大餐吗?那我就不客气啦!嗯?在这之前,您说什么?…… 什么?!居然在餐桌上谈这种事,太狡猾啦指挥官,这让我怎么拒绝呀!
また御飯をご馳走してくれるの?ありがとう!ええ?その前に話って、何? ……指揮官様、御飯の前にそんなこと言うなんて、ずるいよ!断れなくなっちゃうじゃない。
또 밥 사주시는 거예요? 고맙습니다~어라? 그 전에 이야기할 게 있다니 뭐예요?...지휘관님, 밥 먹기 전에 그러시는 건...치사해요! ...거절하지 못하잖아요!
Treating me to another meal? Well I guess I can't refuse that! Hmm? What did you say before that? ...What!?! How can you talk about this kind of things on the dinning table, what a sly move, how can I refuse that right now!
Greeting 欢迎回来!(咀嚼声) お帰りなさい!もぐもぐ…Play 안녕히 다녀오셨어요! (우물우물…) Welcome back! (Noming noise)
T-Doll Produced 指挥官大人,我想和新来的伙伴一起吃点心! 指揮官様、新しい子と一緒にお菓子食べたい!Play 지휘관님, 새로 온 애랑 같이 과자 먹고 싶어! Commander, I want to eat dessert with the new companion!
Joining an echelon 啊?点心时间这不还没结束吗? えい?おやつタイムまだ終わっていないよ!Play 에에~ 간식 시간 아직 안 끝났어요! What? Break time isn't over yet is it?
Enhancement 多谢款待!(咀嚼声) ご馳走様!もぐもぐ…Play 잘 먹었습니다~ 오물오물~ Thank you for the treat! (Noming noise)
Dummy-linking 编队要扩大了啊,能不能给我更多的点心呢? 編成拡大か。いっぱいお菓子くれるでしょうね。Play 편제확대인가, 간식 잔뜩 주는 거 맞죠? Echelon is expanding again, can I have more treats then?
Logistics (start) 啊?这就要上路了?等我再吃一口! あぁ?もう行くの?もう一口食べてからね!Play 에에? 벌써 가요? 한 입만 더 먹을게요! Ahh? We're leaving now? One more bite!
Logistics (end) 我回来啦,果然还是家里的饭最好吃! ただいま~やっばりうちのご飯は一番。Play 다녀왔습니다! 역시 집반찬이 최고라니까요! I'm back, food taste more delicious at home.
Autobattle 好,肚子吃饱饱的,全力以赴咯。 よーし、お腹いっぱい食べて、力つけないとね。Play 좋아! 든든하게 먹어야 힘이 난다니까! Alright, with my tummy filled, I'll give it my best.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 吃饱了点心,该努力干活咯! お菓子食べたから、頑張っちゃうぞ!Play 간식 먹었으니까 힘낼게요! Full on desserts, it's time to get work done!
Starting a battle 有敌人!得赶紧把零食藏起来! 敵だ!お菓子を隠さないと!Play 적이다! 과자를 숨겨놔야지! We got enemies! Gotta hide the snacks!
Skill activation 开火开火! 撃って撃って!Play 쏴라 쏴라! Fire fire!
打到你没法还手为止! 反撃できないぐらい、ごてんばしてあげる!Play 반격 못할 정도로 박살내줄 거야! Attack until they cannot retaliate!
让你见识下我平时积累的成果! 大量重ねた成果を、見せてあげるから!Play 개량을 반복해온 성과를 보여주겠어! I'll let you witness my saved up results!
Heavily damaged 呜呜,我的零食啊...... うわ…私のお菓子が…Play 으아... 내 간식이... Uuuu... My snacks...
Retreat 咱是不是该回去吃点点心了...... 帰て、お菓子食べでもいいですか…Play 돌아가서 과자 먹어도 될까요...? I think, it's time to return and eat snacks...
MVP 要说奖励的话,我想要好多好多的点心! ご褒美は、いっぱいのお菓子がいいです!Play 상으로 과자 잔뜩 주세요! For rewards, I want more snacks and desserts!
Restoration 喂!帮我把早饭中饭还有晚饭都带来好不! おおぃ、朝ご飯も昼ご飯も夕ご飯も全部持って来て!Play 아침, 점심, 저녁밥 전부 가져와줘요! Oyy! Fetch me my breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Attack 攻撃だ!敵のお菓子を全部奪い取るんだ! 进攻啦!把敌人的点心全部抢过来哟!Play 공격이다! 적의 과자를 전부 빼앗는 거야!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不给糖就捣蛋!不给糖就捣蛋!不给糖就捣蛋! トリックオアトリート!トリックオアトリート、トリックオアトリート!Play 트릭 오어 트릿! 트릭 오어 트릿! 트릭 오어 트릿! (Pronounced very badly) Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat!
Christmas 圣诞节真是不错呢!能够吃到好多、好多美味的食物,真是愉快呀。 クリスマスはいいですね-、美味しい物がいっーぱい食べられる!楽しいです。Play 크리스마스는 좋아요. 맛있는 걸 잔뜩 먹을 수 있으니까 즐거워요! Christmas is so good, I get to eat so much good stuff! It's so fun.
New Year's Day 因为是新年,就算大吃一通也没有关系吧? 新年だからー、いっーぱい食べても、いいよね?


새해니까 잔뜩 먹어도 되겠죠? It's new year's, so I get to eat a lot, right?
Valentine's day 指挥官先生,巧克力也分你一半,一起吃吧? 指揮官様、チョコ分けて上げますね。一緒にたべよう!


지휘관님, 초콜릿 나눠 줄게요. 같이 먹어요! Mr.Commander, I'll share some of my chocolate with you. Let's eat it together!
Tanabata お祭りの食べ物がいっぱいあるみたい。指揮官さま…お祭り連れてって…


축제 음식이 많은 것 같아요. 지휘관님... 축제에 데려가주세요... Looks like there will be so many foods in the festival. Commander, bring me there...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 我会给你巧克力吃的,所以防守要加油喔。 チョコあげるから、守りを頑張りましょう。Play 초콜릿 드릴 테니까, 방어 힘내자구요.
Phrase Play 간식 있어?
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