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Scarecrow Assimilated Assimilated (Alt) Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
MEET 初次见面,请去死吧。 始めまして、そして死んで下さい。 Nice to meet you. Please die.
SKILL01 计算之中的反抗,没用的。 計算通りの反撃、無駄ですわ。 Your resistance is within my calculations. It's futile.
DEAD01 是我的……失误吧…… 私の…ミス… It was... my mistake...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
GAIN01 Play
GAIN02 Play
DIALOGUEWEDDING 我如果随便开口的话,说不定会伤到很多人,所以我只要像稻草人一样,留在原地为诸位服务就足够了……但是我对你可不会这样,因为你就算被我伤害,也会靠近我的吧?哼哼,只是和你开个玩笑罢。 私が軽い気持ちで口を開くと、沢山の人が傷つくかも知れませんわ。だから、私は案山子のように、ただそこに居て、皆さに尽くせは十分。でも、貴方に対しては違います。だって、たとえ私が貴方を傷つけようと、また近寄って来るでしょう?うふふ、ただの冗談ですわ。Play Even in casual conversation, it seems that I often hurt the feelings of all the others. That's why I'm content with standing alone, just as a scarecrow would. But you're different from the rest. Even if I hurt you, it seems that you always come back. Hehe. Just a little joke.
SOULCONTRACT 为什么要给我这个,难道要我转交给其它人?……就是给我的?哼,那我只能接受了。不……我可没想过拒绝,这是您对我的信任,指挥官。 何故私にこれを?誰かに私と欲しいんでうすか?態々私に?なら受け取るしかないですわね。いいえ、断るなど、考えることありません。これは、指揮官様からの信頼の証ですものPlay Why are you giving this to me...? Is this not meant for someone else? Huh...? You meant this... for me? Hmph... then I've no choice but to accept, don't I? No... I wouldn't dare to think of refusing. This is proof of your trust in me, Commander.
HELLO 稻草人,此刻准备就绪,请指示任务。 スケアクロー、準備完了。ご私事を。Play Scarecrow, ready for action. Please give the order.
FEED01 Play
FEED02 Play
BLACKACTION 歼灭作战,现在开始吧。 殲滅作戦、始めましょう。Play I shall begin the extermination operation.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
GOATTACK 你们的胜算,不过是零。 貴方達の勝ち目は、ないです。Play Your chances of victory are at zero.
MEET 初次见面,请去死吧。 始めまして、そして死んで下さい。Play Nice to meet you. Please die.
SKILL01 计算之中的反抗,没用的。 計算通りの反撃、無駄ですわ。Play Your resistance is within my calculations. It's futile.
SKILL02 Play
SKILL03 Play
DEAD01 是我的……失误吧…… 私の…ミス…Play It was... my mistake...
DEAD02 Play
RETREAT 不甘心…… 悔しいですわ。Play I don't accept this...
WIN 我早就说过,你们只能得到这种结果。 最初に言いた通り、貴方達はその結果なるしかないわ。Play I told you - this is your only possible fate.
FIX 别把我和刽子手放在同一个修理槽,它会打扰我思考。 エクスキューショナーと同じ修復スロット入れないで下さる?考え事の邪魔ですわ。Play Don't put Executioner in the same repair bay as me. She'll disturb my thinking.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
ATTACK 按计划前进。 計画通り、前進します。Play We advance as planned.
DEFENSE 临时待机。 一時待機。Play Stand by for now.
PHRASE 收到,立即执行。 了解、直ちに実行せいます。Play Understood, right away.
MOOD1 呵呵…… うふふ。Play Haha...
MOOD2 呃!? え?Play Huh!?
LOWMOOD 唉…… ええ…Play Sigh...
APPRECIATE 不错嘛 悪くないですね。Play Not bad.
AGREE 确实呢? その様ですね。Play Indeed.
ACCEPT 了解 了解。Play Understood.
FEELING 哼哼…… うん…Play Humph...
TIP 指挥官,不要疏于知识的储备哦。 指揮官様、日ごろから実施きを蓄えることも忘れないで下さい。Play Commander, please be mindful to exercise daily diligence in keeping you information up to date.
LOADING 需要给您泡杯咖啡吗? コーヒーでも入れましょうか?Play Would you like some coffee?
TITLECALL 少女前线。 少女前线。Play Girl's Frontline.