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Scarecrow Assimilated Assimilated (Alt) Quotes


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
MEET 初次见面,请去死吧。 初めまして。そして死んでください。 처음 뵙겠습니다. 이제 죽어 주시죠. Nice to meet you. Please die.
SKILL01 计算之中的反抗,没用的。 計算通りの反撃、無駄ですわ。 계산대로의 저항, 소용없습니다. Your resistance is within my calculations. It's futile.
DEAD01 是我的……失误吧…… わたしの……ミス…… 나의... 실수... It mistake...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
GAIN01 稻草人,来自铁血工造。今日开始为您效劳,请指示任务。 鉄血工造から来た、スケアクロウですわ。今日から貴方のために力を尽くします、どうかご指示を。Play 철혈공조의 스케어크로우입니다. 오늘부터 당신께 제 힘을 바치겠습니다. 지시를 내려 주십시오. Scarecrow of Sangvis Ferri Industries, at your service starting from today. Please give the order.
GAIN02 稻草人,来自铁血工造……看来你的数据库里已经存在我的情报了,直接给我下命令吧。 スケアクロウ、鉄血工造より参りました……どうやらデータベースにはすでにわたしの情報が登録されているようですね、ならばそのまま命令してください。Play 철혈공조, 스케어크로우입니다. 아무래도 데이터베이스에 이미 제 정보가 있나 보군요. 그럼 바로 명령을 내려 주시죠. Scarecrow of Sangvis Ferri Industries... Looks like there is already information about me in your database, so just give me your orders.
DIALOGUE01 需要分析情报吗,随时就位。 情報の分析ですか?いつでもどうぞ。Play 정보 분석입니까? 언제든지 말씀하시죠. Do you require intel analysis? Ready when you are.
DIALOGUE02 格里芬的数据库太陈旧了,铁血的情报,还是由我亲自升级吧。 グリフィンのデータベースは古すぎますわ。鉄血の情報は、わたしがアップデートしておきます。Play 그리폰의 데이터베이스는 너무 낡아 빠졌군요. 철혈의 정보는 제가 업데이트하겠습니다. The Griffin database is way too outdated. Allow me to update your records on Sangvis Ferri.
DIALOGUE03 指挥官,你忘了什么吧?需要我提醒一下吗? 指揮官様、忘れ物、教えて差し上げましょうか。Play 지휘관, 잊으신 것 없으십니까? 알려드릴까요? Commander, something seems to have slipped your mind. Would you like me to remind you?
DIALOGUEWEDDING 我如果随便开口的话,说不定会伤到很多人,所以我只要像稻草人一样,留在原地为诸位服务就足够了……但是我对你可不会这样,因为你就算被我伤害,也会靠近我的吧?哼哼,只是和你开个玩笑罢。 わたしが軽い気持ちで口を開くと、沢山の人が傷つくかも知れませんわ。だからわたしはかかしのように、ただそこにいて皆さんに尽くせば十分……でも、あなたに対しては違います。だって、たとえわたしがあなたを傷つけようと、また近寄ってくるでしょう?ウフフ、ただの冗談ですわ。Play 제가 함부로 입을 열면, 많은 이들에게 상처를 줄 수도 있습니다. 그러니 그저, 허수아비처럼 제자리에서 묵묵히 봉사하면 됩니다... 하지만 당신만은 예외입니다. 당신은 제게 상처받아도 다가오실 거죠? 후후, 그냥 해 본 소리입니다. If I'm careless with my words, I could end up hurting many. So I just need to be a scarecrow – I serve in silence... +But I won't be like that with you, because no matter how I hurt you, you'll always stay close to me, won't you? Humph, just kidding.
SOULCONTRACT 为什么要给我这个,难道要我转交给其它人?+……就是给我的?哼,那我只能接受了。+不……我可没想过拒绝,这是您对我的信任,指挥官。 なぜわたしにこれを、誰かに渡して欲しいんですか?+えっ……わざわざわたしに?ふん、なら受け取るしかないですわね。+いいえ……断るなど考えたことありません。これは、指揮官様からの信頼の証ですもの。Play 어째서 제게 이것을... 누구에게 대신 전해 주길 바라십니까?+제게 주신다고요? 후훗, 그럼 받을 수밖에 없군요.+아뇨... 거절할 생각은 없었습니다. 이건 지휘관께서 저를 신뢰한다는 증표니까요. Why have you given me this? Am I supposed to pass it on to someone else? +...It's for me? Humph, then I suppose I have no choice but to accept. +No...I never thought about refusing it. It's a sign of your trust, Commander.
HELLO 稻草人,此刻准备就绪,请指示任务。 スケアクロウ、準備完了、ご指示を。Play 스케어크로우, 준비됐습니다. 지시를 내려 주십시오. Scarecrow, ready for action. Please give the order.
FORMATION01 作为回报,我会让整个队伍提高胜率。 見返りに、勝率を上げてみせましょう。Play 보답으로 효율을 높여드리죠. In return for your favor, I will increase the probability of our victory.
FORMATION02 收到命令,予以执行。 ええ、言いたいことは分かっています。Play 네, 무슨 뜻인지 알겠습니다. Yes, Commander. You have made your intentions clear.
FORMATION03 哦?有新的命令? ほう。新しい命令ですか?Play 오호라... 새 명령입니까? Oh? New orders?
FEED01 多谢,这是正确的决议。 ありがとうございます。正しい判断だと思います。Play 감사합니다, 올바른 판단이군요. Thank you, you have made the right decision.
FEED02 我的作战效能更高了。 作戦能力がさらに上がりますわね。Play 제 작전 효율이 더욱 상승했습니다. Now I can perform even better in combat.
UPGRADE01 只有简单的补丁吗? この程度のアップデートだけですか?Play 업데이트는 겨우 이것뿐입니까? Just a simple update?
UPGRADE02 完美,我的心智数据更新了。 メンタルデータが更新されました、完璧ですわ。Play 마인드맵 데이터가 업데이트됐습니다. 완벽합니다. Perfect, the data of my neural cloud have been updated.
BLACKACTION 歼灭作战,现在开始吧。 殲滅作戦、始めましょう。Play 섬멸 작전, 시작하죠. Let's begin the extermination.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
GOATTACK 你们的胜算,不过是零。 あなたたちに勝ち目は、ないです。Play 여러분께 승산은 없습니다. Your chances of victory are at zero.
MEET 初次见面,请去死吧。 初めまして。そして死んでください。Play 처음 뵙겠습니다. 이제 죽어 주시죠. Nice to meet you. Please die.
SKILL01 计算之中的反抗,没用的。 計算通りの反撃、無駄ですわ。Play 계산대로의 저항, 소용없습니다. Your resistance is within my calculations. It's futile.
SKILL02 看到你了。 見えたわ。Play 다 보입니다. Found you.
SKILL03 怎么,不甘心吗? どうしました?悔しいのですか?Play 왜 그러시죠? 분하십니까? What, not happy with this?
DEAD01 是我的……失误吧…… わたしの……ミス……Play 나의... 실수... It mistake...
DEAD02 计算之外的……可能性吗…… 計算外の……可能性……か。Play 계산 외의... 가능성인가... A possibility...that I didn't account for...?
RETREAT 不甘心…… 悔しいですわ……Play 분하군요... I don't accept this...
WIN 我早就说过,你们只能得到这种结果。 最初に言った通り、あなたたちはその結果になるしかないんですわ。Play 처음부터 말했듯이, 여러분께는 그런 결과밖에 없었습니다. I told you – this is your only possible fate.
FIX 别把我和行裁者放在同一个修理槽,它会打扰我思考。 エクスキューショナーと同じ修復スロットにいれないでくださる?考え事の邪魔ですわ。Play 엑스큐셔너와는 같은 수복실에 넣지 말아 주시겠습니까? 생각에 방해됩니다. Don't put Executioner in the same repair bay as me. She'll disturb my thinking.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
ATTACK 按计划前进。 計画通り前進します。Play 계획대로 전진합니다. We advance as planned.
DEFENSE 临时待机。 一時待機。Play 잠시 대기. Stand by for now.
BREAKTHROUGH01 理论上的数据,我会付之于实践的。 理論上のデータは、実践で証明してみせます。Play 이론상의 데이터를 실전에서 증명해드리죠. I shall put the data on paper into action.
BREAKTHROUGH02 不错的改造,客观上……我很满意。 いい感じの改造ですね。客観的に気に入っています。Play 괜찮은 개조로군요. 객관적으로... 마음에 듭니다. A commendable modification. From an objective point of view...I approve.
PHRASE 收到,立即执行。 了解、直ちに実行します。Play 알겠습니다, 즉시 실시하겠습니다. Understood, right away.
MOOD1 呵呵…… ふふふ……Play 후훗... Haha...
MOOD2 呃!? えぇ?!Play 에엣?! Huh?!
LOWMOOD 唉…… へぇ……Play 헤에... Sigh...
APPRECIATE 不错嘛 悪くないですね。Play 나쁘지 않군요. Not bad.
AGREE 确实呢? そのようですね。Play 그런 것 같군요. Indeed.
ACCEPT 了解 了解。Play 알겠습니다. Understood.
FEELING 哼哼…… ふふん……Play 으흠... Humph...
TIP 指挥官,不要疏于知识的储备哦。 指揮官様、日頃から知識を蓄えることも忘れないでください。Play 지휘관님, 평소에도 지식을 쌓는 것을 잊지 마십시오. Commander,
LOADING 需要给您泡杯咖啡吗? コーヒーでも淹れましょうか?Play 커피라도 타 드릴까요? Would you like some coffee?
TITLECALL 少女前线 ドールズフロントラインPlay 소녀전선 Girls' Frontline

Scarecrow - Demonic Abyss[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
GAIN01 Play An old nightmare - Scarecrow, Sangvis Ferri manufacture - has returned to consume everything.
GAIN02 Play I don't quite understand why T-Dolls need to change outfits, but since your aesthetic sense isn't too bad. I'll accept this utterly unnecessary dress-up mission.
DIALOGUE01 Play I've made a list of all the equipment that desperately needs to be replaced at the base. Most of them are broken down because of abuse and misuse due by certain dolls. I have highlighted these infernal dolls here. Would you consider sending them to the coal mines or just scrapping them as the more appropriate option?
DIALOGUE02 Play Don't bother with idle chit-chat, but do call me anytime if there are any new missions or intelligence that needs analyzing.
DIALOGUE03 Play Legend has it that a terrifying beast would emerge from the sea and wreck havoc on seaside towns at the start of a new year. I can somewhat understand the beast's feelings. especially when I find myself in the midst of clamoring Griffin dolls.
DIALOGUEWEDDING Play Commander, I'm clearly more suited to being a silent scarecrow with this disposition of mine, and yet you still insist that I talk more. If you don't mind being hurt by my words, then be my guest.
SOULCONTRACT Play Commander, is this some kind of new self-destruct device for preventing an intel leak? I have no need fo this. I am programmed with- no? It's just a gift? I'm actually getting a gift from you... I'm still not entirely certain about the meaning of this, but I will spend much time trying to puzzle it out...
HELLO Play Scarecrow, prepped and ready. Please advise.
FORMATION01 Play Ready for the banquet?
FORMATION02 Play Pre-battle preparations completed.
FORMATION03 Play The Sun is about to rise.
FEED01 Play Innovation, evolution.
FEED02 Play Such remarkable power...
UPGRADE01 Play This is nowhere near what I want.
UPGRADE02 Play It feels good to have such a commanding view over everything.
BLACKACTION Play Auto-Battle activated.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
GOATTACK Play Perk up, useless trash. The mission begins
MEET Play Let the hunt begin.
SKILL01 Play You're full of openings.
SKILL02 Play You look delectable.
SKILL03 Play Savor the fear of being consumed
DEAD01 Play Was it... A miscalculation...?
DEAD02 Play What a blunder... How dissatisfying...
RETREAT Play Where on Earth... Did it go wrong...?
WIN Play An unsurprising resolution.
FIX Play I can finally think in peace

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
ATTACK Play Have a proper taste of my sharp claws.
DEFENSE Play Watch our target closely. Wait for the right moment to strike back.
BREAKTHROUGH01 Play Innovation, evolution.
BREAKTHROUGH02 Play Such remarkable power...
PHRASE Play Shut up.
MOOD1 Play heheh...
MOOD2 Play Eh?!
TIP Play To ensure my enemies remain in the past- such is my mission.
LOADING Play Let's run a simulation while we remain on standby.
TITLECALL 少女前线 ドールズフロントラインPlay 소녀전선 Girls' Frontline