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MG42 Story Quotes
Gun Information
Full name Maschinengewehr 42
Country of origin Nazi Germany
Manufacturer Mauser, Großfuß AG, MAGET
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Yokoya Sayaka
Artist Spirtie
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template

How to obtain

NORMALHEAVY Timer 5:50:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Can be obtained from many battle stages from Chapter 3-6 onward.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment

Union Skill

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data

83(x1)165(x1) / 825(x5) 40(x1) / 140(x5) 30(x1) / 90(x5)
32 92
4 26
3 23
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
90 132
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Clip Size
Clip Size
 Clip Size

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects shotguns
Increases damage by 22%
How to edit skills

Weapon Background

The MG42 (shortened from Maschinengewehr 42, or "Machine rifle 42") was a general purpose machine gun that entered service with Nazi Germany's Wehrmacht and Waffen SS in 1942, during World War II. It was developed from, and was intended to supplant the MG34 machine gun, though both would continue to be used and manufactured until the end of that war. It was chambered for the 7.92x57mm Mauser cartridge that was universally used by German rifles and machine guns.

The MG42 has one of the highest average rate-of-fire among WWII machine guns with a maximum ROF of 1200 RPM, resulting in a distinct muzzle report and earning the nickname "Hitler's Buzzsaw" ("Hitlersäge" in German). It has a proven record of reliability, durability, simplicity, and ease of operator use.

Most German infantry tactics centered around the MG34 and MG42 machine guns. A typical German squad was composed of six or ten soldiers, one being the machine gunner, while the other men carried rifles and SMGs, and supported the gunner. The others also carried spare barrels and extra ammunition for the machine gun.

The MG42 would serve in a significant role against the Allied forces during the Normandy landings in 1944, as well as the push to Germany from 1944 to 1945. Here it earned the deadly reputation as a "buzzsaw" that cut down men like wheat. The MG42 was also instrumental in the Eastern Front, where it gunned down many Soviet soldiers.

The MG42's lineage continued past Germany's defeat, forming the basis for the nearly identical MG1, and subsequently improved into the still very similar MG2, which was in turn followed by the MG3. It also spawned the Swiss MG 710, MG 42/59. It and the MG3 were in service with many armies during the Cold War and remain so into the 21st century. Even the American Military's M60 took design cues from the MG42.

Character Design

MG42 is designed to reflect that she is both lighter and sleeker than her older sister, while still sticking strongly to her sibling's sense of aesthetics. She wears a more urbane, showy version of MG34's outfit, with prominent leggings, a pleated skirt, and a necktie, with a similar officer's cap to the one MG34 wears. She wears multiple belts of ammunition, and her outfit shows more skin than MG34 does. Her brighter color scheme helps further the image that she's a newer gun. Fittingly, she keeps her hair tied back in a pair of long tresses that further add to the image of her being lighter and newer.


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • MG42 one of the few Wehrmacht-inspired T-dolls that wears white and violet apparel, instead of the usual Dunkelgrau (dark grey) and Feldgrau (greenish-gray) uniforms of other WWII German T-dolls.
  • In her game CG, there's no ammo belt or Magazine(Gurttrommel) inserted in her gun. However, in chibi CG sprite, she used 50-round Gurttrommel Magazine when reloading.
  • Although known as machine gun with fastest rate of fire in the era and became a propaganda until the end of the war, the internal parts of MG42 are less complex over its predecessor, with the cost of accuracy and recoil control. Because of the simplified yet ruggedness construction of MG42, it proved immune even at extreme condition as opposed with her predecessor, MG34.
    • The effectiveness of MG42 on stationary fortification was proved by Heinrich Severloh, who managed to defend the bunker from approaching U.S Soldiers during Normandy Invasion with MG42 before being ambushed at his bunker. He's so called as 'The Beast of Omaha Beach' due his killmark of 1000 U.S Soldiers, although his claim is doubted by both US and German historians. Aside of MG42, Severloh used Kar 98K in the bunker.[1]
    • Unlike the MG34 with 150-hour of labour and costs RM52 ($131) in 1942, MG42 can be produced two times faster (75-hour of labour) while costs RM37 ($93) due the simple consctruction of stamped sheet metal at the same year.
  • MG42 known has quick barrel swap mechanism, which located at the right heat shield shroud proved very helpful during the war. However due the blistering rate of fire the barrel will tend to glowing hot, which very dangerous to replace with bare hands; The gunner was issued with asbestos gloves to prevent hand from burning when replacing barrel. The gunner also could insert the shell brass in the barrel hole and pulling it out, or shaking the barrel until it gets out if they don't have the gloves.
  • The Rate of Fire from MG42 however, became a double-edged sword: While being praised for effective suppression fire, the experienced operator complained the difficulty to control MG42 due the kicking recoil even from the single burst.
    • In addition, the rate of fire it produced will eat up ammo in rapid succession, which can be dangerous for several condition: In Eastern Front, German Machine Gun crew often running out of ammo as they faced with approaching Soviet human wave. Even the crew was experienced enough to control the MG42, ammo conservation still became a major problem to overcome with.[2][3]
  • Near the end of war, Grossfuss designed MG45 or MG42V which derived from MG42. Unlike the predecessor, MG45 designed with low-grade material due the low amount of resource to manufacture more MG42. MG45 beats any Infantry-Deployed Machine Gun in term of Rate of Fire, only being rivalled with ShKAS Aircraft Machine Gun, 1.800 RPM. However, combined with low-grade material and blistering Rate of Fire, MG45 is extremely prone to overheating which damages the component or even severely breaking it and affect overall performance. Interestingly, MG45 able to accept 75-round Patronentrommel which used by MG34. Only 10 units were produced during wartime.
  • Unlike her older sister, MG42 cannot be mounted as coaxial MG on tank hull mount because the square-shaped heat shield will obstruct the small hatch at the right of MG42 to replace a barrel. While so, MG42 was popularly used in sandbag emplacement, captured building, and mostly bunker.
    • However in very rare cases, MG42 was used as pintle-mounted weapon on commander cupola in order to sway off enemy aircraft or approaching enemies. While so, MG42 was actually used in first production of Jagdpanzer IV as coaxial machine gun, some of German Halftrack, and the BMW motorcycle which can be mounted on the Sidecar.
  • It was also known as the "Linoleum ripper", "Bonesaw" and "Calico-tearer".
  • U.S had reverse-engineered MG42 and replacing the barrel which designed for 7.62 Springfield(.30.06) known as T24 Machine Gun. In order to meet U.S cyclic rate requirements, heavy bolts was installed to reduce rate of fire for better control and accuracy. However the design engineer made an error where the 7.92x56mm Mauser caliber was shorter than .30.06 Springfield(7.62x63mm), resulting of continuous stoppages during field test. The project of T24 was ultimately abandoned after considering too much effort and times to redesign it.[4]
