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P38 Story Quotes

Story Involvement[edit]

Nagant Revolver Digimind Upgrade Story[edit]

P38 was featured in HG Nagant RevolverNagant RevolverNagant Revolver's digimind upgrade story. She and HG P99P99P99 were new recruits recruited by Griffin and thus teammates of Nagant Revolver. During their training Nagant Revolver came to greet her juniors, but soon the three got into an argument and subsequent duel because of their disagreement on Nagant Revolver’s tactics.

Far Side of the Sea[edit]

P38 was a main character of the seasonal summer event, alongside RF R93R93R93. P38 was interested in searching for the treasure discovered by R93. Both snuck away from the rest of Griffin to search for the legendary treasure, which was supposedly able to repel bad luck and bring good fortune to a person for the rest of their life.