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DP-12 Quotes Live2D

Base Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition DP12,提供由身至心的全面保护。嗯……指挥官,想听这个名字背后的故事吗? DP-12と申します。あなたの身体から心まで、お守りいたします。うふふ、指揮官、この名前に纏わる物語を聞きたくありませんか?Play DP-12, here to provide full protection from body to soul. Commander... would you like to hear the story behind this name?
Introduction (同上) (As above)
Secretary 您喜欢研究民俗吗?每个地方的文化不同,传说也会不同。研究同一个传说在不同地方的变化,就像是顺着人体的血管摸向心脏……您觉得呢? 民俗学はお好きですか?地域によって、カルチャーも伝説のことなります。いろんあ地域によける伝説の変化を研究することは、人の血管を謎って、心臓にたどり着いていくようなものです。そう思いませんか?Play Do you like folklore? Depending on the region, different cultures often have different takes on legends. Studying the changes in these legends in different places is almost like tracing the veins back to the beating heart. Wouldn't you agree?
KSVK跑过去了?不必担心,她只是听说了新的可能性,就迫不及待地去实行了。真是的,明明召唤邪神的咒语都没有听完呢。 KSVKちゃんが、そっちらに居ちゃったのですか?まぁでも、あの子はただ、新しい可能性を知って、待ちきれずに試めそうとしただけでしょう?心配は要りません。邪神召喚の呪文も、全部聞き置いていないと言うのに、せっかちですね。Play KSVK just ran by? Don't worry, she only just heard about a new possibility and rushed ahead to try it. I haven't even told her the entire evil god summoning spell yet.
作品是作者的内心具象,有时会表现出作者自己都没有注意到的地方呢。比如指挥官您,每次制定作战计划时,背后都会有……开玩笑的。 作品は作者の心を具現化したもの。作者本人も気付かないうちに、なにかが具現化していることもあります。例えば、指揮官が作戦計画を立てるとき、背後にはは必ず…うふふ、なんちゃって。Play Every piece represents the author's inner self, sometimes it may even present something not even the author had noticed. For example Commander, every time you lay out plans for combat operations, there are always... I'm joking.
Secretary (post OATH)
Even at G&K I wish to continue my reading and writing, even if one day we no longer exist in the world, our story will live fore... What I meant to say is would you like to be the protagonist of my novel?
I've got you now Commander, now hand over my reward... So this is the prize, I thought you would keep it from me for longer... you're not having it back by the way. Now we can witness the ending for all the stories, together...
Greeting 您今天也按时到班了呢。 今日も時間通りの出勤ですね。Play You're on time today, too.
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間は、物語を連れて来ます。Play A new companion, a new story.
Joining an echelon 任せてください。全員無事に連れて帰って来ます。Play Leave it to me. I'll bring everyone back safely.
Enhancement これで、語れる物語が増えますね。Play With this, I'll be able to tell more stories.
Dummy-linking これが噂のドッペルゲンガー?いいえ、バイロケーションと言った所でしょうか?Play Is this the rumored doppelganger? No, could this perhaps be bilocation?
Logistics (start) 会不会走夜路呢?我想好好发挥一下。 夜道を歩いたりするんでしょうか?思う存分、実力をはっきしたいですね。Play Have you walked down the roads at night? I wish to improve my abilities in any way I can.
Logistics (end) ただいま戻りました。あぁ、めちゃくちゃ泣いている子がいて、なかなか収まってくれないのです。Play We have returned. Ah, there was a crying child, which simply does not fit.
Autobattle 任せてください。必ず満足出来る結果を出します!Play Leave it to me. I'll be sure to bring back satisfactory results.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission さて、報告書に一筆書き添えて行きますね。Play Alright, time to add the first stroke to the report.
Starting a battle 来,开幕惊喜。 さ、会マックスサプライズですよ!Play Now, for the max surprise!
Skill activation 止まりなさい!Play Freeze!
别想越过去。 ここは行かせません!Play I won't let you pass!
永遠に黙りなさい!Play Remain silent forever!
Heavily damaged 呼……敌人的火力真是不容小觑。 うぐ…敵の火力も侮れないですね。Play Ugh...I can't overlook the strength of the enemy.
Retreat 抱歉,撑不住了……您会原谅我的吧? すみません…これ以上は無理です。許してくれますよね?Play I'm sorry...but I can't carry on any more. You'll forgive me, right?
MVP 記録に与えする勝利です!そう思いませんか?Play That's one for the record books! Wouldn't you agree?
Restoration 这个样子,可以吓一吓下个进来的人吧? この姿なら、次来た人をびっくりさせられますよね。Play If this is what I look like, you'll be amazed at the next person.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween あら、千年ぶりの顔じゃないですか?懐かしいですね。私がこのまま連れて帰ってあげましょうか?或いは…お菓子をくれてもいいのですよ?Play Oh my, isn't this the first time in a thousand years? How nostalgic. Shall I bring you home like this, or...may I perhaps give you some sweets?
Christmas クリスマスイブとクリスマスは家族と一緒に過ごす穏やかな時間であるべきです。この仕事が終わったらKSVKちゃんと休暇を取るつもりですが、指揮官も一緒にいかがですか?Play Christmas Eve and Christmas is a peaceful time that should be spent with family. I'll be taking a vacation with KSVK once this job is done, but would you be interested in joining us?
New Year's Day 无论走到哪里,新年总是让人精神振奋的。那么今天就不讲鬼故事了,来讲些关于希望的传说吧。 どこにいても、新年は人を震いたとせるものです。今日は怪談話をやめて、希望に纏わる伝説の話をしましょう。


Wherever you may be, the new year is something that makes people quiver. Let us stop with the ghost stories today, and tell a story of hope instead.
Valentine's day 略全ての国にバレンタインデイがありますが、バレンタイン行事行う理由や風習は、それぞれ違います。ぐりフィンにも、独自の風習のありますので受け取ってくれませんか?このわさび入りのチョコを…なんちゃってね、うふふ。


Almost all countries have Valentine's Day, but the reasons and customs of each Valentine's Day event is different. Griffin also appears to have its own customs, so will you accept this? This chocolate is filled with wasabi...just kidding, ufufu.
Tanabata なにを書き込めばいいでしょう?「これを読んだあと、絶対に振り向くな。さもないと死ぬ…」はいかがですか?だめ?そうですよね…七夕ですものね…


What should I write? "Whatever you do, don't turn around after reading this. Otherwise, you'll die..." sounds good, right? No? I guess you have a point...this is Tanabata after all...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip 这些小事很利于工作的进行呢。 Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Secretary (post OATH)
T-Doll Produced
Joining an echelon
Logistics (start)
Logistics (end)
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission
Starting a battle
Skill activation
Heavily damaged

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English