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Negev Story Quotes

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是"内格夫"哦,作为战斗专家,今天将在指挥官部就职了,准备重用我吧。 私はnegev 戦闘のスペシャリストとして着任します、よろしく。Play 나는 네게브. 전투의 스페셜리스트로서 착임합니다. 잘 부탁해. Combat specialist "Negev" reporting in, be prepared to make good use of me.
Introduction 为了更新换代而由本国自行研发的NEGEV,在击败了强劲的对手之后,最终成为本国的新型制式轻机枪。虽然性能上不是十全十美的,但我的用途更加广泛,适合各种作战需求。所谓的专家,不就是擅长随机应变嘛? 세대 교체를 위해 이스라엘에서 자체 연구 개발한 NEGEV야. 강력한 상대를 물리친 후에, 최종적으로 신형 제식 경기관총으로 채택됐지. 비록, 성능 상으로는 완벽하다고 할 수는 없지만, 더욱더 광범위한 용도로의 사용과 각종 작전의 요구에 대응할 수 있어. 이른바 전문가라면, 임기응변에 능하지 않으면 안 되겠지?
Secretary 哦?指挥官,准备向我请教什么? 何が知りたい?Play 뭐가 알고 싶어? Oh? Commander, are you ready to accept my guidance?
说真的,除了我以外,你真需要别人当顾问嘛? スペシャリストの私だけで十分ね?Play 스페셜리스트인 나만으로도 충분해. Honestly, do you really need to consult anyone besides me?
这么心急到底想知道什么呢……诶!谁、谁会告诉你啊! そんなに慌てて、教えるもんか。Play 뭘 그리 허둥지둥…읏 누가 알려줄 것 같아?! Why are you so impatient, is there something you want to know? Eh? Wh-Why would I tell you?
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관, 피곤해? ...목말라? ...아니면 배고픈 거야? 내가 없는 세상을 한번 상상해 봐, 우린 영원히 서로에게서 벗어날 수 없어.
Commander, are you tired? …are you thirsty? Or are you hungry? …… Fufu, after all we seem to be inseparable. I can't think of a world without you.
오늘은 어떤 걸 가르쳐줄까나? 앗, 뭐야! 이런 건 가르칠 수 없다고! 뭐어? 가르쳐준다고? 그, 그렇지만 나는! 저, 정말이지... 단 한번 뿐이니까...
What do you want me to teach you today? W-What! I can't teach you that! I don't want you to teach me! I-I... Then, just this once... Please take care of me, commander...
Greeting おはよう,指揮官。専門家の私がいれば安心だよね。Play 안녕, 지휘관. 전문가인 내가 있으면 안심이지? Good morning Commander. My expertise will keep you at ease anywhere.
T-Doll Produced 新メンバー?Play 새로운 멤버? New member?
Joining an echelon んふふふ,甘ちゃんたちが。指導してあげるわ。Play 후후, 햇병아리들... 내가 지도해주겠어! Ufufufu, sweeties, I'll give you guidance.
Enhancement ほほう?見る目あるじゃん。Play 오호? 제법 보는 눈이 있네. Hoho? Intuitive aren't you.
Dummy-linking あはははっ!もっと強くなれ!Play 아하하하, 더 강해지겠어! Ahahaha! I'm becoming stronger!
Logistics (start) 分かった。指導してあげる。Play 알았어, 내가 지도해줄게. Understood. I'll guide you.
Logistics (end) ただいま。専門家の私がいれば,何の問題もないのよ。Play 돌아왔어, 이 전문가가 있는데, 문제가 있을 리 없지. I'm back. Anywhere is not a problem with my expertise.
Autobattle 見せてやる,戦闘スペシャリストの戦い方!Play 보여주지, 스페셜리스트의 싸움이란 걸 말이야! I'll show you how the battle specialist fights!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出発!勝利は必ず,我らの手にある!Play 출발! 승리는 필시 우리 손 안에 있다! Departing! Victory will definitely within our grasps!
Starting a battle んふふ,誰も私を倒せない!Play 흐흐, 아무도 날 이길 수 없어! Ufufu, there's no one who can beat me!
Skill activation 消えろ!Play 사라져! Begone!
虫けらが。死ね!Play 버러지 녀석, 죽어라! Insects. Die!
私は,あんた達と違う!Play 난 너희와 다르다고! I am different from all of you!
Heavily damaged そんな...私,どうすれば...Play 이럴 수가... 어떡하면 좋지...? Now way... what will I do..
Retreat 私...何で,こんな事に...そんな目で見ないで!Play 내가... 어째서 이런 꼴이... 그런 눈으로 보지 말아줘… I... why is this... don't look at me with those eyes!
MVP 私がいれば当然の結果,感謝してよね。Play 내가 있으니까 당연한 결과지. 감사하라고. The results are obvious with me, be grateful.
Restoration まさか私にこんな日が来るなんて...でも,次はない!Play 설마 내게 이런 날이 올 줄이야… 하지만 두 번 다신 없어! I didn't think this day will come...but not next time!
Attack 前進!Play 전진! Advance!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节吗……各种意义上我都不擅长应对啊……怎、怎么了!我只是想严谨地对待罢了! ハロウィン...ふん,こんなのは子どものお祭りね...ちょ-ちょっと脅かさないでよ!びっくりしたじゃない!Play 할로윈? 흥, 이런 건 애들이나 좋아할 축제네. …자, 잠깐! 놀래지 말라고! 깜짝 놀랐잖아! Halloween... Heh- that's just a festival for children... H-Hey! Don't scare me like that!
Christmas 今日一日,何しようかな,いっそ家でごろごろしようかしら。何よ,私は予定が空いてるって言ってるのよ!Play 오늘 하루는 뭐할까… 집에서 뒹굴거려 볼까. …뭐야. 난 그저 일정이 비었다고 하는 것 뿐이야! What should I do all day long today at home. Look, I'm trying to tell you that I have no plan today!
New Year's Day 新年だね。こんな時こそ,もっと褒めて欲しいよ,指揮官。


새해네. 이런 때야말로 더 칭찬해줘, 지휘관. It's New Year. At a time like this, I want you to praise me more, commander.
Valentine's day えっと...これ,受け取ってください。こういうのは専門じゃないから,あんまり慣れてないのよ。


어, 또… 이거 … 받아, 주세요 …이런 건 전문이 아니니까… 별로 익숙하지 않다고. Umm... please take this. I'm not a specialist in this field, so I'm not used for this.
Tanabata 今日はお願いをするの日なんでしょう。いいわ、みんなの願いはこの私が叶えてみせるんだから。


오늘은 소원을 비는 날이지? 됐어, 모두의 소원은 내가 들어줄 거니까. Today is the day when you make a wish. Alright, I'll grant everyone's wish.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 足元気をつけて!Play 발밑을 조심하라고!
Phrase Play 겨우 그 정도야?
Tip Play
Loading Play 어머, 너무 조급해하는 거 아니야? 잠깐 쉬는 게 좋을 거야.

Children's Day Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是"内格夫"哦,作为战斗专家,今天将在指挥官部就职了,准备重用我吧。 私はnegev 戦闘のスペシャリストとして着任します、よろしく。Play Combat specialist "Negev" reporting in, be prepared to make good use of me.
Introduction 为了更新换代而由本国自行研发的NEGEV,在击败了强劲的对手之后,最终成为本国的新型制式轻机枪。虽然性能上不是十全十美的,但我的用途更加广泛,适合各种作战需求。所谓的专家,不就是擅长随机应变嘛?
Secretary 指挥官啊,今天不给小孩子礼物可是会被逮捕的哦? 指揮官、今日は子供にプレゼントを上げないと逮捕されちゃうぞ?Play Commander, give me Children Day present or I'll get you arrested.
我作为专家的能力是和年龄无关的,指挥官,你要相信这一点。 専門家の能力は年齢と関係ありません、わたしを信じてください指揮官。Play Specialist's skill has nothing to do with one's age. Please believe in me, commander.
现在的身高只是暂时的……我还在发育中呢,肯定会长得更高的! 今の身長は一時のもの…。まだ発展途中です、もっと伸びるはずです!Play I won't be like this forever. I'm still in my growth phase, I'll get taller!
Secretary (post OATH)
You come again to play? Honestly, you're more excited than a child.
What do you want me to teach you today? W-What! I can't teach you that! I don't want you to teach me! I-I... Then, just this once... Please take care of me, commander...
Greeting おはよう,指揮官。専門家の私がいれば安心だよね。Play Good morning Commander. My expertise will keep you at ease anywhere.
T-Doll Produced 新メンバー?Play New member?
Joining an echelon んふふふ,甘ちゃんたちが。指導してあげるわ。Play Ufufufu, sweeties, I'll give you guidance.
Enhancement ほほう?見る目あるじゃん。Play Hoho? Intuitive aren't you.
Dummy-linking あはははっ!もっと強くなれ!Play Ahahaha! I'm becoming stronger!
Logistics (start) 分かった。指導してあげる。Play Understood. I'll guide you.
Logistics (end) ただいま。専門家の私がいれば,何の問題もないのよ。Play I'm back. Anywhere is not a problem with my expertise.
Autobattle 見せてやる,戦闘スペシャリストの戦い方!Play I'll show you how the battle specialist fights!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出発!勝利は必ず,我らの手にある!Play Departing! Victory will definitely within our grasps!
Starting a battle んふふ,誰も私を倒せない!Play Ufufu, there's no one who can beat me!
Skill activation 消えろ!Play Begone!
虫けらが。死ね!Play Insects. Die!
私は,あんた達と違う!Play I am different from all of you!
Heavily damaged そんな...私,どうすれば...Play Now way... what will I do..
Retreat 私...何で,こんな事に...そんな目で見ないで!Play I... why is this... don't look at me with those eyes!
MVP 私がいれば当然の結果,感謝してよね。Play The results are obvious with me, be grateful.
Restoration まさか私にこんな日が来るなんて...でも,次はない!Play I didn't think this day will come...but not next time!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play