Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 哎呀,指挥官来接我了,我们下次再聊吧——你好呀指挥官,我是P22,有什么需要帮忙的吗? | あら、指揮官が迎えに来たわ。それじゃあ、また今度ね。こんにちは指揮官、P22です。何かを力になる事ありますか? | (On her phone) Aiya, the Commander's here to get me, I'll talk to you later—— Hello Commander, I'm P22, is there anything you need help with? | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 所以我说指挥官的这个战术呀……嗯?指挥官有什么事吗?哦、刚才不是跟你说话,请别在意。 | だから指揮官のあの戦術は…指揮官、何か用事ですか?いいえいいえ、先のはあなたに話かけた訳じゃありませんよ。気にしないでください。 | (On her phone) That's why I said the Commander's tactic is... eh? Do you need something, Commander? Oh, I wasn't talking to you just now, don't mind me. | |
指挥官,你对自己的事情究竟了解多少呢?我们对自己的陌生程度,可能远超过自己想象。 | 指揮官は自身について、どれほど理解してますか?私たちは案外…自分の事が全然分かっていないかもしれません。 | Commander, how well do you think you understand your current situation? Our degree of inexperience may be more than we thought. | ||
没人陪你说话就那么焦虑吗……好吧,你想聊什么? | 話相手がいないと落ち着かないのね。わかったわ、何の話がいい? | You look so anxious when you have no one to talk to... Fine, what do you want to talk about? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 没得聊的时候,只要聊指挥官的话题就可以了呀。呵呵,只要是关于指挥官的事情,我永远都不会腻呢。
If you can't think of anything to chat about, then let's just talk about you, Commander. Haha, as long as it's about the Commander, I'll never get bored.
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OATH | 我感觉指挥官样子怪怪的……你觉得呢?嗯……确实和平时不太一样呢,但我大概已经心里有底了。不过答案,就等我先戴上这个后再告诉你吧?嘻嘻~
I think you're acting kinda weird, Commander...don't you think so? Hmm... this is out of the ordinary, but my heart has already made a decision. As for my answer, would you mind if I put this on first before telling you? Hehe~
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Greeting | 今日の指揮官のことどう思う?私はいつも通りだと思うわ。 | What do I think about the Commander? Pretty OK, I guess... | ||
T-Doll Produced | ハンドガンだと思う。ううん、きっとサブマシンガンよ。 | I think it's a handgun. No, definitely a submachine gun. | ||
Joining an echelon | ここの皆はなかなか面白いわね。 | Everyone here is pretty funny. | ||
Enhancement | 強くなったのかな?私もよく分からないけど。 | Did I get any stronger? I'm not quite sure. | ||
Dummy-linking | ダミーは自分と話せないのね…全然。 | These dummies can't even talk to me...too bad. | ||
Logistics (start) | かなり時間かか掛かりそうだけど、道中は何の話する? | It'll take quite a while, so what do you want to talk about along the way? | ||
Logistics (end) | うん、かなりいい散歩になったわ。 | Yep, that was a pretty decent stroll. | ||
Autobattle | そこ片づけておいてくださいね。あとで戦利品が沢山入りますから。 | Leave it over there. There'll be plenty of loot later. | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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