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SVD Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 狙击者SVD。就让我看看,是哪个幸运儿来迎接我吧。 ドラグノフ狙撃銃だ。どれどれ、私に手に入れるのはどこのラッキーマンかなPlay Sniper SVD. Let see here, who is lucky enough to welcome me.
Introduction 为了取代服役已久的莫辛纳甘小姐,我,SVD狙击步枪正式诞生了。除了易于操控和结实耐用,最开始能装配刺刀却没有两脚架,也是个小小特色呢。精准?那是当然的了!居然有人说我过时了,不要听信那些谣言啊。 To replace long servicing Ms Mosin-Nagant, Me, SVD Sniper rifle was born. Other than easily operated and reliable build, the original models had bayonets but no bipods, that's quite a specialty. Accuracy? Of course I'm accurate! Can't believe people say I'm outdated, don't believe those naysayers.
Secretary 今天有什么安排,想知道我的意见吗? 今日の予定はなんだ?Play Whats planned today, want my inputs?
工作还顺利嘛,别又让我操心啊你。 仕事は順調か?心配させないでくれよ。Play Hows the work going? Don't make me worry about you.
没错,就是这样,再多依赖我一点吧。 そう、もっと私を頼ていいPlay Yes, just like that, rely on me more.
Secretary (post OATH)
What? You lost something again? Do you need an elite like me to find it for you every time? Luckily I know your habits, here it is.
どう?やっぱり私じゃないとだめでしょ?今まで気がつかなかったなんて、指揮でもあまり緊張しないように。私?も… もちろん大丈夫。
See, you couldn't resist me at the end. I foresaw this moment when I first met you. Alright then, enough talks, you better not be too tense on the ceremony... Me? Of... Of course I will be fine!
Greeting 指挥官,感激我能协助这次作战吧。 指揮官、今日は私が協力する。感謝しなさい。Play Commander, be grateful that I can assist in today's operation.
T-Doll Produced 有新人来了?等等记得让她过来跟我打招呼。 新人が来たか?後で私に挨拶に来るようにPlay A new recruit? Remind her to greet me later.
Joining an echelon 好吧,这片战场由我来支配。 いいだろう、この戦場、私が支配するPlay Alright, let the tide of this battlefield be under my control.
Enhancement 这就是我所期待的力量。 ふふ、これぞ私が望んだ力だ。Play This is the power I hoped for.
Dummy-linking 像我这么优秀的战力,多多益善是吧。 私みたいな優秀な戦力は、いくらでも欲しいだろうPlay A strong combat force like me, the more the better right.
Logistics (start) 果然被派遣做这种事...好吧,也不是不可以。 こんな扱いをされるとは…まぁ、いいだろう。Play Can't believe I've been sent to do this... Alright, I didn't disagree.
Logistics (end) 大家都成功归还了。 みんな帰ってきた。Play Everyone made it back.
Autobattle 果然,我不在就是不行。 やっぱり、私がいないとだめだな。Play Look's like it just won't do without me here.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 夺回荣誉的机会来了。 栄光を取り戻すチャンスが来た。Play A chance to retake honor.
Starting a battle 狩猎开始。 ハンチング開始。Play The hunt begins.
Skill activation 臣服吧,虫子们。 ひれ伏せ、虫どもめ。Play Bow to me, bugs!
闭嘴! 黙ってろ!Play Silence!
这非我不可吧。 この私がやらなきゃダメだな。Play All mine.
Heavily damaged 切!在这种时候... チッ!こんな時に限ってPlay Damn! At a time like this...
Retreat 这是什么情况? 何なんだ、これは?Play How is this happening?
MVP 胜利的果实,我不客气了哦。 くふ、勝利の果実、頂くよPlay The fruit of victory, don't mind if I do.
Restoration 我不在的话,大家没问题吗? 私がいなくて、みんな大丈夫だろうか?Play Will everyone be ok without me being there?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween あいつらの変装は無理があるな。センスというものを教えてよろ。Play
Christmas 我的圣诞礼服怎么样?……出众是理所当然的!你就借着这个美好的节日好好欣赏吧。 どう?私のクリスマスドレス?…似合うのは当然だろう!折角着たのだから、ちゃんと見てくれ。Play How's my Christmas dress? ...Of course it's outstanding! You better take the chance and feast your eyes upon it during this festival while it lasts!
New Year's Day ふふ、新年にいいスタートを切りたいのなら私を見習いなさい。


Valentine's day えっと、今日は一様… これ… 用意したんだが…


Tanabata 願い事は迷っている人間の自己安心に過ぎない。指揮官の迷いはこの私が振り払えばいい。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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